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Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age


Added on  2022/12/22

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This report discusses the use of technologies in the digital age, particularly in the context of the current pandemic. It explores the advantages, disadvantages, suitability, and applications of cloud storage and cloud computing. Additionally, it addresses the challenges and measures of security and privacy that businesses and users face when going online for various services.

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Integrated Professional
Skills in the Digital

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
The use of technologies that help businesses to provide their services online due to the current
Discuss advantages, disadvantages, suitability and applications of cloud storage and cloud
The challenges and measures of security and privacy that businesses and users would take
when they go online for variety of services............................................................................8
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9
Books and Journals:..............................................................................................................10
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Information and technology plays an important role in success of business organisations.
In today's era ever business has understood the need and want of internet and using the same to
perform their business operations effectively. Another major issue that results is using digital
platforms over physical is COVID 19. As due to the pandemic all the business have to face
problem of lock down. So they switched towards digital mode to work (Quinton and Reynolds,
2018). There are various benefits as well as challenges that are associated with use internet. In
this report there is discussion related to various platforms that helps business to arrange
meetings. Also importance of cloud computing and cloud storage. The challenges that are faced
by businesses when they go online and how they can overcome those challenges.
The use of technologies that help businesses to provide their services online due to the current
COVID 19 pandemic has changed the way organisations operate. It is seen that due to
lock down the business were unable to continue their operations. As communication is important
for business. But due to lock down their was problem in communication. As it is essential for
employees and all the stakeholders of the organisation that they communicate. To coordinate and
cooperate there is need of orders and responsibility so that they can effectively work. As
individuals were unable to move out of their houses the revenue and sales of the business firms
went down (van Baalen, 2018). The businesses get impacted due to COVID 19. The productivity
went down and the employees were also not able to cope up with the situation. So the solution of
all the problems was to adopt the technological change and move towards online platforms to
As it is online platform through which people can talk to each other without leaving their
homes. It is important for all to communicate so that the work is completed effectively. The
goals and objectives of an organisation will be achieved if there is proper communication. The
impact of COVID 19 is understood by the business firm and the importance of switching towards
digital mode. The business platforms that are used by various companies at the time lock down
to communicate are mentioned below:
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Microsoft teams: It is an application designed by Microsoft. It is an application that provides
option of file storage, workspace chat and video conferencing, and application integration. It has
unique feature of storing the files that is not provided by most of video conferencing application.
The app is part of Microsoft 365 and gained interest of various individuals. It is atop rated
Features and suitability
Online meetings.: It is most important and widely used feature provided. As all the
meetings need video conferencing that is provided by the application. Also it helps to
provide training in groups and communicate effectively (Bellandi, De Propris and
Santini, 2019). It allows 10000 users at a time. The facilities provided by Microsoft
Teams include scheduling aid, file uploading, a note-taking app and in-meeting chat
Document storage in Share Point: One of the important feature that is reason of success
of the application is document sharing. It provides access to a online library where all the
important documents can be saved. Along with this the chat made during the meeting are
also saved. This feature can be customised.
Online video calling and screen sharing: It provides the feature of fast video calls. It is an
application that helps to connect faster. Also there is feature of screen sharing that
facilitates the employees while interacting during video call.
Advantages of Microsoft Teams
It helps to increase the focus towards work. It is designed in such a way that that the
employees able able to focus towards their work. All the reports and chats are saved.
It is easy to use Microsoft Team software as it has various options that enhance the ease
of participants while they use them. Also the features provided by the Microsoft Teams
are also helpful to work.
Disadvantages of Microsoft Teams
This application provides different experience of video call. It has different features as
compared to all the other video conference application that are present. Also it provides
faster meeting experience and consumes lot of data.

