
The Influence of Project Management Skills


Added on  2022-08-24

40 Pages11463 Words28 Views
FinanceLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataPolitical Science
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The Influence of Project Management Skills_1

Table of Contents
1. Introduction:....................................................................................................................3
2. Literature Review:...........................................................................................................4
2.1 Project Schedule Management:.................................................................................4
2.2 Project Quality Management:....................................................................................6
2.3 Project Risk Management:.........................................................................................8
2.4 Challenges:................................................................................................................8
2.5 Conclusion:................................................................................................................9
3.1 Case Study 1................................................................................................................10
3.1.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Problem Description.............................................................................................10
3.1.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection........................................................11
3.1.4 Analysis.................................................................................................................13
3.1.5 Findings................................................................................................................15
3.1.6 Recommendations.................................................................................................16
3.1.7 Conclusion............................................................................................................17
Case Study 2 <SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE>....................................................................18
3.2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Problem Description.................................................................................................18
3.2.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection:...........................................................20
The Influence of Project Management Skills_2

3.2.4 Analysis.....................................................................................................................21
3.2.5 Findings....................................................................................................................22
3.2.6 Recommendation......................................................................................................23
3.2.7 Conclusion................................................................................................................24
3.3 Case Study 3 <Severe Exploitation of Foreign Workers in Australia>.......................25
3.3.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................25
3.3.2 Problem Description.............................................................................................26
3.3.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection Methods.........................................27
3.3.4 Data Analysis........................................................................................................28
3.3.5 Findings................................................................................................................29
3.3.6 Recommendations.................................................................................................30
3.3.7 Conclusion............................................................................................................32
4. Results and Findings......................................................................................................33
The Influence of Project Management Skills_3

1. Introduction:
In the field of project development process there is a significance of the project
management plan which helps to enhance the development process. However, in order to
effectively apply the project management skills into any business operation it is very essential to
incorporate several key aspects that needs to be incorporated into the project development
process. According to studies it is identified that the project management plan is quite similar for
every projects however there are few exception present which requires more concentration
(Barafort, Mesquida & Mas 2017).
Followed by these consideration it is identified that in general project management
process includes the feasibility study, project design, project scheduling, budgeting as well as the
project execution process. Each of these processes are highly essential to enhance the success of
any project. As it is mentioned that these processes are very effective to enhance the success
factors of any project it is also very prominent that these processes can cause several conflicts
into project delivery (Bredillet, Tywoniak & Tootoonchy 2018). Apart from these identifications
it is identified that communication between the project development team members also helps to
enhance the quality of the approached project however, lack of communication between the team
members can be considered as one of the significant limitation of project management.
Followed by these discussions this paper has aimed to discuss about the influence of
project management skills as well as the importance of project knowledge areas. In order to
effectively discuss these areas in this paper it will effectively analyze the importance of project
management and project knowledge areas based on three project development processes which
has faced several limitations during the development of their approached project. Making
The Influence of Project Management Skills_4

allowance to finding from these case scenarios the paper will also recommend several strategies
which will help to avoid the identified limitations in the project management process.
2. Literature Review:
Considering the objectives of project management process this literature review will
focus on the analysis of the project management knowledge areas which has several significance
on the effectiveness of project development process. Making allowance to this concern it is
identified that there are several project management knowledge areas present which includes the
project integration management, project scope management, project schedule management,
project quality management, project budgeting, human resource management, project risk
management, project communication management, project procurement management as well as
the project stakeholder management (Dippenaar & Bezuidenhout 2019). However, in this
literature review three project knowledge areas will be discussed which includes the project
schedule management, project quality management as well as the project risk management.
2.1 Project Schedule Management:
In the field of the project management, project scheduling is nothing but the process of
developing and time schedule for the project deliverables. This process also includes the
maintenance of the project scheduling. According to studies in any project management process
the scheduling is one of the key element that has a major impact towards the betterment of the
approached project management process. Making allowance to this concern scheduling is
nothing but the practice of developing time table for any project in order to structure the project
progress as well as helps to keep track on the activities of the project development operations
(Harrison & Lock 2017). While analyzing the application of project schedule management it is
identify that schedule management consists of the plans related to the project deliverables,
The Influence of Project Management Skills_5

