
Every country's strategic security industry


Added on  2022-03-21

14 Pages4117 Words26 Views
Every country's strategic security industry is confronted with critical security concerns.
The United states' strategic security industry also faces a lot of key protection issues.
Sociological threats include neighboring country hostility, terrorist infiltration, and worldwide
economic trends that threaten the country's economy. Hurricanes and viral pandemics are not to
be ignored. A nation's strength and well-being are at risk whenever a threat exists. In terms of
national security, such threats are always avoided. As a result, the Secretary of Defense cabinet
position was created, and he assumed command of all armed branches. The strategic security
industry is run by a self-contained sovereign government protecting its population. In order to
maintain peace and stability in their respective areas, different security organizations should
coordinate. Identifying possible dangers and developing appropriate responses are important
duties in national security. One of the most serious threats to the strategic security industry is
hostile foreign governments. An enemy state does not have to directly attack the United States to
be designated a national security threat. Consider also the concept of proliferation, especially in
connection to modern weapons. To the national security business, internet criminals, especially
those not tied to hostile countries or terrorist organizations, pose a considerable concern.
Financiers, governments and electrical companies can be hacked to steal or extort money from
their victims. They will occasionally commit cybercrime to achieve an ideological cause. Not all
threats to national security are accompanied by bad actors. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and other
natural catastrophes can do significant harm to a country's population and infrastructure.
Pandemics like COVID-19 disrupt the healthcare and economic systems. While global warming
threatens everyone's existence, certain consequences are particularly relevant to Americans.
Every country's strategic security industry_1

Climate change, for example, is threatening the stability of several mission-critical US
military locations, according to a Pentagon analysis. The survey looked at 79 military bases
throughout the world and found that 53 of them are currently threatened by flooding, 43 by
drought, and 36 by wildfires. Transnational crime is a significant extra challenge to the national
security industry. Transnational criminal groups, according to the FBI, are groups that seek
power, influence, or financial gain through illicit behavior, regardless of physical location. The
FBI employs "a multidimensional approach" to discover transnational crime groups and cripple
their infrastructures for illicit activities, according to the FBI.
Thesis statement: The one universal element critical to a leader’s successful protection
operation is “Asset Protection”
Purpose: To argue the fact that Asset Protection is the single essential element in a
successful protection operation.
Protection Operation: Coordination of Intelligence, Counterterrorism, and Protection
A primary mission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is to protect the
American people and the nation's infrastructure, which includes counterterrorism, border
security, cyber security, economic security, and emergency preparedness initiatives. It is hidden
beneath the overarching plan for each of these mission components, which in turn is buried
beneath the overall strategy for each of these mission components. Terrorism is one of the most
serious dangers to the domestic security of the United States. When it comes to countering
terrorist threats, the DHS relies on the collaboration of local and federal authorities,
notwithstanding its size (Security Threats, 2019). DHS disaster response actions are coordinated
through the National Incident Management System (NIMS). This strategy aims to improve
public safety, property preservation, and environmental protection (NRF, 2019). NIMS provides
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a framework for properly coordinating and integrating resources from all levels of response
organizations (NIMS, 2017). According to Burkett (2009), the military interface uses a bottom-
up approach. This plan assumes local problems escalate to the point of requiring federal or
military action. Institutions like the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Forces and National Fusion
Centers were created to better coordinate local, state, and federal counterterrorism efforts
(National Strategy for Counterterrorism, 2018).
Terrorism is defined by the DHS as "an act of unlawful violence, or a threat of force or
violence, that is dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or
key resources and is intended to affect societal, political, or other change, committed by a group
or individual based and operating entirely within the United States or its territories" (Strategic
Framework, 2019). Counterterrorism operations are those that are carried out in order to combat
terrorism. DHS counterterrorism operations include receiving, evaluating, and sharing
intelligence; identifying and interrupting threats; protecting designated leaders and targets;
battling weapons of mass destruction; and countering new threats, among other things
(Counterterrorism, n.d). Counterterrorism operations led by the FBI "identify and disrupt
potential terrorist plots... freeze terrorist finances, share information with law enforcement and
intelligence partners around the world, and provide strategic and operational threat analysis to
the wider intelligence community," according to the FBI. When it comes to terrorism, the FBI
uses systems like Joint Terrorism Task Forces and the National Counterterrorism Center (Center,
2020). The NCTC's Joint Counterterrorism Assessment Team (JCAT) "researches, creates, and
disseminates counterterrorism intelligence products for SLTT agencies..." 2201 JCAT It is the
tactics and actions used to prepare for terrorist threats and respond effectively to them. In order
to protect the American people, the aforementioned agencies and procedures must continue to
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improve and provide effective goods. On the other hand, the National Strategy for Counter-
Terrorism (2018) lays out strategic counter-terrorism
Intelligence is information obtained within or outside the US on threats to our nation,
people, or interests; the development, proliferation, or use of WMD; and other matters affecting
national or homeland security (Intelligence Cycle and Process, 2020). The US intelligence
services receive large volumes of information regarding terrorist organizations' plans, locations,
and individuals. This data assists US entities to deter terrorism and disrupt terrorist operations.
The intelligence cycle depicts the processes of planning, collecting, exploitation, analysis, and
distribution. Intelligence is an important piece of the counterterrorism puzzle since it provides
the most accurate and effective information (What is Intelligence, n.d). As stated by Thompson
(2003), "it is vital not only that intelligence about terrorist operations is obtained, but also that
this information is shared with other components... that possess similar information." Following
the September 11th assaults on US soil, the Patriot Act was passed, allowing for enhanced
intelligence cooperation in the fight against terrorism (USA Patriot Act, 2003). The FBI may
investigate and acquire intelligence on an individual suspected of being an international terrorist
or spy without demonstrating any terrorist conduct. Historical study might reveal previous
solutions to current or future challenges. Looking back, modern terminology and concepts can be
used that have been tested in the real world.
History can be used to examine and possibly test theory and application. Security
activities must be taken in the present, often in response to a negative scenario or incident, but
they must constantly be evaluated in retrospect. As a result, previous solutions to contemporary
difficulties can be evaluated for their effectiveness, as well as their potential to cause or avert
new crises. For example, in order to avoid forgetting passwords, users are advised to write them
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