
Motivation and Factors Influencing Employees in People Management


Added on  2022-12-30

9 Pages2433 Words61 Views
Motivation and Factors Influencing Employees in People Management_1

People Management or also known as Human Resource Management refers to an activity
of hiring competent persons, train and develop their existing competencies, preserve them and
maintain in organisation for period of long term with the motive of attaining business objectives
in a effective and efficient way (Acevedo, 2018). People or employees of any organisation are
the biggest and valuable asset for any company since they actually presents a real picture to the
ideas and plans made by the top level of management. This report will cover the motivation and
its factor as how they influences employees in the organisation to work more effective for the
development of company. The report will also include theory of motivation developed by
Abraham Maslow that is Maslow's need hierarchy theory of motivation.
Motivation refers to process of encouraging the organisation's employees to work more
efficiently and with more zeal to achieve company's goals and bring success to the organisation.
When the employees are being motivated by several factors this enhances their competency level
and allows them to work more for the company (Alsuwaidi, and et.all., 2020) . There are many
factors through which any company can motivate its employee such as healthy organisational
culture, positive working environment, rewards and recognition, leadership opportunity, salary
increment, job security, etc. Each factor is discussed below in detail:
Healthy Organizational Culture: Organisational culture refers to the values and ethics
being practised in the organisation. The culture emerges from the company's vision and
mission which drives the employees to adapt. A healthy organisational culture gives a
feeling of belongingness to the employees which keeps them motivated and generates a
sense of loyalty towards the organisation. There is a presence of direct relation between
the employees satisfaction and motivation with respect to healthy culture in the
organisation (Amidžić, 2019).
Positive Working Environment: Positive working environment can be stated by two
categories such as presence of physical environment and another is non-physical
environment. Physical environment includes better office premises, availability of all the
required necessary equipments, better working condition, easily reachable location to the
Motivation and Factors Influencing Employees in People Management_2

office,etc. Non-physical comprises of the behaviour of the employees as how they behave
with each other, their communication way and skills, relationships with co-employees or
with the management or with leader,etc. A positive environment allows an employee to
work with confident and peaceful mindset, stress free mental ambience,etc. which
motivates the employees to work with greater efficiency (Badrianto, and Ekhsan, 2019) .
Rewards and recognition: Rewards includes some monetary benefits or incentives such
as bonus, vacation sponsorship, shopping voucher, etc. Recognition is categorised as non-
monetary benefit to employees which includes praises in front of top level management
or with co-staff, appreciation for work done, etc. Both reward and recognition acts as a
motivation factor for an employee which influences him to work more for the
organisation. Sometimes an employee gets motivated by getting monetary benefit that is
reward or in some circumstances the employee gets motivated from just appreciation or
praises (Breaugh, Ritz, and Alfes, 2018).
Leadership Opportunity: Leadership opportunity refers a chance given to an employee
to become a leader in the organisation. Some companies uses this opportunity as a factor
of motivation provided to their employees for the sake of motivating them in order to
achieve company's goal with greater competency (Knies, Leisink, and Kraus-Hoogeveen,
Salary Increment: Salary increment is an another factor of motivation which
organisations uses to motivate their employees. Salary increment refers to increase in
existing salary of the employee or offering more salary as compared to the current one.
Getting more salary encourages an employee to work more and better for the company as
this will provide felling of honoured by the organisation (Muchtar, 2017).
Job Security: The most important thing for which every employee is stressed about is
job security. Job security refers to the security of a job for which he is doing hard work,
this removes the fear of abundance from the post in future. Job security gives a feeling of
belongingness and motivated an employee which gives rise to use the competencies in
more better way for the company (Rantesalu, Mus, and Arifin, 2017).
Motivation and Factors Influencing Employees in People Management_3

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