
An Analysis of Business Strategy


Added on  2019-12-03

11 Pages3877 Words34 Views
Business Strategy
An Analysis of Business Strategy_1

“Critically discuss to what extent Porter’s Diamond Model is a useful concept in explaining
home and host location strategies of international business? Illustrate your answer with
reference to at least two case companies.”
Main purpose of current study is that it is essential for the individual to assess
international business tactic that refers to plan and guide commercial transactions which takes
place among businesses that are operating in different countries (Omar and Sawy, 2013).
However, these are such plans and actions that refer to businesses operating at global level. Here,
the main goal of business is to enhance the sales and profitability in market (Andreas and et. al.,
2011). Most of the businesses are operating their firm in domestic and host countries to expand
its market share and client base. Therefore, in order to achieve success within firm, it is essential
for the management to undertake effectual business strategy so that organization can also operate
its business in the international market (Kim and Mauborgne, 2013). Furthermore, it can be
assessed that through implementing Porter’s Diamond model, firm can effectively analyze the
operations of firm in home and host countries of international business. In the current study,
implications of porter’s diamond model within Tesco which is a retail firm and Marriott which is
a hospitality industry can be understood effectively (Angelo, 2009). Thus, through application of
such international business strategy, firm is able to analyze its market conditions by operating the
business in both home and host locations (Langenberg, 2007).
According to the view of Axson (2010), it can be stated that by adopting Porter’s
Diamond analysis, it forms a cluster that involves a number of small firms in which
competitiveness of one organization is interrelated with the performance of other companies.
Thus, such model is used in order to analyze the implications within host and home location
strategies of international business (Jansson, 2008). For instance, if Tesco and Marriott are
planning to operate its business in other countries instead of its home country then they need to
undertake international business strategy (Axson, 2010). With the help of this, firm is required to
identify the market conditions and prevailing competitiveness in the country. As argued by
Baines, Fill and Page, 2013), such model is implemented for better international trade practices
of the firm and also proposed competitive advantage for business that resides in the factor in
order to attain the desired results (Rossi, 2010). Further, in order to start the business
successfully in both local as well international locations, firm is required to have skilled
workforce, innovative technology, good government support and high knowledge base (Rowley,
An Analysis of Business Strategy_2

2002). Therefore, implying Porter diamond theory within firm represents that the international
playing of business and establishing the business worldwide (Baines, Fill and Page, 2013).
Following are the six factors that are incorporated into Porter’s Diamond model so that
competitiveness analysis can be done. It is as follows-
Factor conditions- As per the views of Baum, Hackstein and Mehling, (2012), it
involves varied human resources, physical resources, knowledge and infrastructure etc.
However, all these resources are useful in order to undertake the business to a specific
level and also to attain competitiveness of the firm in market (Ireland and Hoskisson,
2008). For instance, it can be assessed that wherever businesses such as Tesco and
Marriott are planning to operate their business either in home or host locations (Baum,
Hackstein and Mehling, 2012). The particular country is able to create its own important
factors such as skilled resources and technological base (Schwarz, 2011). However,
Bernanke (2010), argued that there are also certain disadvantages of such factor. These
are like sometimes, there is shortage of labor or scarcity of raw material forces firms to
develop new methods and thus, it helps in gaining competitive advantage in the market
(Bernanke, 2010).
Demand conditions- It can be assessed that those businesses which are planning to
operate in home market can assist the firm to create competitive advantage at the time
when purchasers of home market pressurizes firm to bring innovation and develop the
product faster as compared with competitors (Blombäck and Wigren, 2009). For
example, the clients of Marriott are willing to stay in its UK branch more than as
compared to its other branches. Thus, firm is able to develop a competitive advantage in
the marketplace (Hill, Jones and Schilling, 2014).
Related and supporting industries- As per the Corsetti and et.al., (2010), it can be
stated that there are varied firms that are able to produce inputs that are crucial for
innovation and internationalization (Hansen, 2006). However, both the selected firms i.e.
Tesco and Marriott are required to provide cost-effectual inputs and need to participate in
upgrading process so that innovative products can be developed in the marketplace
(Stonehouse and Houston, 2013). Also, it can be stated that it helps the firm to strengthen
its market in order to make the suppliers strong and to become global competitors
(Corsetti and et.al., 2010).
An Analysis of Business Strategy_3

Firm strategy, structure and rivalry- Here, it can be evaluated that the way through
which businesses are created, set goals and also manages the operations in order to attain
success within firm (Haley and Haley, 2006). But the availability of intense rivalry in the
home country is also essential that helps Tesco and Marriott to develop pressure and
innovate with the aim to increasing competitiveness. For instance, it is crucial for
business to develop an effectual strategy so that the best results can be attained at the time
of operating business internationally (Demir and Söderman, 2015). Also, it is essential
for Tesco and Marriott to provide innovative services and products to clients so that they
can provide competition to local rivals (Grunig, Clark and Kuhn, 2010).
Government- As per the view of Easy (2010), government plays a major role in
influencing each of the above factors of competitiveness. However, government are able
to influence the supply conditions of key production factors to influence the demand
conditions within home market and competition among businesses (Tiffany, Peterson and
Barrow, 2011). It can be assessed that government interventions can occur at local,
regional, national and international level (Grosse, 2000). For instance, it can be identified
that government of that particular country motivates the firm in order to improve their
performance by attracting consumers to purchase the product in marketplace. It also
stimulates local rivalry through limiting direct cooperation and also enforces anti-trust
regulations so that best results can be attained (Easy, 2010).
Chance- It states that the events that are occurred and it is not within the control of
business, also, they are crucial because they create discontinuities in order to attain some
competitive advantage of firm within marketplace (Tomlinson, Murdick and Moor,
2000). Here, all these factors are interconnected with each other in order to create
conditions where innovation and also helps in improving competitiveness (Eden, 2010).
An Analysis of Business Strategy_4

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