ZOPA Breakpoints and Negotiation Strategies
Added on 2019-10-01
9 Pages2798 Words181 Views
Running Head: ISMM Model assignment U405 Sales negotiationsMarch 13, 2018Name: Student Number: Word count: Name of the course:U405 Tutor name: Date of the assignment:“ISMM MODEL ASSIGNMENT-SALESNEGOTIATIONS”(Part-1)1 | P a g e
Running Head: ISMM Model assignment U405 Sales negotiationsMarch 13, 2018TABLEOF CONTENTSTask 1-Win-win Matrix.....................................................................................................................3Task 2: The bargaining arena.............................................................................................................3Task 3: Variables...............................................................................................................................4Task 4 – Power...................................................................................................................................5Task 5 – Planning...............................................................................................................................5Task 6 – Buyer positioning................................................................................................................6Task 7 – The paperwork.....................................................................................................................7Works Cited.......................................................................................................................................92 | P a g e
Running Head: ISMM Model assignment U405 Sales negotiationsMarch 13, 2018TASK 1-WIN-WIN MATRIXWINLOSEWINBoth the Sellers A and B get a great market segment where they work to support themselves so that the value of the company increases and more and more customers get attracted towards the products. Seller A loses as there may be issues arisen for the coverage as well as support. They may not be structured appropriately for which customer losses get complaints on the basis of availability as well as responsiveness.LOSESeller B cannot work as the way of consultative sale professionals. Customer losses can have the complaint for hard sales as well as being sold-to.The skills of seller are needed to be updated. It is found to be weak in the area of solution selling or in case of value position as well as negotiation.There are other who has skills and capabilities.[ CITATION Per09 \l 16393 ][ CITATION ISM16 \l 16393 ]TASK 2: THEBARGAININGARENASituation 1:An individual, named Mustafa, is an owner of a house and wants to sell at a price of $ 50,000.This price is targeted as minimum price. Also, the valuation of the house is $50,000. On the otherhand, Alex, another individual is willing to pay $60,000 and thus he wants to be the valuation as$60,000. If this trading occurs and Alex has bought the property from Mustafa through the pricewhich is lying from $50,000 to $ 60,000, it would be said that both the individuals have thecommon interest of trading. It is called the “contracting Zone” in which the parties are agreed witha common value of trading. This is known as ZOPA or Zone possible agreement [ CITATIONKin07 \l 16393 ]. Situation 2:Another situation can be arising due to the negotiations under BATNA or “Best Alternative to aNegotiated Agreement”. This situation can be arising when the buyer wants to buy a car for $6000from the dealer who deals with other potential purchasers at the same time. When the deal will getthe best price for the car, the agreement will made and thus it is valued. In this case, the consumergets influenced by the company’s selling product, here model and quality of the car. This3 | P a g eBA
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