1 INFORMATION SYSTEM AND POLICY Equifax storehouses the personal details of the financial lives of the American citizens. The consumer credit reporting agency has in its records every detail ranging from the credit cards owned by the people of the States to the details of their medical bills. However, unlike banks and other financial institutions, the company is not monitored or audited.Thismakesthedataprotectionandothersystemsoftheorganisationmore vulnerable to the unethical activities like hacking or data leakage. The dangers of such lacks in the oversight on the part of the organisation became evident when the company disclosed the fact that their systems have been hacked into and the confidential and personal details of almost half of the American population inclusive of the social security numbers of almost half of the total population of the United States1. I personally feel that this breach would affect the customers on a very large range. According to the reports by Equifax, the hackers had exploited the vulnerability of a website application to get hold of certain files that contained the information of almost 143 million residents of the United States. I feel that once the criminals have access to the personal data like credit card numbers, personal addresses and some of the driver licences, the financial security of the residents may be breached. Data leaks like this would help the hackers to capitalize on these personal data according to their wishes2. 1TaraCowley,'EquifaxHackExposesRegulatoryGaps,LeavingConsumersVulnerable' (Nytimes.com,2017)<https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/08/business/equifax.html?rref=collection %2Fsectioncollection%2Fbusiness&action=click&contentCollection=business %C2%AEion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront> accessed 25 October 2017. 2Forbes.com,'ForbesWelcome'(Forbes.com,2017) <https://www.forbes.com/sites/leemathews/2017/09/07/equifax-data-breach-impacts-143-million- americans/#2b2bfe45356f> accessed 25 October 2017.
2 INFORMATION SYSTEM AND POLICY References CowleyT,'EquifaxHackExposesRegulatoryGaps,LeavingConsumersVulnerable' (Nytimes.com,2017)<https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/08/business/equifax.html? rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fbusiness&action=click&contentCollection=business %C2%AEion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=se ctionfront> accessed 25 October 2017 Forbes.com,'ForbesWelcome'(Forbes.com,2017) <https://www.forbes.com/sites/leemathews/2017/09/07/equifax-data-breach-impacts-143- million-americans/#2b2bfe45356f> accessed 25 October 2017