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The file structure that is present at Microsoft team is complex. That is the reason it is not
easily used by all the participants. Also there is delay in opening files and creating copy
of the file.
Zoom: It is one of the leading video conferencing application that is used by all the
business. It was a support system at the time of COVID 19. It is platform that provides
opportunity for businesses to communicate. It is a platform that helps small, medium, and large
sized teams to interact with each other. There is less disturbance and the employees can
communicate effectively (Smith, Kahlke and Judd, 2020). It is a cloud based application hat
provides the option of connecting through audio, video or both. Also it provides option to either
join through video or audio. The meeting is hosted by an individual and other are given option to
join the meeting. The application is user friendly and helped various business top effectively
conduct meetings.
Suitability and Features
One-on-one meetings: It provides option of one- to one meeting to its users. It is like a
calendar and mental map that is link between employee and manager. This facility is
provided by Zoom application at free of cost.
Group video conferences: Another important feature that is provided by Zoom is that of
group video calls. 100 people can join the meeting at a time for 40minutes in free video
conference. In subscription the 500 participants can become part of the meeting.
Screen sharing: To increase the ease of participants there is option of screen sharing that
is provided by Zoom (Siegert, Rimscha, and Grubenmann, 2017). It helps the managers
and leaders to explain effectively to all the employees that are part of meeting through
screen sharing feature.
Recording: There is also option provided to the user under which they can record the
meeting. It is beneficial at the time when any person is not free and the information of the
meeting is important to be known to that individual. This feature helps the companies a
lot as it is a evidence of discussion also.
Advantages of Zoom Meeting
It is a cost effective application that provides various features to its clients. It is easy to
install the meeting and join there is no extra cost associated in installing the application.
It is an affordable app.
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Also Zoom meeting is easy to use. There are no complex procedures for entry and exit in
the application. Participants can join by click on the link and exit by pressing a button. It
has helped business organisation to conduct meetings.
Disadvantages of Zoom Meeting
As the id and passwords can be accessed by others. There is a problem of security and
privacy in regard to Zoom. There is chance of hacking and personal data may be leaked.
The issue of privacy is seen in Zoom meeting application.
The problem is of chat box available to all. In meeting there are various people that
starting writing irrelevant comments in the chat box and those comments can not be even
deleted (Sousa and Rocha, 2019). This is drawback of Zoom meeting.
All these platforms have increased the ease of communication and helped all the people
to communicate with each other. The business are able to survive in this pandemic situation due
to these digital platforms that helped them to communicate with each other, conduct meetings,
provide training etc.
Discuss advantages, disadvantages, suitability and applications of cloud storage and cloud
As everything is turning digital the storage facility is also provided to the company over
digital platforms. The cloud storage and computing is a new concept that has helped the business
to store their data over cloud. It is virtual location where the data is uploaded by the company. It
is important for business organisations to use new and innovative ways of doing business as it
helps them to work effectively and formulate strong image in the market. The use of internet has
both advantages and disadvantage. All the features and suitability of both cloud storage and
cloud computing is described below:
Cloud Storage is a location where all the data related to company is stored, retained and
kept. It allow to keep the information safe and the company can access the data from anywhere
and anytime. It takes care of all the privacy concerns that are present due to online mode. It has
replaced the concept of hardware and provided virtual place where the data is stored (Sanabria
and Arámburo-Lizárraga, 2017). It is cost effective in comparison to the hard drives that were
used before wards. The cloud storage is flexible and can be adjusted by the owner and the one
that has access to it.
Features and suitability of Cloud storage
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The most important feature that is provided by cloud storage is that of collaborative tool.
That helps the to share the data. The means to share data is via emails and links. Also the
data can only be accessed by authorised people of the company.
There is provision of 24*7 services that is provided to the companies. So if they have any
problem that is resolved by time. Also there is features of password so that no one else
can have access to it.
It is used by big firms that have store more data.
It is also applicable to the business organisation that are prone to innovation and use new
and updated technology.
Advantages of Cloud Storage
Cloud storage provide unlimited space to the organisation and they can store their data
and access the data that is uploaded. The company and authorised person can use he data
from any place and time.
It is a secure way to keep the information and data of company (Picciano, 2017). Also it
is password protected so no one else can be the data.
It is affordable for the company to use cloud storage by the company. As there is no
maintenance cost associated like in case of hardware.
Disadvantages of Cloud Storage
High data is consumed while uploading the information over cloud storage. It is a
problem if the the speed of data is not good then the information can not be uploaded.
The support system is not reliable as there are various problems that are faced by
individuals while they upload files and data. But they are not solved as the support
system does not help.
Cloud Computing is a process that uses internet to deliver the services. The resources
that are used under cloud computing are software, networking, database, server, data storage. It
can be accessed virtually and that is the reason it is named as cloud computing. All the data and
documents can be accessed via internet. The back up of data is created if the company uses cloud
computing (Savin-Baden, and Tombs, 2017). It is helpful it case the company lost its data. There
are various benefits of using cloud computing. Also due to COVID 19 every company has
understood that they should have access to their data from every where in the world.

