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Impact of Marketing Mix on Revenue of Whitehouse Farm


Added on  2023/01/11

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This report analyzes the impact of marketing mix elements on the revenue of Whitehouse Farm, a family-operated dairy farm. It also suggests essential changes for brand extension and ways to improve the brand and its impact on revenue, profit, and customer base.

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MAIN BODY..............................................................................................................................................3
Impact of elements of marketing mix on total revenue of Whitehouse Farm...........................................3
Changes that are essential for brand extension within elements of marketing mix..................................5
Ways of improving the brand and its impact on organization’s revenue, profit and customer base.........6
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Marketing is the process that identifies the needs of potential customers and accordingly
works on product development in order to make the customers’ needs and wants fulfilled
(Armstrong and, 2018). Present study is based on Whitehouse farm that is a family farm
operating for more than 50 years. The firm offers farm fresh products and only one other
business is having tough competition with the organisation. Report will include the respective
impacts that marketing mix is having over revenue of the organisation. Report will further
include some essential changes that are required for brand extension with respect to the elements
of marketing mix. Finally, report will include different ways to improve brand and its value in
market and also its impact over revenue of Whitehouse farm and its customer’s base.
White house farm is operated by a family and is operating as a dairy for over 50 years in
UK. White house farm is a British based farm offering farm fresh products to its customers such
as different dairy products, cakes, pastries, cheeses, milk etc. Not only this, they are having a
wider product portfolio that also offers customers fruits and vegetables. At present the income of
the business is about 30,000 annually.
Impact of elements of marketing mix on total revenue of Whitehouse Farm
Marketing mix is different set of actions that an organisation takes in order to promote its
brand in market. It all depends on four major elements that are product, price, place and
promotion(Sudari, and, 2019). These marketing mix elements of Whitehouse farm are
having some positive and negative impact over the revenue of the organisation. The respective
marketing mix elements are as following:-
Figure:- 1
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Illustration 1:- Marketing Mix
Product:- Basically product is referred as the respective items that are sold by the
business. The product of the firm is required to be competitive in nature that is it must be
creative and different from all other competitors. Whitehouse farm is producing dairy
products that include cheeses, milk and some flavor of ice creams. They also produce
homemade cake and pastries, eggs and also meat products. Not only this, firm is also
working to produce fruits and vegetables to its customers and in addition to this
Whitehouse farm is also craft suppliers. However, business is required to work on
product range as there is a large chain supermarket that may give huge competition and it
may become tough for the business to survive. With effective offerings, Whitehouse farm
may be able to generate more revenue(Ang and Rusli, 2018).
Place:- There is a point of sale where different organisation comes up with their
products. Whitehouse farm is required to work on the distribution strategy so that it can
become easy for the customers to reach these offerings. The Whitehouse farm has to
locate its shop at an area where maximum customers can reach out. However, the large
chain of supermarket is just 8 miles away from the shop and that may affect the revenue
of Whitehouse farm(Hosseini, Etesaminia and Jafari, 2016).
Price:- It is the value of product that organization sets on basis of the overall cost that is
implemented while manufacturing the products and making them available to respective
customers. However, Whitehouse farm is required to work on pricing strategies in order
to compete with different chain of supermarkets as they are giving tough competition

