
Incorporating Innovation in Advertising for Business Growth and Competitive Advantage


Added on  2023-06-13

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Incorporating Innovation in Advertising for Business Growth and Competitive Advantage_1

Table of Content
1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................3
1.2 Background to the report.......................................................................................................3
1.3 Problem Statement/ Issues.....................................................................................................5
1.4 Aim and Objectives of the report...........................................................................................5
2.0 Literature Review......................................................................................................................6
2.1 Concept of advertising...........................................................................................................6
2.2 Importance of advertising to Business...................................................................................6
2.3 Importance of Creativity and Innovation...............................................................................7
2.4 Innovative advertising strategies...........................................................................................8
2.5 Innovative advertising models and theories........................................................................10
2.6 Functions of advertising......................................................................................................12
2.7 Innovation in advertisement using technology....................................................................13
3.0 Research Methodology............................................................................................................14
3.1 Research Philosophy............................................................................................................14
3.2 Research Approach..............................................................................................................15
3.3 Research Design..................................................................................................................16
3.4 Data collection process........................................................................................................17
3.5 Data analysis plan................................................................................................................17
3.6 Limitation of the research....................................................................................................18
Incorporating Innovation in Advertising for Business Growth and Competitive Advantage_2

3.7 Time frame:.........................................................................................................................18
4.0 Findings and analysis...............................................................................................................19
4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................19
4.2 Data analysis........................................................................................................................19
5.0 Conclusion and recommendations...........................................................................................29
Incorporating Innovation in Advertising for Business Growth and Competitive Advantage_3

Topic- Incorporating innovation in advertising to increase business growth and create
competitive advantage
1.0 Introduction
This report provides an in-depth overview of how innovation can be incorporated into
advertising to gain competitive advantages and speed up the overall business growth. The
purpose of the report is to evaluate the innovative advertising techniques, which can be applied
to advertising to create a competitive edge for the organizations. It is certain that due to
advancementin technology; the marketers are in the rush of incorporatinginnovation into
business. In today’s dynamicbusinessenvironment, both large and small size firms are
adoptingtechnology into their business operation to speed up the businessprocess and overall
growth.Moreover, the technology is associatedwith each aspect of the business. Thereby, it is
certain that technological innovation can play a crucial role in advertising as well. Particularly,
the small and medium size organizations find it difficult to reach or approach the wide audience
through advertising by using conventional method of advertising. Nonetheless, those SMEs find
it easy to approach the customers in the remote areas by innovative technology in advertising
such as use of social or digital media platforms. Thus, the importance of conducting a research
on this context lies in how innovation in advertising can help the organization to enhance their
1.2 Background to the report
As internet technology is rapidlydeveloping in each nation, the business also find the way
to strengthen their worsen situations caused by dynamicbusinesses environment. As put forward
by Chua and Banerjee (2013), digital platforms have large impact on adverting. Teece, (2010)
conducted a research and found that almost 78% of the respondents have mentioned that they are
Incorporating Innovation in Advertising for Business Growth and Competitive Advantage_4

influenced by theadvertising content that they see on social media tools. As internet technology
has developed, the consumption of digitaldevices such as mobile has increased, which provides
the marketers with the opportunity of creating digital content for their products and services. In
this context, Ying, (2011) commented that applying technology or using digital platform for
advertising of products and services is not the solution of slow business growth.
The marketers have to apply innovation to this existing concept of digital advertising. It
is also identified that slice of digital advertising over the overall pie is speeding up with the
measurable data of mobile as well as social campaign. As all businesses are applying digital
media for their advertising if products; thereby, to remain sustainable in such dynamic and
competitivebusinessenvironment, the businesses need to incorporate innovation in their
advertising activities. When it comes to innovation in advertising, Mendelová and Zausková,
(2015) mentioned that application of technology to advertisingis not the only task that marketers
will do as their incorporation of innovation strategy. The marketers will also have to think of the
trends or the modern ways that are used to innovate advertising process.
Furthermore, it is also observed that the recent age of globalization can also be
characterized by a marked shift in operation and expansion of business that could go beyond the
traditional boundaries. In this context, Golovko and Valentini, (2011) commented that new
media technologies have mainly increased the speed of business operation because thebusiness
needs to be conducted at the speed of thought. On the contrary, Chua and Banerjee (2013)
mentioned that besides the innovation to the advertising process, the precuts and services have to
become globallycompetitive because the increasing number of organizations enter the market
with the new products. The growing competition regarding promotion and advertising make it
Incorporating Innovation in Advertising for Business Growth and Competitive Advantage_5

