Work Class Classification
Added on 2019-09-22
3 Pages397 Words302 Views
Introduction: - This paper examines calls made to find out analysis on Education onbase of work class. As like we have 978 data with different work class, differentcontinent etc. We have work class define in 8 types. Local-gov, private, self-emp-ic,self-emp-not-inc, local-gov, Federal-gov, State-Gov, Without-pay, Never-worked.we have never-worked type work class have 2 people with Hs-grad, some-college.Marital status married-civ-spoudse, never-married.Federal-Gov work class mostly education is bachelors and never-married and whiteand native country is US.We have work class mostly are Federal-Gov doing 31 and native county is US.Based on Age: - When we analysis on basses of age 18-19 then we get it mostly work class is Privateand education 10th and 12th, and Martial status is never-married, and native countryis US this total count is 46.When we analysis on basses of age 20-22 then we get it work class Federal-gov istwo data from US. And two data basses work class Local- gov and 53 data belong toprivate work class. Age between 20-22 we have data around 59. And mostly arefrom US.Race: - Asian-Pac-Islander we have 13 data and 12 people doing private work classand mostly in High schools and bachelors. Black race doing avg 40 hours per weekwork done by black race. And all black race belongs to US. White race doing avgwork 8 hours per week. We have 142 white race data.Classify:Scheme: weka.clusterers.EM -I 100 -N -1 -X 10 -max -1 -ll-cv 1.0E-6 -ll-iter 1.0E-6 -M 1.0E-6 -K 10 -numb-slots 1 -S 100Relation: Income_train (2)-weka. filters. unsupervised. attribute. Remove-R3,11-12-weka. filters. unsupervised. attribute. ReplaceMissingValuesInstances: 977Attributes: 13EM: -Number of clusters selected by cross validation: 6Number of iterations performed: 22Clustered Instances: -0 207 (21%)1 114 (12%)2 154 (16%)3 147 (15%)4 266 (27%)5 89 (9%)Log likelihood: -18.97904
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