Research and Development Funding for Communication Security Technology
Added on 2019-09-23
4 Pages1242 Words121 Views
IntroductionA technology is human made artificial asset that supports the human being for which theknowledge and behavior incorporated. Research and development is a process employed toemerge new technology for better results and performances (Ramey, 2013). The communicationtechnology security is one of the advanced research and development area where the modern orlatest technological framework is required to protect the informational assets of an organizationor individual from the breaches and security risks in the cyberspace. The communication securitytechnology is regularly required to be upgraded to be more intelligent to prevent the cybersecurity attacks with information and information system. The technology in this discipline is notmature to protect all the sensitive and vital information. There is also regular occurrences ofcyber security breaches and disclosure of confidential and sensitive information alerts theresearchers to emerge the robust and effective technology in the field of data communicationsecurity for cyber space.R & D Lifecycle and TechnologyFunding is basic requirement for the invention to innovation of any type of technology. In caseof the technology invention to innovation there are three major funding sources are available.These three main sources of funding are private equity investors, corporations, and federalgovernment (Branscomb, & Auerswald, n.d.). Angel investors provides most important sources for the early stage technology developmentfunding to research and development. This is mainly sources the funds for small technologystartups for the small firms and research and development wings. State government provides the small fraction of funds of total early stage of the technologydevelopment in the field of communication security. It also plays very crucial role to establishthe regional environment to bridge the gap between invention and innovation of the technology.The local state government provides the partnership between the university and industry toleverage the federal academic funds. It provides general and also targeted grants for funding forthe communication security technology. It also provides the technical educated workforce andidentities for the research and development of the technology from the colleges and universities.
Corporations spends the small portion of funding to the early stage of the funds to develop thetechnology in the field of technology that offers the security with inbuilt technology. The overallcorporate funding for the early stage technology development is approx $13 billions per annum.This is widely differs from industries and state government funding for research anddevelopment spending. The software industries reuse its tools and technology to develop thecommunication security to expand the functional aspects to develop such technology.Technology TransferA process used to apply and exploit the technology of developed knowledge from one place toother place to serve the purpose of the technology is termed as technology transfer. It ishistorically associated with the federal activities and also not restricted for only the governmentand its subsidiaries ("Technology Transfer Program | Homeland Security", n.d.). The mostcommon form of technology transfer takes place between the federal laboratories and non federalorganizations like private industries, academia and state to local governments.There is a technology transfer program for commercialization of developed knowledge andinnovated technology by the department of homeland security of federal government. The mainobjective of DHS (Department of Homeland Security) is to serve the focal point for thedepartment on the policy of technology transfer. DHS manages the mechanisms of technologytransfers, exchanges the technology with industries, states, local governments, academia andother federal agencies. DHS also provides the help and partnership for the development ofcommunication security technology and other technologies.A cyber security division (CSD) research and development plays vital role in the transfer oftechnology from laboratories to marketplace. There are so many bodies such as chief informationofficer of DHS, Federal Law Enforcement training center, National Cyber Security Division ofFederal Government and other regulatory bodies in the field of communication security tests theoperation capabilities of the development technology for the cyber security. The experiment, testand evaluation along with the operational deployment makes the facilitation of the transfer oftechnology. The vendor feedbacks are taken to refine he requirements and deploy to make moresecure and robust to provide more security in cyberspace.
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