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Added on  2019-09-23

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Introduction The report basically talks about the events and the activities conducted on the college premisesand how that planning and the evaluation of the activities helps in building the career of thestudents. The career development of the college students is very important. This report is relatedto my personal experience in the college and the diary includes all the activities of my collegeplacements and the observations I have made through these activities are also mentioned in thetable. The whole task is based on the selection and recruitment of the students in the college.The observations made from the number of the tasks and the activities are related to the skillsthat the students possess. The report also focused on the plan lessons and the evaluation of theactivities to learn about the best outcomes of all the plans. The best part of the college activitiesare the staff efforts to give the guidance and the lectures to the students for their career and to tellthem about the number of alternatives available for the students after the completion of theirgraduation or the post-graduation [CITATION Naz13 \l 1033 ]. The selection and recruitment are not only done through the colleges, but the direct hiring of theorganizations is also an opportunity for the students. The organization also follows the samerules of providing the career development program as well as to give the training to theemployees to tell them their roles and responsibilities. The companies also focus on the retainingof the employees in the organization to avoid the selection and recruitment of the new employeesas it involves the huge expenses. 1
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Diary of activitiesMy diary of activities includes all the tasks with date and time and with the observation notes.The time to start the procedure of the recruitment and the selection in the college was the 5th May2016 and it took around ten days to complete the tasks. The whole procedure started with theintroduction of the students with their ambition to identify their seriousness about the career. Theaim of the students in their life depicts the personality of the students. Then, after this, thecollege tried to adopt a strategy to organize a test to check the level of the skills they have andwhat are the areas they need to improve. The class consisted of 30 students and it was dividedinto 3 groups for taking their skill tests. The skill tests help to identify their level as it containsthe reasoning ability test, numeric ability and the general knowledge etc. The college then,organize the personality development programs to improve their skills and the careerdevelopment program to guide them about their future growth. The college took a responsibilityto call the big companies into the college for the recruitment of the skilled and wellknowledgeable students [CITATION RCl12 \l 1033 ]. The shortlisted candidates were those whoscored good marks in the aptitude tests were now eligible to appear in the interviews. Thecompanies already discussed about their terms and conditions with regard to the training and thesalary at the time of the recruitment. All these activities involve huge expenditure of the collegesas well as the time. The college builds its reputation by conducting these drives and byestablishing a training and placement cell in the college or university building. 2
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A diary templateWeek 1ClassActivitiesObservation notes5th May 2016Time 10:00am Taskintroduction 6th May 2016Time11:00amTask- SkilltestMBA, 4thSem 30 studentsin totalGroup of 10students A Simple interviewsession, with thestudents regardingthe Introduction ofthe students andtheir aim in life andhow they willachieve it?To conduct the skilltest of the studentsby dividing the 30students into 3groups and the skilltest will include allthereasoning,numericalandgeneral knowledgequestionsBy simple interviewing the studentswill help to know their enthusiasmand the zeal and how serious theyare towards the goal and theobjectivesThe level of the knowledge and theskills the students possess will get toknow by these tests. The results ofthe skill test of the students will helpshortlist the candidates on the basisof their skills.3
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7th May 2016Time 11:00Task- skilltest 28th May 2016Time – 11:00Skill test 310th May2017Time -12:00Task-declarationof the result11th May2016Time- 10:00Task- ToNext groupLast group Whole classCollegeactivityThis test is for thesecond group ofpeopleThe last 10 studentsalso gone throughthese testsThe shortlistedcandidates whocleared the skilltest and scoredgood marks in thetest are announced.The college took aresponsibility tocall the bigcompaniestoconducttheThe test is helpful to know the levelof the students’ skills and abilities.The Last group test is also taken tofind out the best students among the30 students.The comparison among the studentsobserved because of the result of thetest. The students’ knowledge andthe skills are observed from theresults of these tests.I have noticed that college wasconducting these placement drives tobuild its image in front of the peopleand to attract the more students forthe coming years by showing them4
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