
Hybrid Model Application and Crisis Management Team


Added on  2019-09-25

6 Pages2534 Words415 Views
IntroductionThe crisis is the time of intense trouble, danger or difficulty. Words associated with the crisisinclude disaster, emergency, calamity, and catastrophe. Crisis intervention is consideredemergency psychological care aimed at assisting individuals in a crisis situation to restoreequilibrium to their biopsychosocial functioning and to minimize the potential for psychologicaltrauma. The hybrid model of Crisis assists a crisis intervenor to stabilize a situation of crisis. Indifferent states, the crisis is known by different names like, in the UK it is known as a hazardousevent while in China it is known as opportunity and danger. The World is dynamic in naturewhich is always on changing phase; these changes happened so rapidly. Due to these changes,families are thrown into chaos over isolation, unemployment, illness, alcohol abusers andsubstance. Before all these things man-made hardships can become possible, there wereenvironmental forces, genetic forces and natural disasters that give birth to various crises in life.For build resilience, information and practice are required for everyone to manage Crisis. In thispaper, we will discuss the “Women Losing Custody of Child from the Crisis Intervention” andalso apply the hybrid model to the Crisis examples. This will be done through provide specificexamples of illustrated intervention, and also illustrated some examples of listening skills. Crisishas several characteristics, few of them are following:SpecificUnexpectedCreates uncertaintyThe causes of the crisis are so many, or unknown that it is difficult for the manager to take arational decision immediately to reverse the crisis situation.Hybrid model of Crisis InterventionThe hybrid model is used mostly for certain crisis interventions; it is applied in such a way toensure some topics are able to be addressed while helping a person in facing a crisis. As we havelearned, the crisis is not predictable; therefore applying a linear model that is known as thehybrid model of crisis intervention require some necessary steps should be followed formanaging the Crisis efficiently. Hybrid model tasks can be fulfilled at any time in theintervention and at times may require being re-accomplished at another period of theintervention. Hybrid mode is considered as the hub around which all the strategies related to thecrisis intervention revolve and tasks are designed to operate as an integrated problem-solvingprocess. The main purpose behind designing the hybrid model is to enhance the previous linearapproach to crisis intervention. After consistently studied about the various crises, it has becomeapparent that crisis does not occur step by step in order. The hybrid model looks every crisisexample in a different manner. As per it, Crises are considered disorganized and chaotic andswiftly transition from one place to another place. As per the hybrid, model crises are looking ina more realistic fashion, and it allows the Crises Intervention Team and worker to move fromchaos reducing tasks which allowing more therapeutic innovation and resulting in increasedoptions for resolution.
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The hybrid model is a combination of tasks which can be performed in numerical order fromTask 1 to Task 7, or all these tasks can be completed as the crisis dictates. The end result of thehybrid model completely depends on the efficiency of the workers and the Crisis ManagementTeam. For this Crisis management team should formulate a realistic plan for the future to preventthe occurrence of the same crisis again and again. This model identifies the assessment of thesituation and the clients as a continuous task that the worker is fully involved in throughout thecrisis. For effective management of the Crisis, the clients gathered all required information aboutthe client, client's feedback to the crisis, and the number of people involved. The process relatedto the assessment of the client is ongoing. This process fulfilled with lots of potential for aninfinite number of responses. After dealing with the situation, it is necessary for the worker todevelop a reasonable conclusion. Hybrid crisis model does not "force-feed" an assessment of thesituation of the crisis. For conducting a sound assessment, hybrid model provides muchsituational material to the worker through which conclusion formulation can be done efficiently. It is not a complex model but is simple to implement, adaptable and easy to use. Hybrid modelconsists of following steps:- 1.Predispositioning / Engaging / Initiating Contact:-It is usually the first and foremost task of the model. Most of the systems like armedforces and government agencies such as FEMA utilize pre-dispositioning to get supplies,
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equipment, and personnel ready to meet some future emergency. During the Crisis, it isvery critical for a person to build a relationship of communication with other persons. Allthe true facts of the situation help in understanding the client's demand and needs, as wellas it also helps in identifying the intentions of the workers to help them. 2.Problem exploration:- The second task of the Hybrid model is problem exploration. This task told about thediscussions of how the client is feeling in the situation and can help the client in definingthe crisis from their point of view. This task evaluates and finding out the various aspectslike, how was the client is affected due to the situation, what they need, their feelings andthe workers measure the important what, when, who, where, and why questions.3.Providing support:-This task of the hybrid model provides logistical, social, psychological and informationalsupport. As, it is considered very important for a person going through a crisis, be heard,to talk, to listen and have someone who can understand their feeling. Support to the clientcan be provided in the best manner by discovering their needs and assisting them in aproper manner.4.Examining Alternatives:-The fourth task of the Hybrid model is about examining the various available alternatives.In this task various alternative supports which are required by the clients are identified.Alternatives supports can be provided through medication, various support groups,therapy and through other treatment resources.5.Planning in order to Re-establish control:-In the fifth task, planning is required in order to command control over the chaoticsituation. This can be done efficiently through helping their clients in overcome all thehurdles which move them forward. This task of the hybrid model also empowers theclients with resiliency and life skills for the next time.6.Obtaining commitment:-This task of the hybrid model obtaining a commitment from the client to continue tomove forward and accept support when it is needed. Through this, it can ensure that theclient deals efficiently with all the future problems related to the crisis. This gives suretyto the management that the client is now capable of dealing all such problems and canmake their individual decision.7.Follow-up:-The last task of the hybrid model is following up with the clients. This is the major andimportant step of the model. Follow up is considered the ideal way which helps in keepthe lines of communication open and this task also guarantee that any upcomingdifficulties can be identified in an efficient manner before they become major crises.Through this, the problems can be identified immediately and can be solved in a timelymanner before they impact the whole consequences in a larger extent. 7 Hybrid model application
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