
Individual Assignment: Addressing Individual, Group, and Organizational Challenges in the Workplace


Added on  2024-06-11

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Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS39)
Module: The Future of Organisations and Work - TFOW (BMGT2002S)
Essay Title: Individual Assignment
Submitted by: Lin, Zavier Clifford Chua
Student Number: 22211966
Lecturers: Dr. Eric Clinton & Mr. Dipan K Mehta
Submission Due Date: 20 September 2023
Word Count: 2277
I declare that all materials included in this essay/report/project/dissertation are the end result
of my own work and that due acknowledgment has been given in the bibliography and
references to ALL sources be they printed, electronic, or personal.
Signed: __________
Date of Submission: 18 September 2023
Individual Assignment: Addressing Individual, Group, and Organizational Challenges in the Workplace_1

Table Of Contents
Part 1......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3
2.0 Individual Challenge.......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Mr. Martin Pasquiers problem of being sluggish at work..............................................3
2.2 Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory.......................................................................................... 3
2.3 Vroom's Expectancy Theory (Valence)........................................................................... 4
3.0 Group Challenge.................................................................................................................4
3.1 Ms. Sweetdel Flors Communication Breakdowns Problem.......................................... 4
3.2 Using Oral and Written Communication.........................................................................4
3.3 Lewin’s Leadership Style Theory (Democratic Leadership).......................................... 5
4.0 Organization Challenge..................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Richard’s Problem with the company's lack of staff and employee turnover................. 6
4.2 Recruitment and Selection.............................................................................................. 6
4.3 Employee Retention........................................................................................................ 7
5.0 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................8
6.0 Reference List..................................................................................................................... 9
Part 2....................................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix 1: Transcript 1.....................................................................................................14
Appendix 2: Transcript 2.....................................................................................................15
Appendix 3: Transcript 3.....................................................................................................17
Appendix 4: Academic Integrity......................................................................................... 19
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Part 1
1.0 Introduction
“Obstacles are excuses for losers but a challenge for winners”. A quote by Marijane Meaker
(Overall Motivation, 2021) states that in today’s generation obstacles such as
misunderstandings, challenges, and conflicts are unavoidable actions in the workplace.
Behavioral Organization is defined as the study of how an individual, group, and structure
behave inside an organization (Robbins and Judge, 2023) with this the paper aims to evaluate
and provide behavioral organization solutions for 3 expatriates working in Singapore who are
encountering individual, group, and organizational challenges in the workplace.
2.0 Individual Challenge
2.1 Mr. Martin Pasquiers problem of being sluggish at work
Martin Pasquier is a 39-year-old male from France, working as an advisor for Botify an
action-oriented start-up company, he is encountering problems of being sluggish and the lack
of determination to work, because due to the fact that the main headquarters and the decision
maker are far from Singapore. After analyzing Mr. Martin’s problem, the company should use
2 theories namely Locke’s Goal-Setting and Adam’s Equity focused on Valence for Mr.
Martin and his team in Singapore to avoid certain stagnantness.
2.2 Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory
Goals are what makes a person motivated and organized to finish a certain task (Riopel,
2019). Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory is a theory that shows what are effective goal-setting
ways, to have an effective goal-setting the company must show what specific goal they want
to achieve, the goal should be challenging but not too hard, followed by a commitment from
the team members, goals should be public and seen by people, and finally team members
should accept feedback for improvement (Tocino-Smith, 2019). Take a scenario, where
Botify CEOs in France could set a sales goal of 150,000 SGD in 3 months for Martin’s team.
Since Botify is just a start-up company the goal could challenging as it should be done in a
short span of time but at the same time could be accomplished, so Mr. Martin should
encourage his team to work together and not slack off to finish the goal on time, adding to it
Mr. Martin should always report to CEO and check what his members have already done.
Individual Assignment: Addressing Individual, Group, and Organizational Challenges in the Workplace_3

Lastly, Mr. Martin and his team should be prepared for any feedback from the leaders which
would encourage and help them improve. Overall, a clear and physically challenging goal
could help Mr. Martin change from sluggish to active.
2.3 Vroom's Expectancy Theory (Valence)
Receiving a reward after accomplishing a task gives people a sense of happiness, and relief,
and can serve as a boost to the workplace environment plus a motivation to work harder in
the future (Manzoor, Wei, and Asif, 2021). Vroom’s Expectancy Theory is defined as an
employee's behavior toward completing a certain task based on the reward given to them, the
expectancy theory has 3 variables consisting of expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.
Botify should use valence out of the 3 variables to encourage Mr. Martin and his team,
Valence is defined as the valuation of a reward that would satisfy their effort (Channell 2021).
For example, for the goal to get 150,000 SGD sales in 3 months, Botify CEOs could give
rewards such as a raise in salaries and days off with pay for employees who could complete
the goal faster than the required time, This reward will then be acknowledged by Mr. Martin
and his team as they would be working for a reward, which then will lead them to work hard
and be motivated. To conclude Botify CEOs should give rewards that are beneficial to Mr.
Martin and his team, so even if the headquarters is far they would have something or a goal to
work hard for.
3.0 Group Challenge
3.1 Ms. Sweetdel Flors Communication Breakdowns Problem
Sweetdel Flor is a 37-year-old female from the Philippines, working as a client satisfaction
specialist for the client-first company HTJ.Tax. Upon interviewing Ms. Sweetdel, she stated
that the company experiences communication breakdowns now and then which leads to
delays and misunderstandings of projects. After understanding Ms. Sweetdel's problem, the
company should solve the problem using Oral together with Written Communication and
have the leaders adapt Lewin’s Leadership Style Theory focused on Democratic leadership to
improve group communication.
Individual Assignment: Addressing Individual, Group, and Organizational Challenges in the Workplace_4

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