
Integrated Strategy Capstone - Doc


Added on  2021-05-31

12 Pages2732 Words63 Views
Running head: INTEGRATED STRATEGY CAPSTONEIntegrated Strategy CapstoneName of the Student:Name of the University:Author’s note:
Integrated Strategy Capstone - Doc_1

1INTEGRATED STRATEGY CAPSTONEAbstractThis study focuses on implementation of strategies in business operations. It is very important tounderstand the importance of implementing already developed business strategies within theworkflow of the respective organization. In order to improve the organizational culture, it is veryimportant for the business firms to imply the formulated business strategies in an appropriateway. In this particular study, the concept of a business strategy and its significance are explainedin a precise way. It has been observed that various factors affect the implication of businessstrategies on organizational environment and these factors are covered in this specific study. It isseen that strategies are formulated and implemented for attaining the specific goals along withobjectives of the companies. In this regard, it can be stated that structure of the organization andgood leadership can increase the effectiveness of strategic implementation. In addition to this,there are other factors like organizational resources are responsible for success of an organizationin business. Rewards and communication also creates an impact on implementation of businessstrategies in the business operations. Commitment as well as dedication from all departmentsplays a key role in enhancing the efficacy of strategic implementation. Porter’s value chain hasbeen explained in this particular. Therefore, productivity as well as revenue generation can beincreased if the management working at companies ensures the fact that the formulated strategiesare applied in the working procedures in an appropriate way. Furthermore, it can be stated thatorganization can retain its competitive advantage if it applies strategies in a proper way.
Integrated Strategy Capstone - Doc_2

2INTEGRATED STRATEGY CAPSTONETable of ContentsDiscussion........................................................................................................................................4Significance of strategy in business.............................................................................................4Factors impacting strategic implementation................................................................................5Strategic business models............................................................................................................6Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................9References......................................................................................................................................10
Integrated Strategy Capstone - Doc_3

3INTEGRATED STRATEGY CAPSTONEIntroduction In accordance with the opinion of Budayan, Dikmen & Birgonul, (2015), strategicimplementation refers to a set of actions within a workplace or business firms. From theperspective of Amara, Halilem & Traoré (2016) the main purpose is to effectively manage the setof actions related to the delivery of the strategic scheme. In this context, it can be stated thatsuccess of any kind of business depends on the proper implication of strategy. It has been noticedthat after assessing the macro-environmental and micro-environmental factors, a strategy iscreated and implemented by the managers working at various organizations. In other words, itcan be stated that implementation is a procedure which turns business strategies as well asschemes into activities with the intention of accomplishing the strategic goals or objectives. The main purpose of the literature review is to understand the key factors responsible forcreating an impact on the strategic implementation of the respective organization. Apart fromthis, significance of strategic implementation and Porter’s Value Chain are discussed in thisparticular study It is seen that inappropriate implication of business strategy has led hugefinancial loss to the respective organization. Moreover, it has been noticed that huge financialloss often led the business firms to lose market shares. Apart from this, strategic issues can beresolved if proper implementation is done by companies. In other words, it can be stated thatstrategic implementation helps the company to retain its comparative edge in the existing market.DiscussionSignificance of strategy in business According to Brewster (2017), strategy is an integral part of any business. Businessstrategy guides the business firms to get a clear idea about the current trends as well as
Integrated Strategy Capstone - Doc_4

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