
Report on International Business Executive - Tesco


Added on  2020-06-04

13 Pages4209 Words43 Views
International Business
Report on International Business Executive - Tesco_1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYInternational business is now becoming a trend that is followed by almost all of theenterprises in this present era. Tesco is one of the organisation that is going to invest ininternational market or establishing its business in Japan. The only aim of doing this is expansionof its business in more and more countries. They are using some mode of entries that is how theyare going to enter in the Japanese market. It can be franchising or licensing, Joint venture,Ownership, Export processing zones, etc. They have to choose one of them. At the same time,they have to identify the impacts of external environmental factors such as government, society,economy, technology, surroundings, etc. This can be done by doing PESTLE analysis.Additionally, they have to select some strategies that are going to be implemented by them inorder to increase their performance over there. For determining this, they can take use of Ansoffmatrix as this tells them around four strategies such as market development, productdevelopment, market penetration and diversification. Tesco can select one of them that willprovide them more profit. There are certain risks that have to face by them . So, they shouldprepare themselves before establishing their market in Japan.
Report on International Business Executive - Tesco_2

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2TASKS ............................................................................................................................................2Use of relevant business tools determining the suitability of the foreign market selected........2Potential risks in the foreign market selected............................................................................4Mode of entry utilised/or to be utilised by the Tesco..................................................................5Management responses that have been undertaken by Tesco to realise the opportunitiesoffered.........................................................................................................................................7Recommendations about how Tesco could achieve competitive advantage..............................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Report on International Business Executive - Tesco_3

INTRODUCTIONInternational business can be simply defined as all global trade services or investmentwhich are occurring between two or more nations beyond their governmental limits. Public aswell as private corporations both can be involved in such type of business (Beamish, 2013). Itconsist of each and every business activities which are involving cross border proceedings ortransactions of products, services and assets among more than two nations. The present report isbased on the international business abilities of Tesco. In this project, the different tools andtheory are applied which are used for determining the suitableness of the foreign selected market.TASKS Use of relevant business tools determining suitability of foreign market selectedIn order to determine the suitability of new foreign market place that is Japan for Tesco,it is very important to use some tools like PESTLE analysis and Ansoff matrix. Each of them areexplained below:According to Clark and Tunaru, (2015) PESTLE analysis explains the impact of political,economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors of a nation or place over Tesco.Christopher and et. al. (2011) says that as corporation is going to establish its new market inJapan, political factors are playing a significant role. Its performance is being influenced by thelocal legislation and political situations. Employment law formulated by the Japanesegovernment have to be followed by the company so that it can be prevented from different legalobstacles. Government of that nation would force Tesco to offer job opportunities to the localpeople so that country would develop. But this is a plus point for Tesco as it can provide alltypes of jobs like low paid, more skilled, local based jobs, highly flexible, highly paid, etc. Theycan give jobs to civilians like students, handicapped or disabled people by giving them lowlabour costing, elderly employees, etc. And this venture is following the rules and norms madeby all the nations where they are doing their business. On the other hand, Cavusgil and et.al., (2014) stated that demands or need for a productin market, costing of goods and profitability of the firm relies on the economic factors such asinterest, regional unemployment levels, inflation rates, etc. These factors can give negativeeffects on the performance of organisation. Tesco is doing their business in various nations but1
Report on International Business Executive - Tesco_4

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