
Introduction to Human Resource Management and Talent Development


Added on  2023-01-13

12 Pages3941 Words100 Views
Introduction to Human
Resource Management and
Talent Development
Introduction to Human Resource Management and Talent Development_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Some organisations have extremely high levels of absence........................................................3
Obtain an organisation's recruitment and selection policy/procedure and critically discuss the
best practice.................................................................................................................................5
Outline the three motivation process theories and discuss their role in the workplace...............7
Introduction to Human Resource Management and Talent Development_2

Human resource management is concerned with the personality development of
employees in terms to develop their skill, abilities as well as knowledge. It basically offer
immense career development opportunity to the personnel by effectively grooming the
performance of overall workforce. The HR professionals of the successful enterprises
encompasses diverse activities like planning, organising, staffing, training that maximises the
capacity of employees and retain their talent within organisation. Along with that Talent
management is the core functional area of human resource (Collings, Scullion and Vaiman,
2015). This platform basically deals to attract the job seeker, develop them for the adequate
position and offer them growth opportunity with the objective to retain the potential talent. Most
of the successful organisations makes optimum use of their resources like raw material and
manpower in order to effectively contribute for the overall growth as well as development of
firm. Thus, the organisation need to suitable fulfil the objective with the support of HR by
managing the viable relationship and motivate them to collective work for the sustainable
development. This essay cover topics like significance to control the high chances of absence by
following adequate procedural document. Moreover, focus on the recruitment as well as
selection procedure and critically discuss the best practices in favour of company. Further,
outline various motivation process theories and discuss their significant role within workplace.
Some organisations have extremely high levels of absence
Employee absenteeism or absence refers to the situation under which the employees take
unplanned leaves in high ratio which affect the working pattern and leads to immense burden
amongst the workforce. Both legitimate absence as well as absenteeism is the undesirable
condition for the firm that leads to mismanagement. There are various level of absence within the
workplace that need to be managed effectively in order to coordinate the actions of enterprises
(Al Ariss, Cascio and Paauwe, 2014). Some of the types as well as reasons of absence and
absenteeism are significantly determined.
Excused absence involve the reasons like sever illness and due to personal reason the
individual apply for the legitimate but unannounced leaves. Such type falls under the absence
until and unless the individual repetitively extend such kind of behaviour. Further, it even
Introduction to Human Resource Management and Talent Development_3

involve the scheduled absence which are both announced and legitimate leaves that involve
maternity leaves, surgical recovery and so on. Such kind of leaves causes minimum impact on
the productivity of firm.
Un-Excused absence is the kind of absenteeism under which employees repetitively
apply for the leaves without any significant reason. Along with that certain habits like arriving
late, extended lunches as well as early departure are some of the cases of partial absences. So
such reasons affect the productivity as well as profitability of firm.
Therefore, most of the organisation irrespective of their sizes and scope gets affected due
to the high level of absence. So it is important to manage the chances of absenteeism for which
companies like Marks and Spencer as well as Tesco encourages their employees to avoid the un-
excused absence through direct communication, application of positive or negative
reinforcement method, adequate record as well as delegation of authority. This is some of the
methods based on which an organisation can proactively maintain the productivity of an
organisation. Justification of this method is determined below.
Positive as well as negative reinforcement acts as motivation approach that is used to
retain the existing as well as potential candidate of the firm (Sparrow and Makram, 2015) . This
offer the direction based on which the organisation can maintain its favourable growth and
development. Further, in extreme cases the organisation can hire the additional workforce to
work as part time employees. This helps to maintain the balance and effective fill up the
The manager of the successful companies like M&S and Tesco conduct the seminar as
well as conferences with their staff on the regular basis. This help to maintain the effective
communication and leads to transparency based on which the manager can control down the
chances of absence. Furthermore, organisation can even conduct the health education session
under which the experts deliver the healthy tips to reduce the chances of illness. Along with that
routine medical examination needs to be the significant part of an organisation.
Procedural document encompasses certain methods based on which the organisation
can overcome the chances of high absence. These actions needs to be predetermined so that the
employee understand the relevance to remain regular and avoid taking un-excused leaves. The
manager of diverse companies can systematically maintain the record of each and every
employees this help the superior to track the record of each and every member that comprises of
Introduction to Human Resource Management and Talent Development_4

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