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It is widely used by businesses as it helps to save cost and enhance productivity.
All the businesses that uses big data are applicable for cloud computing.
Advantages of Cloud Computing
It helps in case if the data of company is lost. It is seen that through cloud computing
backup of all the data and information is created.
Along with this the data can be accessed from any part of the world as it is stored in
virtual platforms.
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
One of the main drawback that is associated is that of security issues. As there are
chances of hacking (Ashraf, 2018). The information can be accessed by third party.
There are various technical problems associated with cloud computation that can not be
solved by the individuals. The support team take charges to provide assistance.
The challenges and measures of security and privacy that businesses and users would take when
they go online for variety of services.
All the business are using information and technology in an effective way. As they have
understood the importance of using online mode for conducting their business. It is vital for a
business to switch online and it is equally important to take care of the privacy and security. As
there are various challenges and problems that are associated with doing business online. The
hackers and taking advantage and misuse the important information of the company. The various
challenges that are faced by companies are mentioned below:
One of the biggest concern is related to privacy of data. The data is no longer private as
that is shared online. Various people have access to data can use the data in undesirable
As the payment gateways and all the other important transactions occur through online
mode. It is also a challenge for organisation.
Cyber crime is enhancing day by day. This is another factor that is a challenge for
companies to switch to online modes. As the data may be mishandled and misused.
The measures that can be used by companies to keep their data safe and secure are mentioned
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Use two factor authentication: It is vital to keep passwords but it is also important that
the data is protected through two factor authentication (Lawrence and Tar, 2018). As if
the passwords are hacked there are chances that the data may be secure due to second
option that come on email or mobile phones.
Encryption: It is a method that converts the data and important information in codes so
that other could not understand it. It is helpful to keep the data safe and secure.
Staff: It is important for the organisation to hire the employees that have knowledge
related to information and technology and that can suggest ways and take measures to
keep the data private and not hacked by others.
All these factors must be taken care by the organisation to safeguard themselves against hackers
and take care of their privacy.
From the above it can be summarized that information and technology is important and
its scope is rising day by day. There is discussion related to two important applications that were
used during COVID 19 by businesses to communicate. Cloud computing and cloud storage along
with their pros and cons are also mentioned in the report. In the end there is discussion related to
issue faced by companies while they go online and the measures that companies take to safe
them against security and privacy issues.
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Books and Journals:
Ashraf, K.A., 2018. The relationship between Jordanian students’ 21st century skills (Cs21) and
academic achievement in science. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 15(2), pp.82-94.
Bellandi, M., De Propris, L. and Santini, E., 2019. Industry 4.0+ challenges to local productive
systems and place based integrated industrial policies. In Transforming Industrial Policy
for the Digital Age. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lawrence, J.E. and Tar, U.A., 2018. Factors that influence teachers’ adoption and integration of
ICT in teaching/learning process. Educational Media International, 55(1), pp.79-105.
Picciano, A.G., 2017. Theories and frameworks for online education: Seeking an integrated
model. Online Learning, 21(3), pp.166-190.
Quinton, S. and Reynolds, N., 2018. Understanding research in the digital age. Sage.
Sanabria, J.C. and Arámburo-Lizárraga, J., 2017. Enhancing 21st century skills with AR: Using
the gradual immersion method to develop collaborative creativity. Eurasia Journal of
Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(2), pp.487-501.
Savin-Baden, M. and Tombs, G., 2017. Research methods for education in the digital age.
Bloomsbury Publishing.
Siegert, G., Rimscha, B. and Grubenmann, S., 2017. Commercial communication in the digital
age: information or disinformation?. De Gruyter Mouton.
Smith, E.E., Kahlke, R. and Judd, T., 2020. Not just digital natives: Integrating technologies in
professional education contexts. Australasian Journal of Educational
Technology, 36(3), pp.1-14.
Sousa, M.J. and Rocha, Á., 2019. Skills for disruptive digital business. Journal of Business
Research, 94, pp.257-263.
van Baalen, S., 2018. ‘Google wants to know your location’: The ethical challenges of fieldwork
in the digital age. Research Ethics, 14(4), pp.1-17.
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