
59718 Academic English - International Studies


Added on  2020-05-04

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Environmental Science
Running head: INTERNATIONAL STUDIESThe bleaching of the Great Barrier ReefName of the Student:Name of the University:Author note:
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1INTERNATIONAL STUDIESCoral bleaching takes place when the coral polyps eject algae, which resides in theirtissues. Generally, coral polyps reside in endosymbiotic relationship along with algae, whichis very crucial and important for coral. The health of whole reef depends on this. The everincreasing global warming has been the leading reason for the coral bleaching all over theworld. In between 2014 to 2016, longest events of global bleaching were recorded. As perUnited Nations Environment program’s opinion, the bleaching events killed many corals onan unparalleled scale. In the year 2016, the bleaching hit about ninety percent of the coralon Great Barrier Reef, which killed about 29-50% corals (Australian Government 2016).Furthermore, in the year 2017, the bleaching expanded and did not spare any area. Theessay throws light on the problems and how it is increasing due to global warming.Coral reefs are greatly vulnerable to the change of climate and it has a far reachingimpact. The reefs are basically complex in structure and mainly built of calcium carbonateskeletons, which lie down by the hard corals. The reef building substances are greatlyvulnerable to the rising temperatures of the sea as well as ocean acidification. As a result,the slow growth reduces required habitat for other creatures and moreover, the structures ofthe reeds begin to disintegrate. Increasing global warming is harming the critical habitat ofthe reefs and many other species in the existing ecosystem. The healthy reefs are the vitalreason for reef based fishing and tourism. These reefs also act as a natural barrier toinshore habitats as well as human communities, as it prevents storm surges and largerwaves. As the reef operates very close to the upper limit of tolerance heat, bleaching takesplace as the surface water gets too warm. The normal temperature during summer is risingdue to global warming (Pearlman 2016).The bleaching intensity corresponds with the higher temperatures, which in turnaffects the survival rate. At times, small rise in degree can induce bleaching. The irregularchanges in the temperature have been pronounced worldwide, especially during the eventsof El-Nino. This occurred when the Pacific Ocean swaps heat to the surface waters and theatmosphere. Presently, severe bleaching is occurring outside the El-Nino, due to the ocean
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2INTERNATIONAL STUDIESwarming. The major mass bleaching happened at the Caribbean in the year 2005. Theprimary evidence acquired is the ever increasing temperature of the surface waters. Theearth is already convinced by global warming and the environment is responding to it. Themost significant changes have been noticed by the oceans of the Earth. Apart than OceanAcidification, there are innumerable reasons for these changes, which are equallyconcerning. The vast coral bleaching is a result of the ever increasing global warming, whichin turn affects the whole water body. The year of 2010, have witnessed largest bleachingevent and global warming is the primary reason for this (Robertson 2017).Over two million tourists visit the reefs every year, which generates above two billionin the tourism dollars. The income from the tourists makes a major contribution to the wholeeconomy of Australia. The tourists are being carried to the reefs by using more than fivehundred commercial vessels. The tourism is basically permitted throughout the park. Most ofthese reefs are a part of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Various portions are however,protected in various ways. For example, restrictions in fishing, some water animals likedolphins, whales, dugong and green turtles are being protected. In addition to this, tourismactivities may also have a negative impact on the Great Barrier Reef. Fragile corals maybreak while the tourists go for reef walking, dropped fuel from the boats or dropped anchors,other kinds of pollution may hamper the natural environment of the water body. Moreover,the number of the tourists in water, their sweat as well as sun tan lotions may have a severeimpact on the overall fragile environment of the reefs (Dinesen & Oliver 1997).The tourists must be properly guided before visiting the Great Barrier Reef MarinePark. People must be well aware; it is necessary to study the map of the area, which thetourists are visiting. Moreover, the visitors must also take care of their activities and strictactions must be taken, if anybody contravenes the law. The healthy reefs are being affecteddue to tourism and fishing. Activities like snorkeling and diving also causes physicaldamages to the coral reefs. Snorkelers and divers kick up sediments, which in turn damagesthe natural habitat of the reefs. Other activities like fishing, sea food consumption, boating,
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