
International Relations: Joint Embassies, Cross Accreditation, Nonresident Ambassador, Honorary Consuls, and Virtual Embassy


Added on  2023-06-11

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RUNNING HEADER: International relations
International relations
International Relations: Joint Embassies, Cross Accreditation, Nonresident Ambassador, Honorary Consuls, and Virtual Embassy_1

RUNNING HEADER: International relations
1.1.1 Joint embassies
Both the British and Canadian governments made to the public their official signing of
the document deemed memorandum of understanding during the past one week which will
ensure that the two nations share the existing diplomatic mission aimed to lower costs incurred
and focus on the expansion of their diplomatic base.
Typically, two nations focused to uphold joint diplomatic missions and use common
embassy office buildings in overseas countries. The Canadian government has made a deal to
share some of its diplomatic outpost with Britain country at the same time entering the period of
nickel and dime diplomacy respectively. Thus Canadian diplomatic relations will establish
available space at the British embassies in those nation where Canada does not have a single
embassy. This step has been widely acknowledged as its view to be a cost-saving administrative
step which will have no effect on its foreign influences. The two nations decide to utilize their
existing diplomatic resources by explorations of several locations and through collaboration on
various consular services. This plan will begin in the two nations as British government shares a
particular space in Haiti while a Canadian diplomatic officer has installed a shop in an embassy
International Relations: Joint Embassies, Cross Accreditation, Nonresident Ambassador, Honorary Consuls, and Virtual Embassy_2

RUNNING HEADER: International relations
belonging to British diplomats. Its flag will, therefore, be significantly flown together at
distinctive diplomatic posts where their diplomats are closely working together (Howell et al
In the year 2007, an announcement involving joint embassies installed together belonging
to Albani and Kosovo respectively were made. It's evident that cooperation is a common
phenomenon in the various representations of foreign nations as they continuously uphold
mutual relationships and cultural festivals.
A proposed evaluation for the enactment of joint embassies is not as confusing as earlier
viewed since it enables sharing of building instruments, technical employees, premises, and
equipment. It does not account for the sharing of duties or diplomatic officials. Two diplomatic
missions remain separate entities in their respective countries. For example, in UK and Canada,
one of the nations can solely become over-dominant of the other resulting in a product of various
1.1.2 Cross accreditation
One model put into consideration is simultaneous multiple representations. This is also
commonly referred to as concurrent by different researchers. When a particular government
utilizes this effective technique, it ensures accreditation of one embassy belonging to two or
more nations. It is an efficient method for proper maintenance of parameters of bilateral
interrelationships without allowing separate embassies for each of the existing relations. In this
case, it involves three variants. In the first case, an ambassador is continuously accredited in two
countries in which the sender nations maintain physical diplomatic operations (Howell et al
2013). In the second case, both the current ambassador and embassy are accredited to other
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RUNNING HEADER: International relations
countries at the same time, where the country does not main the diplomatic activity. Thirdly,
only the ambassador is accredited to the existing states thus he/she might head a third state or as
foreigner minister of the home nation. This enables a certain state to acquire full diplomatic
relations without retaining the resident ambassador. This technique is relatively much
economical but simultaneously not employed by minor states.
1.1.3 Nonresident ambassador
Another technique employed is the non-resident ambassador who is direly in charge of
the relationships with the existing state from the home capital of the country. This proposed
possibility can be specifically designed to focus on creating a tiny embassy spearheaded by a
charge d'aflaires with the head ambassador residing in the capital and often visiting the assigned
state. He/she is appointed in order to aim at creating a presence where a full-scale assigned
embassy can be alternatively hypothesized in an unjustifiable manner. Howell et al (2013) argue
that non-resident ambassadors are nomadic diplomats destined to serve to two or more foreign
countries. Since they can only live in one geographical location, various countries have invested
in this technique due to its cost-cutting nature in areas where their outlying interests or available
resources insufficient to cater for the individual representatives.
1.1.4 Appointment of the honorary consuls
Some countries consider this as a more innovative solution to their problematic
representation. These are internationally recognized by sets of law involving Vienna convention
on consular relations that allows the judicial system and general framework for the correct
providence of consular services. Evidently, article 1, paragraph 2 of the law clearly states that
consular officers consist of two subgroups both called career and honorary. Chapter 3 then goes
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