
Individual Report on Ethics in the Legal Profession in UK


Added on  2023-01-10

7 Pages1945 Words50 Views
Disease and Disorders
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
LO 3.................................................................................................................................................3
Difference between two lawyer junior and senior.......................................................................3
LO 4.................................................................................................................................................4
Ethics to be followed by legal professionals...............................................................................4
LO 5.................................................................................................................................................6
Critically evaluation of the judicial system in context to ethics and people living in UK..........6
Individual Report on Ethics in the Legal Profession in UK_1

Individual report is a report that is being prepared by an individual upon a particular topic
or subject. These are those reports which can be based upon the concept related for the purpose
of analyzing it. Such report helps in preparing of thesis over an given topic and from law point of
view makes an concept clear in mind of the student studying law. Nature of these reports is
completely dependent upon the ideology used in it to justify the topic prepared by the person
making the report. This report is going to be based upon ethics related to law and is going to
cover difference between two types of lawyer and is it helpful for an individual or injustice is
done to them.
LO 3
Difference between two lawyer junior and senior
Senior lawyers are those lawyers who are having experienced over working within the
court. Such lawyers are very much experienced within the court and have dealt with almost every
situation which can affect a particular case. Junior lawyers are those lawyers that are being
trained in the court about the proceedings and procedure related to it. Also lawyer who falls
under this category is known as interns (Leach, Magill and Maring, 2017). They also have a
positive impact upon the culture of the court because they deal with all kinds of issues which
may occur during a proceeding of case. These lawyers are best known for following ethical code
of conduct within the limit of their workplace. In this code all rules and regulations has been
mentioned which are helpful in maintaining discipline and order within an organization or at
workplace. A senior lawyer in UK is known as Barrister and junior lawyers are known as
solicitor. A barrister is an post the is being offered to an senior most lawyer in UK. Only after
attaining proper experience that is gained after deeply understanding the way of performing, an
argument during the proceeding that has been taking place. Solicitor is the term that is being
used to indicate the lawyer that is considered to be a learner and has to perform small task during
the proceeding of a case. The major difference between an solicitor and Barrister is that all the
internal plus complex work regarding a case is being done by him only. Whereas solicitor
performs outer work that is related to a particular case. Also a solicitor is required to get himself
registered to become a permanent lawyer. Barrister is that lawyer that is having license and has
settled themselves as a well known legal personal. According to the UK code of ethics has been
formed in order to give specific rules and regulations that has been helpful towards maintaining
of balance and discipline at workplace. This rule has been decided by the members of British
Psychological Society upon the basis of analysis of day to day activity of professional conduct.
Individual Report on Ethics in the Legal Profession in UK_2

Such code has to formed upon certain principals which are required to be followed and they are
respect, competence, responsibility and integrity.Such code is also useful for maintaining of
professionalism from the perspective of Legal system of UK. This code of conduct has been
proven to be and strong law to manage behavioral activities of both solicitor and barrister.
LO 4
Ethics to be followed by legal professionals
There are certain standards that have to be followed being an legal professional which are being
defined under UK’s ethical code of conduct. Ethics are those principles and values that has been
formed with togetherness over the rules that has been conducted and laws are being regulated
through professions. This can be marked within legal professionals. These are that important
guidance which are there to ensure right and proper conduct under daily practices regarding law.
Areas required to be covered under ethical standards are as follows:
Independent, honesty and integrity has to be there to follow code of conduct.
Lawyer and client relationship consist of certain duties that is required to be followed by
both of them towards each other. This can be related to money and fees.
Lawyer is bound to follow professional conduct in court.
Lawyer is also having duty which is related to procedure of court.
Certain code of conduct is required to be followed between two lawyers that is ncalled
Ethical standard is required to be developed through legal profession in order to ensure
that independence of profession should be there. Standards have been usually derived from
domestic legislation but are going to consists within international and regional standards (Palat,
Saint Pierre and Delhomme, 201. If a lawyer does not adhere over and promotes principals of
justice, fair and equity has to be maintained. Also the law has brought disrupt and trust of public
confidence within the law that has to be undermined and has hinder access over justice. That is
why legal professionals ha an huge responsibility within the society as the upholders of the rule
of law. Also is responsible for protecting of rights that are being given to an individual and right
against abuse of power. A profession’s collectiveness reputation is very crucial over the
confidence it inspires. Also reputation of an legal profession has to be linked upon how public
views its administration of justice. There is no public confidence within the legal profession and
trust within the justice system is undermined.
Lawyer-Client Relationship
Individual Report on Ethics in the Legal Profession in UK_3

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