
Innovation in Birch box


Added on  2020-06-04

12 Pages3818 Words119 Views
Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementDesign and Creativity
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Innovation and its importance in Birch box...........................................................................1P2 Impact of various organisational factors on innovation.........................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P3 4P’s of innovation and use of innovation funnel....................................................................3Innovation Funnel........................................................................................................................4P4 Frugal innovation in Birch box...............................................................................................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5P5 Importance of commercial funnel in Birch box......................................................................5Commercial Funnel......................................................................................................................5New product development (NPD)...............................................................................................5P6 Innovative business case for Birch box..................................................................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................6P7 Different tools that Birch box can use....................................................................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONInnovation can be considered as the process of involving some new ways of innovation orcreativity. Also, it is not about developing new ideas, rather it can also be considered asmodifying some of the ideas and options that are already processing in the organisation (Jarrarand Smith, 2014). There are different types of innovations that can be involved by theorganisation and it can further help the company in achieving all the targets and goals. Thus, alsoit can help in gaining a huge amount of popularity as well as productivity. The report is aboutinnovation and various factors associated with it which can help Birch box in gaining a hugeamount of productivity. TASK 1P1 Innovation and its importance in Birch boxDefinitionInnovation can be considered as an effective option that Birch box can involve by variousmeans. As Birch box deals with an efficient range of beauty products for women, it can involvesome innovation in creating or modifying some beauty product in order to satisfy the customers.Importance of innovationThis can prove beneficial enough for the employees of the company as well as for thecustomers because for employees also, it will be a sort of change and for customers also, it cansatisfy their current requirements. Innovating new ideas and thoughts can be a very good optionthat can actually help the organisation at a wide extent. In comparison, of innovation withinvention, it can be said that innovation does not only mean creating ideas but also modifying theones that are already running in Birch box whereas invention is when a proper new concept isbeing developed and on the basis of that, further implementation will be done (Uyarra and Yeow,2014). So, in case of Birch box, the employees can keep their focus on innovating various newthoughts and ideas so that their customers can also get some change . It will help Birch box ingaining a huge number of satisfied customers. Birch box can think of involving an organic rangefor people suffering from skin issues. There are various number of people who suffer fromdifferent skin issues for them Birch box can make sure to involve a complete range of organicproducts for different skin issues so that they can get it resolved. This feature can prove attractiveenough which can gain attention of various other people as well. This can further help Birch boxin gaining various number of satisfied customers along with a higher rate of productivity. 1
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P2 Impact of various organisational factors on innovationThere are various factors that are associated with the organisation and these includevision, leadership, culture, teamwork etc. all these factors have a different influence on theinnovation and commercialisation and it is described as under :LeadershipAn efficient leader can be considered efficient enough to resolve any conflictingsituation. So, Birch box can also make involvement of a person who can be an efficient leaderthat can help in managing all the operations and procedures of the company. As the company isthinking to involve an organic range, so for that an efficient leader can make sure that theprocessing is being done in a god way as the ingredients for the organic products are pure andoriginal. It is important because any poor element can harm the skin to a very bad extent, thuscan make the image of the company worse as well (Nicholls, Simon and Gabriel, 2015). So, agood leader can make sure that all the processes and operations are being done efficiently. So,Birch box can ensure the involvement of a good leader to make sure the processing goes smoothenough.Team workTeam work is also considered as an efficient tool because a single mind can think a fewideas but many minds can think various ideas. So, concluding all those, one can reach to a betterconclusion. It is obvious enough that when many people sit together, different ideas pop out fromtheir mind. Keeping focus on each, a better, efficient and more appropriate one can be selectedthat can help Birch box as well (Piggott, Barker and Roberts, 2014). Thus, Birch box can dividethe staff and employees in some teams or groups so that every team can focus on a singleresponsibility. This can also term an efficient and attractive feature for Birch box and thisteamwork can help the company in achieving their targets and goals at a much faster rate. Thework and hard work of a team can actually take the organisation to higher limits. CultureIn terms of culture, what makes it happier involves happy employees interacting witheach other, keeping their focus on the goals so that they can achieve it etc. Birch box sholdinvolve some ways that can also lead to a happy culture. As they can divide equal amount ofwork within all the employees as the maximum they can handle. This will not create anypressure on the employees, thus it will help in maintaining their focus on the work. Further, it2
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