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with respect to the price offered. Pricing enhances the image of product and business here
is required to give quality of product at a reasonable price in order to generate revenue
else it will affect revenue negatively(Thieu and, 2017).
Promotion:- There are different activities that business participate in, so that the
products can become known in market. With the help of different advertisements,
Whitehouse farm can attract its new potential customers. However, supermarket chains
are having advance sources to advertise their offerings, while it is becoming tough for
Whitehouse farm to compete with them. It is therefore important for the organisation to
have direct marketing and also can work on different consumer schemes. Whitehouse
farm can also take help of social media platforms in order to make people aware about
the offerings(Sudari, and, 2019). This will help the business to raise its revenue and
make huge profitability.
Changes that are essential for brand extension within elements of marketing mix
With the rising competition, business is required to have brand extension with respect to
different marketing mix. Brand extension is basically used by the firm to extend its brand
category with the help of established product name. Whitehouse farm can launch its products in
new category in order to make huge revenue for the business. This will be beneficial to
Whitehouse farm for evaluating different product category opportunity with lower risk of
rejections. This helps the business to make the acceptance of new product easily in the market.
Whitehouse farm is required to have following brand extension with its 4 Ps and are as
Re-positioning same product in different form:- Whitehouse farm is required to
identify the minds of target audience and accordingly reposition its products. For the
same business is required to change the mindset of people with respect to product
understanding. Whitehouse farm is required to increase its different flavor of ice cream
and all other milk products. Distinctive changes can be brought to all products on bases
of taste, ingredients used etc. Customers will be able to have different options in hand
and with the help of brand value, Whitehouse farm may be able to increase its product
category. That will help the business to increase its revenue and also brand
image(Ferguson, Lau and Phau, 2016).
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New distributors:- Whitehouse farm is required to build new relationships as having a
single store may not help to generate huge revenue. There are other supermarkets that are
giving tough competition and it is therefore necessary to make the products available to
customers at different possible positions. Home delivery can also be a helpful strategy for
the localities that needs dairy products on regular bases.
Price changes:- In order to extract more customer base, Whitehouse farm is required to
work on price strategy. One product can be offered to customer at different price range
that is the products must be available at different quantity and also price. It will be
affordable to all the customers and they will not have to think twice before purchasing the
offerings(Watchravesringkan, Vogel and Doraiswamy, 2019).
Increasing brand visibility:- With the help of different marketing strategies, Whitehouse
farm can increase its visibility. Social media platform is the best source to market the
products offered and with the rise in promotional activities business is able to increase its
revenue. It will bring competitive advantage to Whitehouse farm and will encourage the
niche market to purchase the products. Business will be able to make contact with the
respective customers and will be able to build good relationship with them. This will
increase the loyalty of customers and Whitehouse farm will be able to achieve its
financial goals in short period of time(Heinrich, Sprott and Albrecht, 2016).
Ways of improving the brand and its impact on organization’s revenue, profit and customer base
In order to increase business revenue and profit, Whitehouse farm is required to work on its
brand and also customer base. Customer base can only be increased if there is an effective brand
image. A brand is said to be a good brand if it is having following characteristics:-
Competitiveness:- If Whitehouse farm is able to compete in market with the help of its
brand, then only it is a god brand. For the same business is required to work on its
offering by repositioning it above the customers’ expectations(Cheng and, 2018).
Distinctiveness:- In order to create brand identity, business is require to think
distinctively. The products offered by Whitehouse farm are required to be innovative and
of high quality that only it will lead to a good brand value in market.
Consistency:- Business is required to be consistent in order to deliver high quality of
offerings. This brings familiarity to brand of Whitehouse farm.
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It is very important for the business to improve their brand periodically in order to compete
in market. The brand value is having its direct impact over revenue and profit of the business as
it also impacts the customer’s base. There is requirement of effective strategies at Whitehouse
farm in order to have a recognised brand value. The different strategies that can be opted by
Whitehouse farm are as following:-
Whitehouse farm is required to provide great customer services as it is the major factor
that comes in the final decision making of the customers (Atiyah, 2016).
Business is required to provide value that can exceed expectations of the customers. This
will help Whitehouse farm to have better brand recognition and that will result to increase
in business revenue.
From the above report it is been concluded that different elements of marketing mix that
are product, price, place and promotion, have a great impact over the revenue of Whitehouse
farm in both positive and negative ways. Report also concluded that there is requirement of
essential changes in marketing mix of the business in order to have brand extension as it helps to
increase the revenue of organisation. Finally, report concluded that there are different ways to
improve brand and its value in market in order to gain business profitability.

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