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Information Technology and Business Operations


Added on  2020/10/05

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The assignment provides an overview of how information technology is applied in business systems to manage details and improve customer base and brand image. It highlights the importance of communication technology for transmitting messages between devices. The document also touches on different types of networking technologies that support communication channels. Furthermore, it mentions various computer applications in real-world scenarios.

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Information technology is the best approach which used for store, transmit and retrieve
the data or information in proper manner. It is considered to be the subset of information or
communication technology for transmitting the messages from one device to another in effective
ways. This report will discuss about the specific role of information technology in the terms of
success and failure. This assignment will describe the social media that impact on the overall
business operations and functions. It will use for communication and information technology that
help for interact with the stakeholder and customers. Furthermore, it also differentiates the
various types of networking technology that support for the purpose of communication channels.
It also transmitting the messages from one place to another. There are different types of
computer divided on the basis of application in the real world.
LO2 Ethical And Social Issues Associated With Technology
Ethical and social issues that pertain to running business
Ethical Issues:
Fundamental Issues: Most fundamental ethical issues that a business faces is trust and
integrity. It is the most important issue in hotel industry. As honesty and commitment
with customers is very important in this industry. Trust relationship between customers
and business is a key to success (Chen, Emer and Sze, 2016).
Diversity Issues: If diverse pool of employees work at your organization then there
diversity should be respected. Ethical responsibility to maintain diversity starts when
diverse workforce are recruited and given equal opportunity of training and responsibility
in workplace.
Governance and compliance issue: Any business specially Hotel industry are expected
to follow all the federal laws, environmental laws, state safety regulations, civil rights etc.
For example all the business organizations in Europe specially hotel industry need to
ensure that they follow all the safety regulations and environmental laws etc.
Technology/ Privacy: With the rapid development in technology nowadays employers
can monitor all their employees activities on their personal devices or laptops or
computers etc. They in fact monitor their employees through video recording as well. But
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some companies not only monitor their employees but spy on them in fact some
companies even monitors employees internet connection and their browsing history.
Social Media: As it is known that social media post are known as free speech platform
where a person can freely post their thoughts, views etc (Denton, Chintala and Fergus,
2015). But some companies misuse this social media and unethically punishes the
employees for any post which brings negative publicity to their company.
Accounting: Nowadays unethical accounting has become a common practice in many
companies. For small profit or to save tax many companies uses these unethical practices
despite of knowing that they can go out of business.
Social issues:
Constantly changing customers expectations: Hotel industry is completely dependent
on their customers, so to keep their business running smoothly they need to keep their
customers happy. But now a day it is not enough to keep the customers happy it has
become very important to meet customers requirements. So nowadays it is important to
delight the customers which has become much difficult. With the change in time
customers demands are also changing (Gibson, 2016). Demand in technology, service,
product, luxury etc. is changing customers perception. Emerging applications,
conveyance, social media, digitalization has increased customers demands and it has
become difficult for hotel industry to meet all their demands.
Continued regular innovations and technological changes: Today's customers are
more of technology users then before. Top management in hospitality industry always
faces difficulty to keep up with customers. When a customer stays in a hotel they expect
USB ports, TV, Air conditioner, Wi-Fi and many more things so they need to update
themselves continuously with the change in technology and customers demand. This
increasing use in technology and innovation in products has also increased competition in
the market with their competitors.
Security and political challenges: This is also one of major issue faced by much
hospitality industry organizations. It is a big issue for management to deal with all the
economic and socio political issues. In today's world terrorism threat has changed way of
travelling and stay in hotels of all the people. If any customer decides to stay in a hotel
first thing they ensure is safety and security in that hotel and for that all the hotels need to

