
Effects of Regional Cultural Issues on Corporate Organizational Culture


Added on  2023-01-06

6 Pages1291 Words82 Views
Languages and Culture
Effects of Regional Cultural Issues on Corporate Organizational Culture_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
Covered in PPT.......................................................................................................................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................1
Individually write up your own conclusions as to the key effects of regional cultural issues on
the corporate organisational culture of this multinational company as it conducts its business
Effects of Regional Cultural Issues on Corporate Organizational Culture_2

Covered in PPT
Individually write up your own conclusions as to the key effects of regional cultural issues on the
corporate organisational culture of this multinational company as it conducts its business
In this assignment, there are various regional cultural issues which impose direct impact on
culture of organisation for conducting activities and functions of company at international level.
The national culture determined as behaviour, norms, believes as well as value which is
important to follow by business organisation for smooth running during particular phase of time
period (Uphoff, 2019). There are different characteristic like language, ethnic, tradition which
must be followed by organisation in order to perform different functions in an appropriate
manner. It is necessary for business organisation to follow national culture such as custom and
belief for operating their activities and functions of Organisation in an appropriate manner. Their
success or growth is totally depending upon the culture followed by individual person within
business organisation for performing different activities in an appropriate way. The cultural is
differ from one nation to another as Brazil is differ from another nation so that it is necessary to
have a clear regarding their culture in order to perform different activity in an appropriate
manner. In context of Deloitte Company, the manager of business organisation focuses on
considering the culture of different countries such as Brazil, Japan as well as UK in order to
conduct different activities in an appropriate manner (Brewster, 2017). There are different
culture which is applied in different countries such as Japan, Brazil, UK and many more. If it is
talked about Japanese company then they follow the different culture which is differing from the
country which imposes direct impact on organisation. The subordinate of Japan focuses on
providing innovative things as that is related to their profession which is differ from other
subordinate of particular Nation. It also helped them in taking appropriate decisions in future
period of time. In comparison to UK, the Japanese employees does not wear white shirt, black
suits but in UK, it is determined as a formal dress code so that it has been analysed that it is
necessary for different organisation to follow different culture in order to conduct different
activity in an appropriate manner. Therefore, in this report the main focus is to follow the
Effects of Regional Cultural Issues on Corporate Organizational Culture_3

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