
Analysis of Management Styles, Organization Structure, Leadership Style, Power and Influence, and Motivation at Sainsbury


Added on  2022-12-28

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Leadership Management
Analysis of Management Styles, Organization Structure, Leadership Style, Power and Influence, and Motivation at Sainsbury_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
A. Management styles with principles and functions of management........................................3
B. Organization structure and changes in the organization culture and its impact on employees
C. Leadership Style .....................................................................................................................6
D. Effects of power, influence and conflict at Sainsbury............................................................7
E. Various types of motivation used at Sainsbury.......................................................................8
F. Corporate examples and literature for justification ................................................................9
G. Recommendations ................................................................................................................10
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................11
Analysis of Management Styles, Organization Structure, Leadership Style, Power and Influence, and Motivation at Sainsbury_2

Motivation is defined as the process in which the individual encourages the employees of
the organization to achieve the objectives and goals effectively and efficiently. Sainsbury is the
second — the largest retail chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom (Akhmetshin,
Morozov, Pavlyuk and et.al., 2018). The product segments in which company deals are
hypermarket, supermarket, convenience shop etc.
The report will consist of management style and state of principles along with functions
of management of Sainsbury. Analysis of organization structure and organization culture will be
identified which impacts the employees. Leadership style to enhance organizational effectiveness
will be demonstrated for the purpose of organization to function smoothly. Effects of power,
influence and conflict will be assessed for Sainsbury so that loopholes are identified beforehand.
Different types of motivational theories will be elaborated in reference with the organization.
Corporate examples along with recommendations/suggestions will be demonstrated for company
to achieve the objectives and goals for future.
A. Management styles with principles and functions of management
Henry Fayol's management style — Fayol attributed five main aspects of the theory
are -
Planning — The CEO of Sainsbury ensures that planning is flexible, accurate, continuous and
Organizing — The CEO of Sainsbury checks that the plans framed are organized.
Coordination — Coordination involves determining timing and sequence of activities by
allocating proper resources (Edwards, 2018).
Commanding — The command function of the company denotes all the functions within the
organization work effectively.
Controlling Controlling checks whether corrective actions are taken for the plan
Fayol's 14 Principles - Division of Work — It allows individual to build up expertise and therefore be more
Analysis of Management Styles, Organization Structure, Leadership Style, Power and Influence, and Motivation at Sainsbury_3

Authority — CEO of Sainsbury has the authority to issue commands along with
appropriate responsibility (Pagare, 2020). Discipline — If management plays the part of providing good leadership then employees
of the company obey orders. Unity of Command — CEO of Sainsbury is one man — one boss with no conflicting
lines of command. Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest The interest of the
organization must come to the group and then to the individuals of the company. Remuneration — The remuneration of Sainsbury is fair and equitable, encourages
productivity and performance of employees. Centralization — Sainsbury follows centralization management. Scalar Chain — Sainsbury follows scalar chain system in which lateral communication
is also fundamental. Order — The company avoids duplication and waste (Godwin, Handsome, Ayomide and
et.al., 2017). Equity — Sainsbury deals with employees by following combination of kindliness and
justice. Stability of Tenure — Sainsbury being the most successful business thus has more stable
management. Initiative — CEO of Sainsbury encourages individuals to use their initiative as a source
of strength for the organization. Esprit De Corpse — Individuals of the company foster and develop the morale of the
employees and encourage them to use their abilities.
Functions of management are - Planning — CEO of Sainsbury ensures that the planning is done well so that current
actions are foreseen in the long run (Tasie, 2017). Organizing — Formal structure and direction of flow of authority is done by CEO of
Sainsbury to provide direction to organization. Staffing — Company hires and retains suitable workforce for the process of recruiting,
training, developing, compensating and evaluating employees.
Analysis of Management Styles, Organization Structure, Leadership Style, Power and Influence, and Motivation at Sainsbury_4

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