
International Marketing : Assignment Sample


Added on  2020-10-05

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International Marketing : Assignment Sample_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSTable of Contents.............................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P.1 Scope and key concepts of international marketing.........................................................1M1 Opportunities and challenges marketing internationally present.....................................2P.2 Various routes to market an organization could select....................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P3 Key criteria and selection process to use when considering which international market toenter........................................................................................................................................4P4 Different market entry strategies, including the advantages and disadvantages of each..5M2 Market evaluation criteria and entry strategies and make recommendations..................6D1 critical evaluation of the international market context, including organisational strategies................................................................................................................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7P5 Present an overview of the key arguments in the global versus local debate...................7P6 Investigate how the product, price, pricing and promotional distribution approach.........8M3 Adaptation of global and local approach with implications............................................9M4 Determine and articulate in detail how to adapt the marketing mix................................9D2 Critical evaluation of how the marketing mix is applied to a international marketing mix................................................................................................................................................9TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9P7 Explain and analyse the various international marketing approaches your clientorganisation can adapt............................................................................................................9P8 Compare home and international orientation and ways to assess competitors with itsimplications..........................................................................................................................11M5 Various marketing approaches and competitor analysis with recommendations..........11D3 Make recommendations how an organisation show structure at vast level....................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
International Marketing : Assignment Sample_2

INTRODUCTIONInternational marketing is the procedures and techniques through which company caneasily sell and promote various products in the market (Ringle, Sarstedt and Straub, 2012).Through this they can easily expand and diversify the business. Hence they can earn morerevenues and thus they can easily enhance the market share. When firm expand at a bigger andhuge level they can also maintain good reputation in the market and as well as in minds of allusers. Project describes about the Croud Inc limited who want I expand their operations on alarge scale. It further explain about the the different methods and the business strategies in theinternational markets. It further describes about the evaluation of the entry of internationalmarkets and the key factors which can affect success factors. There is also the investigation ofmarketing plan which can be adapted or standardized in the international markets and theevaluation of different international marketing approaches that client organization can adopt. TASK 1P.1 Scope and key concepts of international marketing International marketing are the business in which company wants to establish itself andwants to expand itself. Thus they had to increases the efficiency and effectiveness level so thatthey can maintain unique position in the market. Marketing helps in deliver of goods andservices according to needs and demand of user. When small organization have to expand theirbusiness operations on large scale. Thus they have to affect effective and efficient strategies andoperations so that they can earn more revenues and they can easily enhance the market share.Through this they can easily deliver the products and services to all user. Croud is the marketing agency which delivers various services to their customers such as socialadvertising, content marketing, analytical and SEO. Business try to perform innovation in theirproducts and services. Hence as a result they can easily maintain good position in market. Hencemanager can put more emphasis on the different and diversified activities so that they canmaintain good position in the market. They have to guide and motivate the employees so thatthey can maintain unique position in the market. They are top deliver good and superior qualityof products to many customers. Hence they can meet all demand and requirements and thus theycan earn more revenues. Company can expand their activities and tasks in USA(Terpstra, Foleyand Sarathy, 2012).Due to this they have to take care of different abbreviations which are related1
International Marketing : Assignment Sample_3

with IM. So hence there various points which company can easily consider at international level.So points considered by Croud are:Import: In this company can take goods from other countries so that they can easily accomplishtheir goals(Turnbulland Paliwoda,2012). Croud is marketing agency which helps inpurchasing this hardware system and they can get this software at cheaper rates. So hence as aresult they can easily get it a lower costs. Hence they can easily accomplish their targets. It is oneof the largest and retail company which s operating in the country. Export: Management of the company can perform all the operations and strategies so thatthey can perform well. Thus company can easily expand their operations and task in USAand thus they can easily export their services to different services (Chung, Wang andHuang, 2012). Joint ventures: This is the company in which there are combination of two or more associations. Thus as a result they can easily maintain good and unique position in the market. Croud can perform Joint venture with a US marketing agency. Thus they can easily expand their operations (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2013).There are various points and methods through which company can easily target their operations at a larger scale. Thus they can easily expand their activities and task in a better and effective manner. There are different concepts of international marketing. It includes:Production concept: In this concept it basically focuses on production. It emphasis on thelow price and mass scale of production. Plans and policies are created so that Croud can increase the production. Product: In this seller only focus on product and its features. They do not emphasis on needs an wants of all consumers. So hence they do not focus satisfaction of all user. Selling:They focus on selling the product to various customers. Hence they do not want that consumer come again to buy product. Hence they are targeted to new customers. Marketing: In this seller identifies the needs and requirements of all consumers and then creates product. It delivers product according to user needs.Societal concept: In this seller delivers products according to their choice and preferencesand at same time it considers interest of society also. Thus it fulfils both interests that is of consumers and of society. 2
International Marketing : Assignment Sample_4

M1 Opportunities and challenges marketing internationally presentThe company has to find out about the opportunities and challenges that they aregoing to face as they start operating internationally(Wilson, and et. al., 2012). The company’smanager has the job of understanding these problems properly and get the work done effectivelyaccordingly. Given below are some challenges and opportunities that are usually faced bycompanies:OpportunitiesChallengesIn a developed country like USA there are a lotof developed brands. Croud could target thesecompanies and can become a leading mediamarketing companyChange of foreign rules and regulations is a bigchallenge for a firm as they get modified withevery business section.USA has favourable climate for working wheremaking profit becomes easy.Currency rates also become a major problemfor the company working internationally asthey get modified according to the economiccondition of a country.The risk taking capacity of the companybecomes high and they can deal at any marketareaAnother major problem is political risk asgovernment in some areas is not verysupportiveFor Cloud, Societal concept can be selected. It selects this concept then it can fulfil needsand wants of all users as well as it can fulfil interest of all people living in society. Through this it can fulfil both interests and thus it can maintain good and unique position in minds of all customers and in society. It do not select other concept as they do not fulfil user's needs (Cadogan, 2012). 3
International Marketing : Assignment Sample_5

P.2 Various routes to market an organization could select Business is a combination of different and diversified activities and tasks in an belter andeffective manner(Yangand Fam, 2012).Thus as a result they can easily accomplish theirobjectives and targets. Through this they can easily earn more revenues. Croud has a knowledgeof different factors and they have knowledge of different factors and they have certain reasonsthrough which customers are attracted and they can become a global marketing agency. Domestic market is a small company where they cannot increase their sales. Croud is thelargest company who want that it can attract number of different customers from variouscountries. Through this they can easily expand their operations and activities on a largerscale. Through this they have to create strategies so that they can easily expand theiroperations. Due to limited scale and scope of operations domestic market cannot grow faster ascompared to international markets. Hence this is the growth of management of Croudcompany. Cloud is a marketing agency which can easily advertise for different associations.Hence as a result they can advertise their operations at a larger scale. So keeping in mind these reasons to get into the market world, certain ways that enable them tomarket internationally must be adopted by the management. This section is important as itsupport business that leads to the growth and expansion of the organization. The organization hasto find proper ways so they can provide their services efficiently to their clients to maximizesales and profit(Zhou,Wuand Barnes, 2012). The different ways to deal at international marketare as follows:Strategic alliance: It is also knows as joint venture consideration in which two different businessstart working together with each other but in this case one is a big company while another oneworks in small considerations with the goal of expanding its business and profit (PaliwodaandThomas, 2013)Email marketing: Online marketing media is another important aspect. This is done fromthe place where the company is operating in all the countries. This approach is importantin terms of maximizing the profit as well as expanding the operations with someinvestment.4
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