
E-books or hard copy books


Added on  2023-01-09

6 Pages759 Words30 Views
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MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Essay: E- books or hard copy books............................................................................................3
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The text illustrates the argument between evaluation of the argument where online book
reading is compared to the offline book reading i.e. paperback books. It has been evidently
argued that despite the increased reading flexibility that e- books provide, it is a widely accepted
notion that the satisfaction which paperback books give cannot be paralleled or beaten.
The text further states that just by reading the title of the book which any person is reading,
a lot of facts about the taste and personality of that person can be identified and it also acts as a
great conversation starter. Such is definitely not the case in case of electronic books where the
readers are simply reading from the screens and hence cannot be easily judged. It is further
summarised that in case with the electronic books even if the book is shared, it is again done by
electronic means where the different readers read it individually and separately and hence do not
develop any connectivity or bonding over the same book. The text concludes that possessing
books is just like fine wine where the books ages along with the wine and becomes exquisite
retaining their own unique smell and memories which cannot be possible in case of e- books.
Essay: E- books or hard copy books
I completely agree with the sentiment of the essay that states that hardcover and paperback
are always much more satisfactory as compared to electronic books. According to me there are
several extra disadvantages as well that can be associated with the electronic reading such as the
devices can easily shut down due to lower batteries and this can make the reader devoid of their
books (Loh and Sun, 2019). Additionally, the fact that the devices can easily get damaged, lost or
broken is another added drawback that contributes towards the positive aspects of the hardcopy
books. Apart from all of this, it cannot be denied that when one reads from an actual physical
book, throughout the journey of reading, an attachment is developed with the book where the
reader can highlight some meaningful or beautiful lines, can mark down some words or phrases
etc. Sometimes a book gets shared between friends, couples or families and that often acts as a
major source of bonding as well between such readers (Sheu, Downey and Klingler, 2018). All
these create a memory and when that same book is opened again year’s later, it often brings back
a myriad of memories which can be relished only through the hard copy books.
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