
Standardise vs Adaptation Marketing Communication Strategies


Added on  2023-06-14

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Business Development
Intl Marketing
Standardise vs Adaptation Marketing Communication Strategies_1

Q3. When entering a new market, international brands may choose to standardise or adapt their
marketing communication. Outline both strategies and critically discuss the opportunities
and challenges of each.
Marketing communication is the communication which is used for making the marketing
strategies such as branding, establishing online presence, direct marketing and many others.
When entering a new market it will be confusing to adopt either Standardise marketing
communication or adaptation marketing communication. Standardise marketing communication
is explained below (Ang, 2019)-
Standardise marketing communication
Standardise marketing communication refers to the marketing communication which is
used to sell the products globally by using different and unique marketing programs that can be
applied to all the countries. It targets the sell the products in different countries with the same
message. To It allows to have positive image of the products in the market where the company
can take advantage of its brand value in the market. Under this various factors are considered
such as product, price and ways of promotion globally. It also allows the availability of the
products in the supply chain management (Brubaker and Wilson, 2018). This marketing
communication adopts the new technical standards of the users, interest, groups, government and
many others. People prefer this communication as it allows to take the decision on the global
basis which simplifies the decision making process. Main focus will be on the customers as it is a
customer oriented strategy in order to meet their demands and needs. Under which the mass
production helps the company to lower the unit production cost level with the help of increasing
the volume units in the economies of scale. It is suitable for the companies which adopt the
process of less cost and those who want to sell the products without much changes and
modification. Moreover, it tends to leave the cost saving and it is very cheap but it does not get
chances to expand in the new segment as compared to adaption (Burrows and et. al., 2019).
It helps to reduce the overall cost by lowering the installation cost in order to manage the
large inventories. Customer provide the positive review about the brand or product that can be
beneficial to customize the level of quality. It also creates the overall image of the brand which
further will bring the loyal customers. This helps to make the product more consistent so that the
Standardise vs Adaptation Marketing Communication Strategies_2

customers will buy with the same consistency. Moreover, it can be a guide in order to produce
new products or services (Evans, 2021).
It can not be applied to all types of businesses as it is useful for paticular type of business
sch as customer service or advertising conditions. It leads to reduce the level of flexibility due to
differance in taste and preferances of the customers. It also makes it difficult to manage the
market by making new form of product for the customers. It also reduces the level of creativity
in the design of the products and in order to change. Moreover, it also reduces the variety of
products which can be a challenge for the company in the future.
When entering a new market, international brands may choose to standardise or adapt their
marketing communication. Outline both strategies and critically discuss the opportunities and
challenges of each (Gorji, Carney and Prakash, 2020).
Adaptive marketing strategy
The adaptive marketing strategy is the process that used by the marketers in order to
create the effective communication with their customers. The respective marketing strategy plays
vital role In order to tracking their customers as well as responding to them. By such process
marketers strategies their marketing efforts in order to perform the efficient functions. The
performing organisation enables such strategy in their marketing activities that provides the
benefits to the marketer in order to tailor their organisation functions. Through such approach
organisation were able to fulfil their potential customer needs and demand. The detailed data
were collected of consumers that contains customer personalised informations. By the effective
adoption of mentioned strategy in the organisational operations crates the strong bond with the
consumer as well as enhance the brand's loyalty (Gillespie and Swan, 2021).
Consumer trust- Through the adoption of above mentioned strategy company can easily
gain the trust of their customer. As they provides the specific products according to the consumer
needs. Hence, consumer feel comfortable in order to share their personified information to their
trusted brand. These informations can help the company in order to strategies their strategies to
build the strong bond with the consumers.
Informations- In today's era consumer data is one of the most valuable source to growing
any businesses. Hence, through the adaption of adaptive marketing strategy companies can
Standardise vs Adaptation Marketing Communication Strategies_3

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