
Influence of Management Styles on Employee Satisfaction at Virgin Airlines


Added on  2022-11-17

15 Pages3981 Words256 Views
Running head: MANAGEMENT 1
Influence of management styles on Employees satisfaction while working at the Virgin airlines
<University Name>
Influence of Management Styles on Employee Satisfaction at Virgin Airlines_1

The general objective of this study was to investigate the influence of management styles
on customers satisfaction while using the Virgin airlines. The case study research design was
used in the study. The questionnaire was used because a lot of information is gathered over short
period. Data were analyzed at descriptive levels using frequencies, percentages, mean (to
establish mean satisfaction) and standard deviation (to variation in customers attitude). The
values of standard deviation which are of importance since they help to check the variations
among respondents. According to the findings, Affiliative Management has the highest means
score of 4.2. In addition, Authoritative Management and Democratic Management styles had the
same means score of 3. On correlations the results confirm lack of statistically significant
association between the management styles and the client’s satisfaction while utilizing the Virgin
airlines services. For the age (years): Mean = 20.90, SD = 6.05, Range = 37 whereas for the
Gender: Female = 2, Male = 3, sample size (n)=5.
Keywords: Virgin airlines, perception maps, management, authoritative, affiliative,
Influence of Management Styles on Employee Satisfaction at Virgin Airlines_2

Table of Contents
Research Objectives.....................................................................................................................4
Importance of the research...........................................................................................................4
Scope of the Study.......................................................................................................................5
Managerial Implication................................................................................................................7
Influence of Management Styles on Employee Satisfaction at Virgin Airlines_3

Influence of management styles on Employees satisfaction while using the Virgin airlines
Management styles are characteristic ways of making decision and relating to
subordinates, (Graham, Ziegert, & Capitano, 2015). Employee satisfaction has been defined in
many ways. Some believe it is simply how content an individual is with his or her job, in other
words what they like or not like about the job such as the nature of work or supervision.
In the present study, job satisfaction will be defined as how content someone is with the
job, looking at various elements of satisfaction like supervision, working conditions,
remuneration, among other factors, (Granovetter, 2018). Virgin airlines has been marked with
various management crisis as evidenced by failure to attend to clients, pay employees and
workers in time, frequent go slow by employees, negative feelings of some employees towards
management, migration of some employees to other flight companies, conflict between
management team and employees, (Schermerhorn Jr, et, al, 2019). Most employees are not
satisfied with their jobs.
This dissatisfaction has led to reduced workers performance which has significantly
lowered the productivity and efficiency of the industry as evidenced by delayed attendance to
clients and poor working conditions, (Al Horr, Arif, Kaushik, Mazroei, Katafygiotou, &
Elsarrag, 2016). The present study intends to consider three management styles which include:
authoritative, affiliative and democratic management styles. The above literature clearly portrays
a lapse in management. The present study seeks to explain the lapse in terms of the relationship
between management styles and employees’ satisfaction.
The case study research design was used in the study, (Yin, 2017). A case study is
research which seeks to give an in-depth analysis of a phenomenon or case (Creswell, & Poth,
2017). The design guided the study in data collection and analysis where percentages,
frequencies, and Pearson correlation were used at descriptive level. The case study was chosen
because a single case of management styles and satisfaction among employees has been deeply
described, (Northouse, 2018). Complete enumeration was used to sample customers since those
who had used the Virgin airlines were very few at the time of the study, (Moser, & Kalton,
2017). Primary data collection was done using semi-structured questionnaires. The questionnaire
had three sections: section A (Biodata), section B (Management styles) and section C
(satisfaction). The questionnaire was used because a lot of information is gathered over a short
period. For the age (years): Mean = 20.90, SD = 6.05, Range = 37 whereas for the Gender:
Female = 2, Male = 3, sample size (n)=5.
Research Objectives
The general objective of this study will be to investigate the influence of management
styles on customers satisfaction while using the Virgin airlines. The specific focus is to
determine the influence of authoritative management styles on customers satisfaction while using
the Virgin airlines, to assess the influence of democratic management on customers satisfaction
while using the Virgin airlines and to examine the influence of affiliative management on
customers satisfaction while using the Virgin airlines.
Importance of the research
The findings of this study will benefit the management of Virgin airlines in improving
management strategies hence increased productivity. It will help other managers in policy
Influence of Management Styles on Employee Satisfaction at Virgin Airlines_4

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