
Career Goals and Internship Expectations


Added on  2020-06-04

3 Pages1315 Words145 Views
IntroductionIn order to write short written response, it is essential to cover goals and objectives whichincreases effectiveness. In this consideration, systematic development of the activities ascertain inthe business (Johnson, Leenders and McCue, 2017). For gaining insight information of the presentreport, it covers career goals which completed in internship. Main bodyIn order to work as store manager in Pizza Hut, it is important to focus on the several rolesand responsibility that accomplish on the time. Further, it also considered several aims which helpsto ascertain expectations in the business (Drew, McCallum and Roggenhofer, 2016). Following arecertain duties and responsibilities considered as a store manager in internship:Expectations:Real life experience and exposure: In respect to gain effective information, it is essential toget more experience and exposure in the life. In this aspect, it is important to store managerto make their concentration on the expressing themselves towards the business results. Inaddition to this, positive and take back positive experience considered in the business toattract several customers at workplace. Opportunities to learn about the strength and weakness: Further, another expectation ofstore manager of Pizza hut need to concentrate on the strength and weakness towards theopportunities. In this aspect, aims and objectives assists to develop in systematic manner atworkplace. With the help of the different opportunities, business SWOT considered atworkplace which increasing its effectiveness to undertake more creative results. In order tolook towards the people, it is important to looking for the business competitors as well. Withthe help of this expectation, the store manager able to deliver creativity and ascertainsystematic operations at workplace (Drew, McCallum and Roggenhofer, 2016). Get connected with terms of professional and development of network: Along with this,store manager has expectation to develop terms of professional and development with createa systematic network in it. In this consideration, effectiveness develop to work in propermanner. Therefore, systematic work performances develop at workplace. In this regard, peerlearning is important concept that assists to make systematic networking within theenvironment (Stair and Reynolds, 2017). Hence, it will beneficial to make overall growth ofa person in the Pizza Hut enterprise.GoalsSeeking a Retail Manager position with competitive retail brand in next 5 years: In respectto develop effective results, it is important to seeking with retail manager position.Therefore, in the Pizza hut internship, store manager has goal to make himself as the retailmanager position. It helps to make competitive retail brand development activities insystematic manner. It increases effectiveness and undertake new position in the business.Further, it also increases value and standard of a particular person who work in theenterprise (Johnson, Leenders and McCue, 2017). To gain excellent customer service skills to stimulate cyclical business – The internship willassist me developing effective customer skills which is responsible for stimulating cyclicalbusiness. The customer service skills are very important in order to meet their needs anddemand and provide them best services. It will help me to achieve success in future career. To have strong leadership skills and the ability to meet personal and company goals – Theinternship in pizza hut will help me to develop effective leadership qualities and the abilities
Career Goals and Internship Expectations_1

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