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relay on the software and gadgets they need to install in their hotels which are very
costly. They need to ensure security of all the issues weather it is data theft or terrorism
LO3 Difference Between Types Of Network
There are many types of networking technologies but the most basic networking
technologies are LAN, MAN, WAN which is most commonly used.
LAN stands for local area
MAN stands for
metropolitan area network.
WAN stands for wide area
Connection of network within a
small area connecting a group of
Connection of network
which connects large area
like towns or cities.
Connection of networks
which connects large locality
like connection of different
Ownership of this network is
Ownership of this network
can either be private or
Ownership of this network
can also be either private or
Maintenance and design of this
network is easy (Hoo-Chang and, 2016).
Maintenance and designing
of this network is difficult.
Maintenance and designing of
this network is even more
This network have short
propagation delay.
This network has medium
propagation delay.
This network has long
propagation delay.
It has very high speed. It has moderate speed. It's speed is very low.
LAN has more fault tolerance. MAN has less fault
Wan has even less fault
Congestion is less Congestion is more Congestion is even more.
Mostly used in colleges, schools,
hospitals etc.
Mostly used in towns or
cities etc.
Mostly used in countries or
In this mostly all the computers In this mostly all the local Establishment of this network
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and workstations are
interconnected to each other.
networks within limits are
is done using leashed circuit
of telecommunication and
router which is typically used
to connect LAN or WAN.
Other type of networking technologies are:
Personal are network(PAN): The most basic and smallest type of network is personal
area network i.e. PAN. It is basically a network made up of a computer or two, wireless
modem, printer, phones, tablets etc. and is only revolving around one person. This type of
network is mostly used in an office or a building or an organization used by a single
person from a single device.
Wireless local area network (WLAN): This type of network is normally known as Wi-Fi
typically used in same appliances as LAN. These type of network normal do not require
any personal cable or any device (Mills, 2016).
Campus area network: these type of network are larger than LAN but smaller than MAN.
These type of network are normally used in universities larger than small business or
school districts. This network can be spread across many buildings that are mainly close
to each other so that users can share resources.
Storage area network (SAN): It is a high speed network that connects pool of storage
devices to several networks. These type of network do not relay on LAN or WAN. In fact
they move all the storage resources away from network and place them into their own
high performance network. It can be accessed in the same way as a device attached to a
System area network: it is a completely new network as compared in last two decades. It
is a local network that was designed to provide high speed connection in storage area
network, in a cluster environment and in processor to processor network. These kind of
networks are used for systems to be run at a very high speed (Saeidi and, 2015).
Virtual private network (VPN): extension of private all across the internet it lets its users
receive or send data as it their mobiles or devices are interconnected to each other in fact
they are not. In this connection users can access any private network remotely.
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LO5 Role Of Information Technology In Management
Competition in hospitality industry is very high. So role of information technology plays
a very important role in success or failure of any industry. As today customers are mostly
dependent of technology in many ways so it is important for any hotel industry to remain
connected to with the technology to please the customers. Hotels can attract new customers by
connecting their hotel with new technology in any way that want. Technology nowadays is
changing continuously so it has become important for hotel industry to remain updated with the
rising technology and install then in their hotels.
Role of information technology in hotel management can be used as:
Online Booking: most important technology that can affect a hotels business is online
booking as many customers prefer to book a hotel online. Internet has made it easy to
access information online within few seconds and book online easily (Wang, 2014). Any
customer can easily check all the details related to hotels like check in and check out
time, all the facilities that a hotel provides. It is important for hotel business to focus on
this part as it can either increase or decrease hotel business.
Online reputation: Online reputation is a most important factor of information technology
which can affects a hotels business as in today's world 99% of customers decide to stay in
a hotel based on the hotel reviews and out of those customers many would not continue
booking if reviews of a hotel is negative (Wang and, 2015). Nowadays customers
are severely relaying on customers reviews if they are positive then they continue
booking and if comments and reviews are negative then they do not continue booking.
So online reputation of a hotel can affect a hotels' reputation either in positive way or in a
negative way.
Enhancing guest experience: use of the latest information technology can enhance a
customers experience in hospitality industry in a several ways. Hotels can grab a
customers' attention from website visiting to their stay in hotel. They can install Wi-Fi,
automation in rooms etc. this will not only enhance customers experience but also attract
more customers a can increase a hotel business.

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Mobile communication: in hospitality business customers can be updated using mobile
communication, they can send offers, notices, locations etc. they can also send emails for
booking conformations or provide 24*7 customer service for their assistance.
Chatbots: Hotels can install chatbot facility in their hotels i.e. any customer can demands
any information or service or products only through sending a text.
In room technology: customers nowadays relay on wireless communication, electronic
devices most of the time (Zhang, Zhao,and LeCun, 2015.). So updating their business
with these facilities can increase their business by providing e-dining booking, proving
internet facility, transportation facility etc. they can also provide location tracker facility
to all the customers to assist then to find their location more easily. All these facilities can
help then to improve their customer base and their brand image.
As per discussion, it concluded that Information technology is applicable in the computer system
to manage all the details and information of business process in effective manner. It is
considered to be the subset of information or communication technology for transmitting the
messages from one device to another in effective ways. It summarized the specific role of
information technology in the terms of success and failure. In this report, It can be identified that
social media that impact on the overall business operations and functions. It uses for
communication and information technology that help for interact with the stakeholder and
customers. In this way, it also differentiates the different types of networking technology that
support for the purpose of communication channels. It also transmitting the messages from one
place to another. There are different types of computer divided on the basis of application in the
real world.
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Online and Journals:
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dataflow for convolutional neural networks. In ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture
News (Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 367-379). IEEE Press.
Denton, E.L., Chintala, S. and Fergus, R., 2015. Deep generative image models using a
laplacian pyramid of adversarial networks. In Advances in neural information processing
systems (pp. 1486-1494).
Gibson, S., 2016. Mobilizing hospitality: The ethics of social relations in a mobile world.
Hoo-Chang, S.and, 2016. Deep convolutional neural networks for computer-aided
detection: CNN architectures, dataset characteristics and transfer learning. IEEE
transactions on medical imaging, 35(5), p.1285.
Mills, D.L., 2016. Computer network time synchronization: the network time protocol on earth
and in space. CRC Press.
Saeidi, S.P and, 2015. How does corporate social responsibility contribute to firm financial
performance? The mediating role of competitive advantage, reputation, and customer
satisfaction. Journal of business research, 68(2), pp.341-350.
Wang, C.J., 2014. Do ethical and sustainable practices matter? Effects of corporate citizenship on
business performance in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management, 26(6), pp.930-947.
Wang, Z. and, 2015. Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: a colloquium. The
European physical journal B, 88(5), p.124.
Zhang, X., Zhao, J. and LeCun, Y., 2015. Character-level convolutional networks for text
classification. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 649-657).
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