mandatory for the organizations to become creative and active in their advertising techniques to
satisfy the demand of consumers from each corner of the globe.
1.3 Problem Statement/ Issues
Even though the organizations are rapidly moving towards the digitalizationwith respect
to advertising, one significant fact that organization needs to understand is incorporating
innovation to the advertising. This means application of technology such as use of digital
platform is not the only task that marketers need to do to speed up their business growth and
create a competitive edge. The marketers need to think of applying innovation such as
application oftrends, culture and current affairs to digital advertising.The marketers have to
understand organization in each sector is using digital platforms for advertising as the purpose of
creating marketing awareness and creating business differences. Thus, digitalization in
advertising is a mandatory requirement but besides digitalization, the marketers should have to
think of applying new ideas and innovative ideas and approaches, which contributes to
development of overall business growth and competitive edge.
1.4 Aim and Objectives of the report
The aim of the report is incorporate innovation into advertising to create competitive edge and
enhance the growth of businesses.
To evaluate the existing concept of advertising
To critically understand the process of innovative advertising in its technical and
intellectual aspects
To investigate the appropriate elements of innovative advertising
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2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Concept of advertising
As put forward by Golovko and Valentini, (2011), advertising is treated as the form of
communication activation, which can be information and persuasive in nature. It should use the
new media to reason with the consumers to buy products and goods. It is identified that
advertising could be targeted at promoting a new product or service developed to promote
existing ones. According to “British Institute of Practitioners in Advertising” advertising must
present the most persuasive message to the exact prospects for the products and services at the
lowest possible cost. Advertising could be any form of non-personal presentation and promotion
of concepts, products and services typically paid for an identified sponsor. It is identified that
goods and services are manufactured and produced in accordance with consumers growing as
well as changing desire. Hence, goods and service are the competitive tools for the organizations
among their competitor. Theorganizationsinvolved in the commercial production of products and
service need advertising for many significant reasons. The primary reason is that advertisingis
that advertising helps to publicize and promote their products to the mass audience, which
eventually helps to enhance sales. In this context, CasadesusMasanell and Zhu (2013)
commented that relying on the nature of the products, advertising could use an appropriate media
to receive the message across to consumers.
2.2 Importance of advertising to Business
Particularly, for some particular products such as food, soap and soft drink, the broadcast
media is primarily chosen. Secondly, theadvertisingcontributes to the reduction distribution
costs. This happens becauseadvertising reaches a mass audience, where the expense of personal
selling and distribution could be greatly reduced. The organization by using different media
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advertising message could go beyond the regional as well as the national boundaries. Today’s
dynamic business environment, advertising expose to the internationalmarketthrough internet as
well as social networks. Thereby, it is worth mentioning that internet or the digital media
platforms play a great role in creating advertising content. Additionally, Golovko and Valentini,
(2011) mentioned that advertising serves as the tool for competition and to compete with others,
organization use creative as well as appealing advertising to attract consumers s to patronize
their brands. Some particular organizations such as Unilever have been seen to be going far
inundating the media with their advertisement to make sure that customers’ attention is acquired.
2.3 Importance of Creativity and Innovation
In today’s highly competitive world, it is certain that customers are faced with the wide
arrays of products and choices. The marketers should device creative as well as innovative ways
of attracting and retaining customers to maintain and increase the brand loyalty. According to
von Nordenflycht ( 2011), the survival in this dynamic business world could involve steady
patronage by customers. Due to inundating of the market with goods with highly competitive
price, customers are very intended to try new elements. Therefore, the organitions now more
than ever should devices new ways of surviving in the new market. As put forward by Morais
(2010), the creativity remains as the generation of ideas that result in enhancedefficiency or
effectiveness of the system. On the other side, Ying, (2011) mentioned that creativity can be
described as the production of some valuable or authentic. Creativity must involve new and fresh
ideas or plans. It is generally characterized by the use of imagination and expression. When it
comes to innovation, Przybyła et al. (2014) commented that innovation is quite similar to
creativity and both these terms creativity and innovation are often confused as the meaning the
same thing. Particularly, Mergel(2012) mentioned that innovation is treated as the
Incorporating Innovation in Advertising for Business Growth and Competitive Advantage_8

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