
International Marketing for Travel and Tourism : Assignment


Added on  2020-01-16

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Languages and Culture
International Marketing for Travel and Tourism : Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3CURRENT INTERNATIONAL PRACTICE.................................................................................5MARKET EXPANSION.................................................................................................................6SEGMENTATION, TARGETING, POSITIONING......................................................................6METHODS TO EVALUATE COST..............................................................................................7ISSUE WITH THE STRATEGY....................................................................................................8PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY......................................................................................................9RISK ASSESSMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION.....................................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
International Marketing for Travel and Tourism : Assignment_2

INTRODUCTION International marketing has become essential in the travel and tourism because of thecompetition in hotels as well as increasing demand for travelling. This has forced theorganization to market their hotels internationally so that different country traveler can beattracted towards it. This report talk about the Hotel du Vin which is the luxury and boutiquehotel as this hotel has been established since 1994 and it has expanded its branches in 16locations (TERMS & DETAILS, 2016). Further, it is planning to expand its branches in theoverseas market and for that micro and macro environment analysis is carried out to identify theopportunity. Further, the emphasis will be laid on selection and market entry method which willbe adopted to expand it chain. Lastly, the target market and the positioning will be selected toeffectively market the services. SWOT analysis In the present era, with the increasing competition, it is required by the organization todevelop effective marketing strategy. As the competition in the travel and tourism industry isincreasing effectively so because of this reason, the hotels are required to build competitiveadvantage among its competitors. Hotel du Vin is the luxury boutique hotel so they are requiredto analyze the current situation to effectively market their activities (Hollensen, 2015). The toolwhich can be used for analyzing the market is SWOT. Strength The main strength of the hotel is its location as it is established in the areas which are theprime location of UK. Due to this reason the hotel becomes the preference for thecustomers.The target markets of the Hotel du Vin are small and are they are ready to spend lavishlyto experience the service of hotel. It has expanded its chain locally so the marketing activity will not require much financeto make the customers aware. Weakness 1
International Marketing for Travel and Tourism : Assignment_3

They always work in the small scale environment, so they are not technologicallyupgraded which effect sales of the hotel.Opportunities Demand for the luxury hotel is increasing in developed countries, due to this reason theycan expand their hotel chain outside their nation.Further, Hotel du Vin can adopt the internet technology to market their activitieseffectively (Helms and Nixon, 2010).With the increasing tourism, demand for the hotel is increasing oversees. Threat The price war between the luxury and boutique hotel are intense which directly affectsthe profitability of the organization In expanding overseas, Hotel du Vin has to change its operations according to the needsand preferences of the local citizens residing there. This will incur huge cost. Micro analysis Customers- They are the importantfactor, it is required by the hotel to provide theservices according to their needs as well as expectations.Government- There are several types of laws and regulations regarding the food qualityin hotel are made. In this case, Hotel du Vin is required to follow all the policiesregarding safety to support the government. Employees- To expand the organization internationally, it is required by the Hotel du Vinto train the employees effectively. This will make them skilled and will help theorganization in competing with the competitors.Macro analysis (pestle)In this, political factor like tax affects the revenue and profit of the Hotel du Vin, so inthis case, the major barrier is the tax regulations of government. Further, the organization isrequired to consider the economic condition of the country at the time of carrying out themarketing activity. They can expand in the area which is having high purchasing power. Besidesthis, according to the social trends, the Hotel du Vin is required to carry out the operations. Onthe other hand, by considering the technological factors and preference the hotel can market the2
International Marketing for Travel and Tourism : Assignment_4

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