
Industrial Relations Conflict in Australia - PDF


Added on  2021-05-31

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Running head: INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS CONFLICT IN AUSTRALIA1Student’s Name:Tutor:Course:Institution:Date:
Industrial Relations Conflict in Australia - PDF_1

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS CONFLICT IN AUSTRALIA2IntroductionIt is important for an organization to focus on building a proper relationship at the workplace for the achievement of the desired production level. The industrial relations conflict occurs when there is a disagreement between the employees and the management of the company. The disagreement leads to disruption of the production process which leads to a reduced profit margin in the market. Business management is required to identify the needs of the stakeholders of the company towards a reduction of the conflicts in the market. The dissatisfaction of employees causes an unstable relationship at the workplace which makes it hard to acquire a proper organizational structure. According to Wallensteen (2015), the remunerations and wages are the main causes of the industrial relation conflict in a company. The organization and the government are required to develop policies that will assist in reducing the industrial conflicts in the nation. The industrial conflicts negatively impact the performance of the company due to the reduced number of products in a certain industry (Comboh 2014). In Australia, there has been a continuous increase in the industrial disputes, especially in the construction industry. The workers in the industry intend to have an increase in wages and working conditions for a smooth flow of operations. Description of the conflictIn Australia, the industrial conflicts have been continuously increasing making it hard to acquire the desired social and economic development. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (2018), there were 67 industrial disputes in December 2017 quarter which is 10 more than the quarter of September 207. The employees involved in the industrial dispute in the fourthquarter of 2017 were 17,100 and in the third quarter were 8,100. The continuous increase in the
Industrial Relations Conflict in Australia - PDF_2

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS CONFLICT IN AUSTRALIA3number of people in the industrial dispute has lead to a reduced economic growth in the nation. The high number of industrial conflicts is causing a slow economic and social development in the nation. It is necessary for the management to focus on developing strategies that will enhancethe relations with the employees (Van den Berg 2016). The Australia construction industry is supposed to consider rules that are employee focused on reducing the industrial conflicts experienced in the sector. The causes of industrial conflicts in the construction industry are mainly due to the long working hours, poor working conditions and low wages. There has been a 34% increase in an industrial dispute in the construction industry since the abolishment of the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) (Smart Company, 2018). The industrial actions in the construction sector contribute to two-thirds of industrial conflicts in the nation. The government intends to restore the ABCC to ensure that there is proper control of the construction industry fora sustainable flow of the economy. The Australian government is dependent on the construction sector for developing the needed structure for commercial and residential purposes. The focus onthe industrial actions aims at ensuring that there are a reduced number of days lost due to the industrial action. Proper evaluation of employee needs assists the management to develop plans that are widely accepted in the sector (Wallace et al. 2016). The Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate was founded after the abolishment of Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) in 2012 (ABC News, 2016). The involvement of stakeholders in decision-making process assists in identifying problems and coming up with appropriate solutions. The stakeholders in the construction industry should be involved in the policy-making by the government. The involvement of stakeholders assists in reducing the conflicts in the market towards a sustainable flow of business operations. The Australian Bureau of Statistics discovered
Industrial Relations Conflict in Australia - PDF_3

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS CONFLICT IN AUSTRALIA4that industrial disputes for every 1000 workers in the construction industry are five times higher than any other industry in the nation (ABC News, 2016). The government is required to focus onthe decision that will provide a steady flow of operations in the sector for the achievement of the desired production objective. The stakeholders in the construction sector include the government,labour unions, employees, and clients. According to Natspec (2018), the professionals used in the design and building of properties should be considered in the decision-making process towards the achievement of the desired production level through reduced industrial conflicts. Thecooperation in the industrial sector is vital for developing of quality structures in the nation. Stakeholders’ values and positionsStakeholders’ interest and power are considered towards the development of appropriate rules and regulations that are widely accepted in the construction industry. A continuous increasein industrial conflicts in the Australian construction industry is an indication that the decisions implemented do not consider the stakeholders in the market. According to Lupo (2016), the planning, review and formulation process in the construction industry is required to identify the needs of the stakeholders. The trades unions are used to assists the employees have the power to express their grievances to the management. It is necessary for the trade union in Australia to focus on business ethics and legal aspect of industrial conflicts to reduce the number of days lost due to the strikes. The trade unions are used to provide a proper employee and employer relationship by assisting in dealing with issues facing the organization (Bray et al. 2014). The ability of an individual to offer quality services is facilitated through a suitable working environment. The construction industry workers are aimed at ensuring that there is the development of the working condition towards a sustainable flow of business operations. The stakeholders’ interests are considered in developing a proper strategy that will deal with the
Industrial Relations Conflict in Australia - PDF_4

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