
International Marketing for Brown's Hotel: Opportunities and Challenges


Added on  2023-06-17

24 Pages5734 Words166 Views
Languages and CultureEconomics
International Marketing
International Marketing for Brown's Hotel: Opportunities and Challenges_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
PART 1............................................................................................................................................3
Overview of chosen company......................................................................................................3
Defining international advertising and highlight differences to local marketing........................4
Analyzing scope of and essential concepts of international marketing.......................................4
Explaining rationale for Brown’s to want to market internationally and various routes to
market that it can adopt................................................................................................................5
Evaluating opportunities and challenges that marketing globally presents to Brown’s..............7
Critically examining global marketing context, including insight into how companies should
adopt their advertising tactics for varied markets........................................................................9
PART 2..........................................................................................................................................10
Evaluation of the key criteria and selection process of the company in international market...10
Market entry strategy and their advantages and disadvantages.................................................11
Application of market evaluation entry strategies and making recommendation......................11
Critical evaluation of international marketing context..............................................................12
TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................14
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................19
Analysation of different international marketing approaches....................................................19
Comparison of international orientation of the ways of assessing competitors.........................20
Evaluation of various marketing approaches for the organization to chose and operate...........21
International Marketing for Brown's Hotel: Opportunities and Challenges_2

International marketing refers to application of key advertising principles that provide a
lot of benefits to organizations whether it is large or small. It contributes to increase the
profitability and productivity of firms that run their ventures under specific and productive
industry, in effective manner. Implementation of each principle make companies capable to
satisfy the needs and expectations of target audience that are residing across national borders.
International marketing is quite beneficial and essential for a company to take into their
consideration and conduct practice in regard to this concept. The current assignment will be
based on Brown’s, which falls under the list of big hotel brands in the United Kingdom. The
study will explain range of sources to define global marketing and highlight differences to local
advertising. It will justify the scope and important concepts of international marketing and
rationale for chosen firm to want to market globally and varied routes that it can adopt.
Furthermore, the report will clarify key criteria & selection procedure to utilize when
considering which global market to enter. It will also explain several market entry tactics,
including benefits and drawbacks of each. Lastly, the assignment will specify in detail the
different international marketing methods that firm can adopt and also describe comparison
between home & global orientation and ways to assess rivals, outlying implications of each
Overview of chosen company
Brown’s hotel is one of those luxury hotels in the London that was established in 1873
and founded by Rocco Forte hotels. It considered as the oldest and biggest hotel brands in the
United Kingdom (Unmistakably Brown's, 2021). It is famous for its traditional English Victorian
sophistication fused and design as well as combine latest features with traditional furnishing. It
International Marketing for Brown's Hotel: Opportunities and Challenges_3

has 115 suites and rooms that help to enhance the satisfaction level of customers, because each
suit encompasses great infrastructure, design and furniture that attract people toward satisfactory
stay in hotel. The goals of this company is to increase guest’s satisfaction and gain the attention
of other individuals. It is located in the London’s most high-class borough. In order to gain
competitive edge, it may develop plan to enter into global market in term of business expansion.
Defining international advertising and highlight differences to local marketing
International marketing is defined as practice of developing and conducting effective
advertising activities that occurs beyond national boundaries (Terlutter and et.al., 2021). Export,
joint venture, licensing, etc. are the best examples of global marketing that are accessible in the
market as mark entry option. It may enable companies such as Brown’s, to effectively use
surplus production and also assist to create wider and excellent chances for chosen brand venture
It can be said that international marketing is quite different from local term on the basis
of certain points. For example, local advertising refers to promotion of venture, product and
service within geographical boundaries of nation, while global marketing means the actions of
promoting, and generating awareness about company, item and other innovative as well as
profitable things extent over national level (Sheth, J.N., 2020). The area of international
marketing is wide, on the other hand local advertising practices conduct in small area. Both
terms are different from each other on the basis of technology usage as for purpose of domestic
promotion firms in the hospitality industry utilize technology in limited manner, while they
conduct same practice at global level by using effective and most beneficial technologies in bulk.
International marketing may provide hotel exact item offerings to target market in all
countries that it may operate, while local promotion allow firm to offer current discount and
existing offers to promote in domestic market with traditional advertising tools.
Analyzing scope of and essential concepts of international marketing
In the business world, while running different types of ventures and conducting practices
related to operational and functional units, organizations sets strategic aim (Kozlenkova and
et.al., 2021). They also expect to obtain great success, which is possible when effective concept
is adopt and implement systematically. International marketing is one of those concepts that
companies or hotels may take into their considerations while operating businesses into
International Marketing for Brown's Hotel: Opportunities and Challenges_4

