
Creating Targeted PR Materials


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2019-04-04, 2)41 PMIndividual Assignment 1: Creating Targeted PR Materials - PREL2101: Public Relations - 19JANMNAT41 - Bow Valley College
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Individual Assignment 1: Crea!ng Targeted PR Materials
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PREL2101: Public Rela!ons ... Gagandeep Kaur
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Individual Assignment 1: Crea!ng Targeted PR
Value: 25
Assignment Overview
The CEO of a local technology company recently approached you in your role as PR Consultant
to help communicate their contribu!on to a local non-profit in Calgary. InfinityTech
(@Infinitytech) has stated their objec!ve is to help improve public opinion about the
organiza!on and to contribute towards staff reten!on. The nonprofit organiza!on selected by
InfinityTech is called Homefire (@HomefireYYC), a small charitable organiza!on serving
vulnerable children and youth. InfinityTech would like you to announce and promote their
recent dona!on of $500,000 which will help Homefire deliver services to get the 300 homeless
youth in Calgary off of the street.
Your consul!ng contract requires you to produce at least 6 pieces of media and including both
digital and mass media materials. Of the 6 pieces, the one required deliverable is to construct a
press release that will be sent to all of the organiza!on’s media contacts.
Learning Outcomes
Describe PR tac!cs
Create mass media publicity materials
Create digital media materials
Assignment Length/Format
The product of this assignment is a Word document for your employment por#olio.
Media Deliverables
1. Press Release
a. Must be less than 500 words, 11 pt size font or larger.
b. Boilerplates are not required, but you should indicate using placeholders where they
Creating Targeted PR Materials_1

2019-04-04, 2)41 PMIndividual Assignment 1: Creating Targeted PR Materials - PREL2101: Public Relations - 19JANMNAT41 - Bow Valley College
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would be located (extra marks if you take a stab at construc!ng boilerplates)
c. Explain how this post is measured and what success looks like.
2. Facebook Post
a. Iden!fy your target stakeholder(s)
b. Create copy for the Facebook post, and suggest what crea!ve could drive engagement.
c. Explain how this post is measured and what success looks like.
3. Internal Email to Employees at InfinityTech from InfinityTech CEO
a. Carefully consider what you need to communicate to employees to reach the
organiza!onal objec!ves.
b. Create the email subject line, email body and select an appropriate call to ac!on
c. Email should be no more than 300 words, constructed in at least 11 font.
4. Internal Email to Employees at HomeFire from the Homefire CEO
a. Carefully consider what you need to communicate to employees in order to announce the
partnership and dona!on.
b. Create the email subject line, email body and select an appropriate call to ac!on
c. Email should be no more than 300 words, constructed in at least an 11 pt size font.
5. Three Tweets from either @InfinityTech OR @HomefireYYC, or a series of tweets between
the two handles.
a. Determine and write down your intended target stakeholder (s) of the tweets.
b. Determine and write down the objec!ves of these tweets.
6. Key Media Messages for both CEO’s for media interviews
a. Create a one pager to prepare both CEO’s for a media interview with CBC Canada.
For the media deliverables please make sure to place each deliverable on its own page(s), and
write at the top of each page:
1. Which media deliverable it is?
2. Who the target stakeholder(s) are?
3. The objec!ve (s) of the message.
1. Wilcox, J., Cameron, G., Reber, B.,
Public Rela!ons Strategies & Tac!cs, 11 th Edi!on
(2015), Pearson, New Jersey.
2. Chapter 13 & Chapter 14
3. Wri!ng Emails and Blogs
4. Compose a Tweet
5. Twi"er: Cra% Exci!ng Content
6. Facebook Content
7. Wri!ng Press Releases
8. Understanding Communica!on Channels and Audience Engagement
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