
Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Indigenous People: A Policy Brief


Added on  2023-06-10

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Running head: Indigenous people policy brief
Indigenous people policy brief
Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Indigenous People: A Policy Brief_1

Indigenous people policy brief
Part II Policy brief
It has been found that the principle of natural and land resources are very important for the
human rights. In today’ era, the loss of land and natural resources may affect the economic
security, socio-cultural environment and creature self esteem of indigenous people across the
world. It is noted that territorial self governance, rights awareness, legal strategies and
mobilization provide support to protect the welfare and interest of the indigenous people. It also
helps in protecting the land of people across the world (Australian Human Rights Commission,
In earlier times, the rights and interests of the indigenous people are becoming a significant
element of the international law and policy. A declaration had been permitted in September 2007
by the general assembly of the United Nations to protect the rights of the indigenous people. This
declaration is significant and foremost to handle and manage the rights of indigenous people in
the international law and policy. It also contains minimum standards and norms for the
protection, promotion and identification of these human rights. Wide range of global instruments
such as ILO Convention 169 and UNDRIP tackle and manage the rights of the indigenous people
across the land, and territories. It is evaluated in article 26 of UNDRIP identifies the rights and
interests of the indigenous people in order to maintain their reciprocal and strong spiritual
relationships with their culture and lands (Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, 2006).
It has been found that indigenous people maintain good and effective interconnection with
territories, resources and land for their business and welfare. It is noted that indigenous people
have a strong and heavy relationship with natural resources, lands and territories. In today’s
globalization world, land issues are being faced by the indigenous people. Indigenous people are
receiving ample of attention compared to other ethnic societies and groups as the indigenous
movement to prevent the discrimination among the people. This movement is becoming very
strong and unique because the land rights have been tied up with the concept of ILO 169, and
along with this, an international convention that is done by UN provides support to the
indigenous people for the welfare in the world. It is further noted that politically and social issues
Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Indigenous People: A Policy Brief_2

Indigenous people policy brief
affect the rights and interest of the indigenous people all over the world. It is analyzed that
implementation towards the protection of land and natural resources are also poor and ineffective
(COLARP, 2016).
The land generates a political and economic base for the power structure in the developing
nations. Along with this, it also plays a significant role in the welfare and culture of indigenous
people. In most of the countries such as Nepal, indigenous people are more than the society and
economic asset. It provides a base for personal security, dignity, self recognition, livelihood,
customs and self governance. In today’s competitive world, identification and protection of
indigenous lands are becoming more difficult with the procedure of globalization. As per the
central bureau of statistics, around 40% suits in the Nepal are filed in context of the disputes
occurred for the land (United Nations Human Rights, 2013).
This may affect the life of the indigenous people in the global world. Along with this, various
regulations have been originated in Nepal which is related to the land. However, they are unable
to manage and handle land, implement the land reform and completely focus on the contestations
of the indigenous people. In addition, it has been stated by Maharjan (2016), various acts have
been formulated such as the forest nationalization act 1957, National Parks and Wildlife
Conservation Act 1973, Range Land Nationalization Act 1974, and abolition of Kipat Land by
the land act 1964 have impacted the livelihoods and welfare of the indigenous people. The nature
of indigenous people’s livelihood and welfare are interconnected with common property such as
forest land and pasture land, and nationalization acts have been formulated which are prohibited
for the indigenous people in terms of utilization of resources. It is evaluated that around 65% of
ancestral land of IP are engaged by the national parks and conservation fields which are forcing
the group to travel.
NEFIN(in Maharjan 2016) argued that Tharus in Chitwan were replaced from the customary
land due to the generation of the Chitwan national park. In the context, Sherpas in the mountain
were replaced due to globalization of pasture and range land and Raute and Chepangs could
displace from the forest land just because of the nationalization and utilization of forests. Along
with this their demand and needs also focus on the rights and interest of the self discrimination to
Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Indigenous People: A Policy Brief_3

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