
International Hospitality Management - Doc


Added on  2020-09-17

12 Pages4513 Words30 Views
“Concept of the ‘customer experience’ andhow this relates and yet differs from qualitymanagement and why it has moved to centrestage in recent years in internationalhospitality management.”
International Hospitality Management - Doc_1

INTRODUCTIONIn present time its international Hospitality industry is one of the sector that is growing atmuch faster pace. This industry consist of broad group of businesses that provide variousservices to service user. Travelling and accommodation are two of the most important businessof this sector. The focus of industry is to provide their customer with satisfaction and greatexperience (Smilansky, 2017). It's a multibillion dollar industry that is consisted of many areas.Travel and Tourism, Accommodation, food and beverages, travel services etc,. In currentmodule will highlight the changes this industry is going through. There has been some majorchanges in the working of this sector that has completely changes its face. With time this sectoris going through some major changes, the traditional models are not good enough to meet thedemand of the customer, with time the focus of this industry is changing and is more focused onthe satisfaction of the customer. This industry now instead of focusing on the quality is moreemphasising the experience of the person. It's working on providing the service user with bestexperience among which quality is small part that firm is focusing on. With increase in thecompetition the organisation are trying to provide the people with better experience byintroducing new product development such as Airbnb or putting more focus on the marketsegmentation so that more customer can be attracted (Pham and Huang, 2015). Here the focuswill be laid on the Customer experience and how its interlinked with quality management. Thewhole study is based on the “concept of the ‘customer experience’ and how this relates and yetdiffers from quality management and why it has moved to centre stage in recent years ininternational hospitality management.” Main bodyCustomer experience in simple words can be defined as the interaction between the organisation,and a customer and how its perceived through the customer mind both conscious andsubconscious. Customer experience management are consisted of set of process that comp-anyuse in order to oversee, track and organise every interaction that is conducted betweenorganisation and customer throughout the customer life cycle (Ling, Lin and Wu, 2016). Themain of this management is to optimize the interaction with customer so that they can knowmore about their perspective that can help them in earning the loyalty of customer. The main aimof this management is to close the gap between intended customer experience and actualcustomer experience. This management focus on the customer feedback so that a firm can get1
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better insight of customer. On the other hand quality management is about delivering qualityservices to their customer so that they can earn their loyalty (Schmitt, Joško Brakus andZarantonello, 2015). Quality management in simple words can be defined as consistentdelivering of the quality services that can meet by the management. The quality management ofthe firm can be consider good if they are able to deliver same or better quality of services everytime they have used their services (Karatepe and Karadas, 2015).Both quality and experience management focus on providing best services to theircustomer and earning their loyalty. The main aim of both the management is to achieve thecustomer satisfaction by providing them with better quality and experience. The major differencebetween this two management is that experience management covers much wider aspects of thissector than compare to the quality management (Hung, Lee and Huang, 2016). Qualitymanagement where focus own the standard set by organisation themselves, experiencemanagement put more focus on the standard, perception and experience of the customer. It triesto communicate and maintain close relationship with the service user so that they can understandtheir demands and can provide them with good quality of services. Quality management can beconsider as the part of experience management. As we have already discussed that this sector is the fastest growing sector that isdeveloping at very fast pace. In current time there has been many changes in the working of thissector that has increased the competition at very high level. With increasing threat of new entryand changing demand of customer its necessary of the organisation to attend loyalty of customerin order to earn profit (Cuellar, Eyler and Fanti, 2015). In today world the customer experiencehas become one of the critical differentiator in today's hyper connected and hyper competitiveglobal marketplace. A good experience management help firm in strengthening their brandpreference by providing their customer with different experience. By providing great experienceto customer not inly it helps in increasing the customer loyalty toward the firm but also boost therevenue with incremental sales from existing customers and new sales by the promotion done bythis service user. This management focus more on providing value services to the customer andcreating memorable Interaction with them so that they can earn their loyalty toward the firm. Italso helps firm in lowering their cost by reducing customer churn (Radder and Han, 2015). Intoday's world were competition is at peak it helps firm in differentiating themselves from otherorganisation and creating their own brand image. It not only reduces extra additional cost but2
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also help them firm in earning customer loyalty. It collects necessary information on thecustomer and produce a customer profile that help them in providing quality services to theperson every time he visited the place (Walker, 2016). Other than this it also ensures that everyinteraction with the customer is done on personalised level so that their perception about servicesand demand can be recognised. It makes sure firm has right information at the right time andright place so that it doesn't hinder the quality of their organisation (Buhalis and Amaranggana,2015). It helps firm in finding stability in this ever-changing market and also provide them withcompetitive advantages. Hospitality services work on the inputs that are provided by the customers in order toprovide them with quality of services. There is no definite definition of the hospitality industry,in simple term it has to be describe as a act of kindness in welcoming and looking after the needsof the customers mainly related to accommodation, food, drink and travelling. In contemporarytime has become much more than simple showcasing of kindness. It can be refer as therelationship process between the host and customer. In this host try to make sure that customerhave best experience when they are staying with their organisation (Van Dooren, Bouckaert, andHalligan, 2015). They work on the basis of customer satisfaction and make sure that they areproviding their service user with the best services. The industry provide with different type ofproduct and services that we have already discussed in the beginning. From very early timedifferent marketing tools has been used in this industry in order to attract the potential customertoward the firm. In current time this marketing tools has lost their competency to attractcustomer and provide them better quality services. Many critics have question their capability ofattracting customer and helping firm in finding stability in this ever-changing market, as they donot take the experience of the person under consideration. This marketing tools only focus on thequality of the services provided by the firm and relies on this in order to provide them with bettercustomer satisfaction (Zurich, 2017). With time there has been many changes that has beenintroduced in the sector along with different marketing tool that has helped firm in providingtheir customer with better experience. Traditional marketing tools were more business associatedthe main aim of these tool were to earn more profit with time and does not pay much attention tothe experience of service user. In current time the services are becoming more customer driven.The main aim of the firm is changing from profitability to customer satisfaction (Kang, Gatlingand Kim, 2015). They believe that by providing customer with good experience the firm will3
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