
IT Service Management and Professional Culture | Report


Added on  2022-09-15

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IT Service Management and Professional Culture
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IT Service Management and Professional Culture | Report_1

Post 1:
Presently, the human like robots which are capable of performing the tasks of humans
is being adopted in each and every sector. This type of robots is largely used in the
manufacturing sector due to their efficiency and accuracy. Robots are not only used in the
manufacturing sector, but it is also used in various of other sector also, which includes the
healthcare sector also (Jain et al., 2017). These robots are used in the healthcare sector for
mainly performing the surgical operations as it provides a high accuracy to the surgeons for
performing the surgery. This is actually beneficial for both the doctors and patients as it has
been observed that through the robotic operations the patients achieve a faster recovery. For
this reason, the medical sector is very much focused towards this robotic surgical technique
for performing the surgical operations. Though, implementation of the robots for performing
the surgical operation is one of the effective solutions. There are various of issues also related
in this case regarding using of robotic surgeon for performing the operations. The main issue
is the reliability of the robotic surgeon (Suntharasivam et al., 2019). The robotic surgeon is
very much effective for performing the surgical operations but reliability of this type of
system is not 100%. It means the system can fail any moment of time. Due to this type of
failure, a life threating condition can occur for the patient and for this reason many
professionals in the medical field are against of using the robotic surgery procedure for
performing the surgical operations. Mainly, this type of failure points creates disturbances in
the operating of the robot surgeons which is the main threating issue regarding this type of
mechanical systems.
Whether the robotic surgery procedure will produce any type of issues or point of
failure or not, is largely dependent on the IT professionals, who are responsible for designing
and creating this type of systems (Ghezzi & Corleta, 2016). The more perfectly the robotic
IT Service Management and Professional Culture | Report_2

surgery kit will be produced, the less issues and point of failure will occur while poorly
produced robotic surgery kit will create more point of failure, means more risk with the
health of the patient. Thus, from this point of view the IT professionals are also responsible
for the surgery accuracy of the robots that are programmed by them.
There are mainly four important theories that are associated with the ethics. These
theories are the deontology, utilitarianism, character-based ethics and social contract theory.
In the following section these theories are discussed.
In the aspect of moral philosophy, the deontology is considered as the normative
theory which defines that morality of a specific type of action should be dependent on
whether the action itself wrong or right under some specific type of rules, rather than
depending on the consequences of the action (Rawal, 2019). From this moral point of view, it
has been assessed that the person who it taking the action needs to evaluate whether action
taken by him/her is ethically correct or not under some specific set of rules. Also, this
assessment must be based on the actions itself, not the consequences of the action. Applying
this theory for the current ethical theory it defines that when the IT professionals should take
the moral decision of assuring the surgery accuracy it should be taken on their own actions,
not the consequences of the action (Jackson & Smith, 2016). It means the IT professionals
should take the decision that how they are going design the kit for the robotic surgery and
while they are designing it, they must not consider any type of consequences that will occur
due to the design. From their moral perspective they need to choose the procedure for
designing the robotic surgery kit which will provide the IT professionals a higher degree of
freedom so that they will be able develop the kit ultimate quality. As the accuracy of the
robotic surgery is based on the own decision of the IT professionals, they are very much
responsible for accuracy.
IT Service Management and Professional Culture | Report_3

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