hospitality industry. The scope of this concept is vast because it encompasses variety of
approaches, actions, tactics and strategies that enable Brown’s to reach and enter into new &
profitable market across home boundaries where success changes are accessible more than
existing market, which is quite beneficial for firm to grab in effective manner. International
marketing drive the concentration of chosen brand toward conducting advertising activities
across domestic frontiers (Pedada, Arunachalam and Dass, 2020). It may make hotel capable to
sale its services and satisfactory meal as products to consumers which in return provide
unexpected benefits to it in term of increasing customer base, and their satisfactory extent. Along
with above, international marketing may also cater more edges to firm that pleasure stakeholders
may take and enjoy the success of hotel.
It can be said that global marketing may bring several nations and companies closer due
to needs of individual person or economic and facilities comprehend among them. International
advertising may especially cover promotion of quality goods and exporting items in foreign
market. When a firm like chosen one tend internationally, it may look to overseas chances to
increase its customer base and market share. This concept may permit hotel to comprehend and
develop understanding about other cultures that may cater useful and competitive edges.
Explaining rationale for Brown’s to want to market internationally and various routes to market
that it can adopt.
The chosen hotel and its management may take decision to enter into new market or
nation, which is beneficial and essential for company. The biggest reason that drive the attention
of firm toward conducting this action is profits margin and revenue that it may tend to increase
more than other hotel brands in the nation where Brown’s has been developed its business. The
main reason to enter into global market is customer satisfaction, which organization may tend to
enhance even better than last few years or months (Cheung, Aalto, and Nevalainen, 2020). It can
be said that when a company take their venture internationally, it may allow it to grab excellent
market growth chances that enable to diversify markets appropriately and successfully. By
expanding venture across domestic frontier, it may gain access to attract new guests that are
more profitable than existing visitors. There are wide range of motives accessible as the best
examples in the context of why hotels or chosen company decide to market its services globally.
International Marketing for Brown's Hotel: Opportunities and Challenges_5

For gaining competitive benefits hotel may take initiative to adopt particular route to
market which also consider as rational in regard to market expansion or entry into Brazil. Global
expansion may provide organization benefit for which it may consider this option as it may
support to build brand image at international level. Most of the hotels in hospitality industry may
consider this strategy of market growth and key driver of success that they may take into
consideration because of above reasons.
Routes to market-
In corporate world, different forms of approaches and ways are accessible as key routes
that varied hotels in hospitality sector has been adopted. In case of Brown’s, its management
may take action to choose specific route among many to market and adopt that properly. These
routes are;
Foreign direct investment-
The best way to enter into market is current one according to which organization may
take initiative to invest money in one of those hotels in Brazil which may face challenge to run
their venture and tend to work in partnership or key investors who are capable to support in the
context of business growth. It may drive the attention of Brown’s to directly make investment in
facilities in an abroad (Opoku and Boachie, 2020). It may need a lot of capital to cover expenses
such as technology utilization, premises and skilled as well as talented employees. It can be said
that foreign direct investment might be done either by developing a new business or acquiring a
well-established hotel in the nation where chosen firm may seek to enter successfully and
Business expansion-
Chosen hotel may adopt the best and effective route to market globally and that is venture
expansion, which enable brand to take pleasure of increasing target market base, revenue and
shares, more than other existing hotels in Brazil. By expanding business in Brazil, Brown’s may
get chance to personally interact with new group of customers who are seeking to visit and stay
within those hospitality firms that provide them the most satisfactory services with consideration
of all guests needs & expectations (Gaur and et.al., 2021). According to this route, management
may find out the best location or place where they establish its new outlets and service quality
services to all consumers in effective and impressive manner. Furthermore, it may gain benefit
International Marketing for Brown's Hotel: Opportunities and Challenges_6

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