
Organizational Psychology Research Paper 2022


Added on  2022-10-06

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Organizational Psychology Research Paper 2022_1

The respective paper is a comparison and contrast between the two industrial psychology
models, namely, Effort- reward imbalance model and job demands- resources model. The scope
and credibility of the social science discipline of industrial psychology is diverse and ever
evolving. With the advent of new enterprises, new set of laws, rules and regulations in the
business world come new challenges and opportunities, which impacts profoundly on the
individuals associated with the work industry. In order to understand the organizational
behavioral psychology of the employees working in an industry, industrial psychology is of
utmost importance. With the help of the outcomes of the eminent industrial psychologists, an
organization is able to take correct decisions and strategies for the company. The respective
paper comprehensively compares and contrasts the similarities and the differences between the
respective models in an essay format.
A theoretical model or framework that tries to identify and understand a difficult
psychosocial environment of work or employment which provides the basis of explaining its
negative outcomes such as health risks related to work stress is called effort reward imbalance
model (Siegrist, 2016). The respective model is based on the imbalance in the relationship of
effort given by an employee and the reward he or she receives in return. The model focuses on
the negative outcomes of the employees when they do not receive the compensation or reward
which they are capable of getting or deserve. The model tries to understand the obnoxious effect
of health on the employees due to such imbalances in the organization. Effort- reward imbalance
is indeed important to understand the industrial psychology of the society so that the
organizations are able to make correct strategies and decisions of incentives (monetary and non-
monetary) and rewards in order to motivate their employees to squeeze out the maximum
productivity from them and leverage them with the organizational objectives. A combination of
Organizational Psychology Research Paper 2022_2

low reward and high effort condition of an employee is indeed a matter of concern in the global
world where financial resources have become an utterly important factor for the survival of an
individual. The Effort reward model was introduced by Johannes Siegrist. The model
comprehensively defines threatening job conditions as a mismatch between high workload in a
profession with high demand and low control over long- term rewards (Gilbert-Ouimet et al.,
2014). Siegrist often had emphasized personal control over long term reward as he believed in
the fact that “distressing experiences often happen due to the basic threats inculcated by the
individual to the continuity of the crucial role. The fear of job termination and job instability are
some of the reasons for such fears in the mind of the professionals and employees working in the
organizations. Enumeration of the effort- reward imbalance model provided hereafter.
High effort which is considered to be measured with a number of factors, such as
constant time pressure, work load and responsibility, pressure to work overtime and many
interrupters and disturbances. High effort is generally given for a job which has high demand in
the labor market. Such jobs generally need a high degree of skills and proficiencies (Siegrist &
Li, 2016). According to the statistics of labor market, such jobs are generally followed with high
amount of salary. However, in certain cases, high- demand jobs too are not properly
compensated or rewarded. The imbalance occurs when there are low rewards for the high
demand jobs. Low rewards include low job security, low promotional prospects and unforced job
change. The relationship between high demand jobs and low reward is inversely proportional
towards each other. The possible health outcomes of such effort reward imbalance is
hypertension, anxiety and insomnia which can lead to cardiovascular diseases and psychological
problems such as nervous breakdown and depression, often leading to suicidal tendencies
(Dragano et al., 2017).
Organizational Psychology Research Paper 2022_3

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