activities as well as the project milestones. While developing any project schedule it first
develops a project timeline according to which the manager will structure the project
development process. Apart from these identification it is observed that for a high level project
scheduling process there are several key elements which needs to be addressed with the purpose
to effectively structure the project activities as per the assigned deadlines (Huihua, Li & Song
2019). Making allowance to this concern it is identified that project scheduled can be represented
in different ways and the presentation of the schedule are highly depended on the project
requirements, time, resources as well as the targeted audience. Followed by the identification of
these concerns it is identified that there are several importance behind the adoption of the project
schedule management. The benefits of project schedule management includes the enhancement
in to the project activity tracking and communication process. Improvement in team
collaboration as well as helps to avoid the dependencies and latencies during the project
development process. Schedule management also helps to detect the project limitations and helps
to determine the relationship between the stakeholders present in the nominated project.
Followed by these benefits it also helps to get a detail idea about the progress of the development
process as well as to determine the project issues present in the nominated project development
process. Considering the above aspect it is also identified in case of developing any project
management it can be stated that the adoption of effective project scheduling project consist
several steps which includes the planning of a project schedule management process where the
timeline will be developed in which the activities of the projects are described carefully (Kerzner
2017). Then it will define the project activities. Later it will also describe the dependencies and
the sequence of the activities. Along with this it will also specify the resources and the duration
requires for each process. Followed by these identification it will then develop the project
The Influence of Project Management Skills_6

schedule management plan. Considering these identification it can be stated that this knowledge
area is highly essential for the project management plan as it helps the project manager to
structure the project development process (Sanghera 2019).
2.2 Project Quality Management:
Along with the project schedule management plan, project quality management it also
one of the core element that helps to enhance the success of the approached project. Making
allowance to this concern it is identified that project quality management is nothing but a
practice that manages as well as upholds the project quality throughout the development process.
As the term quality implies perfection, however, in this case the project quality means the
consistency of the project quality throughout the project development process. Whereas, the
exact definition of the quality management can vary with respect to the different prospective
related to the project development process (Papke-Shields & Boyer-Wright 2017). Followed by
the analysis on several studies it is identified that there is a basic difference between the
conventional project quality management as well as the modern project quality management
process as the conventional processes are mostly worried about the quality of the approached
product. However, in the modern project management field the project quality can be measured
by the aspect of customer satisfaction. Considering these aspect it is identified that the primary
objective behind the development of the project quality management is to verify whether the
delivered product is meeting the predefined activities or not (Papp 2018).
While analyzing this from the stakeholder point of view it is identified that meeting the
customer expectation is one of the purpose behind the adoption of project quality management.
Which implies that the ensuring the quality of the project is entirely depends on the customer
satisfaction. During the initiation phase of any project it is identified that the objectives and the
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project requirements are planned with the stakeholders in order to provide the stakeholder a
detail idea about the foundation of the approached project. Followed by this process the project
manager will then proceed with the further progress of the project which includes the designing
and the implementation process.
While analyzing this aspect it is also identified that there are three significant steps which
needs to be addressed with the purpose to adopt the effective quality management plan within the
project development and management process. Those three steps includes the quality
management planning, quality assurance as well as the quality control of the approached project.
These three steps includes three significant functionalities towards the development of the
project as during the quality management planning it will identify and necessary requirements
that requires to utilize into the project development process (Wei & Rana 2019). In the step of
quality assurance process it will perform the auditing process with the purpose to ensure the
quality of the requirements as well as the progress activities with the purpose to determine
whether it is meeting the project requirements or not based on the comparison with the standard
goals of this project.
After completion of the above discussion it is identified that a project will be termed as a
quality project if the project development team effectively follows the project quality controls.
Along with this is also measures the quality of the required resources present in the nominated
project as well (Yang 2017).
Followed by these identification it can be stated that for the sake of project quality and
customer satisfaction it is very essential to implement the project quality management into the
field of project development.
The Influence of Project Management Skills_8

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