
Cloud-Optimized Network Benefits for IT Professionals


Added on  2019-10-16

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Cloud-Optimized Network Benefits for IT Professionals_1

Name: Shilpa VangapalliStudent ID:2015011388Table of ContentsAbstract.............................................................................................................................................4Introduction.....................................................................................................................................5Research objective.........................................................................................................................5Research aim...................................................................................................................................5Research questions........................................................................................................................5Scope of study..................................................................................................................................6Literature Review..........................................................................................................................6The cloud computing concept.............................................................................................................6Cloud models-..........................................................................................................................................7Energy and Power consumption in Cloud Network.....................................................................8How to determine energy consumption?........................................................................................8Challenges of energy consumption optimization................................................................9Virtualization...........................................................................................................................................9Migration...................................................................................................................................................9Scheduling technique..........................................................................................................................10Research methodology..............................................................................................................10Research Design...................................................................................................................................10Research Onion.....................................................................................................................................10Data collection..............................................................................................................................10Survey questions on energy consumption optimization.........................................................10Cloudsim simulator.............................................................................................................................12Salient features-...................................................................................................................................12Document analysis......................................................................................................................12Energy efficiency in cloud computing network..........................................................................12Hardware................................................................................................................................................13Tackling the challenge of resources scheduling.........................................................................13Real time task scheduling..................................................................................................................14Memory aware scheduling................................................................................................................14Energy- aware rate monotonic scheduling..................................................................................15Energy Efficient Cluster of services................................................................................................15Resource management architecture..............................................................................................16Dynamic server provisioning and loading dispatching............................................................16Energy efficiency in Network infrastructure in cloud computing.........................................16Geographic Adaptive Fidelity Protocol......................................................................................................17Cluster based energy conservation protocol...............................................................................18Network Redundancy identification [Rappaport, T et.al 2005]........................................18Distributed Cluster formation.........................................................................................................19What more can be done?...........................................................................................................19Hypergraph Bi-partitioning Approach..........................................................................................19Efficient cluster configuration.........................................................................................................202
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Name: Shilpa VangapalliStudent ID:2015011388Ethical issues in research conducting...................................................................................20Conclusion......................................................................................................................................20Time Line and cost budget........................................................................................................21Research Work time line...........................................................................................................22References......................................................................................................................................23Southern Institute of Technology (SIT)........................................................................................................25Ethics Application................................................................................................................................................253
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Name: Shilpa VangapalliStudent ID:2015011388AbstractTechnology is like the blessing that human is derived from its superior brain, which iscontrolling from a small microchip to the space shuttle. The life style of people has beenchanged with technology and it becomes easier day-by-day. Today if we say anything thatmatters a lot for human being after food, shelter and cloth, then that will be communication.Today there is no place barrier and thanks to this technology, which made this possible. Asper International Telecommunication Bureau data, overall 47% of world is today connectedover internet which will reach to 50% by 2017 end. This means ½ of world population will beover internet network by the end of 2017. It is now used for many purpose starting from basicinformation search to the complex rocket science, thus the load on this network is increasingday by day. This gave a new concept which we today call “Cloud Computing” -a solution toovercome information load.Cloud computing is basically a paradigm IT term which is used for delivery of hosted serviceover internet. It enables an organization to consume a virtual machine, storage or applicationrather than building or maintaining computer infrastructure. It is like a transparent arena thatincorporates concept and technologies. It provides a platform for information technologyframework and cost effective application.It is known that whenever in a space more and more items are involved the consumption ofspace increases and more energy is used. This simple theory you can apply here in case ofcloud computing. With the knowledge spreading about cloud computing, people are movingtowards the virtual infrastructure for data center rather than making own at a high cost. Theinvestment in Internet network is too minimal if you compare with setting up infrastructure.This is the reason the traffic in cloud network is increasing day by day and energyconsumption of the network is getting high. Everything has some capacity and if it exceeds,then it will decrease the utility of network.This report is basically based on two important concept one is Cloud Computing and otherone is energy consumption and optimization over cloud network. In this report first the focuswill be on relationship of consumption and cloud computing and strategy for optimization ofenergy consumption in cloud computing.4
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Name: Shilpa VangapalliStudent ID:2015011388IntroductionTime, cost and effort are the three important things that an organization takes before takingany decision. Data collection, storing, retrieve, transfer etc. is now a part of every function ofan organization and most of the cases, these are kept over Internet network. The organizationhas two options to do so, one create your own data center or share a common space, whichwe know as cloud network. To set up infrastructure for information storage over a network ofown, it involves time, effort and huge amount of money thus only few organizations canafford this but what about other organization who can’t, they normally prefer these cloudstorage. So as the number of users increasing over this network, the power dissipation andenergy consumption is taking place accordingly. On finding out the key aspects for which thepressure is cloud network regarding energy consumption, will help to make strategies foroptimization of cloud. Research objectiveTo identify the consumption over cloud computing, energy efficiency in cloud network,issues related to energy optimization and achievement of energy optimization using suitablestrategy. Research aimTo understand the concept of energy consumption briefly in cloud network including itsdetermination.To identify the challenges regarding energy consumption in cloud computing.To look at various aspects regarding achieving energy efficiency in cloud network. Research questionsWhat are energy consumption in cloud computing?What issues are faced on such energy consumption in cloud computing?What can be done to optimize the consumption over cloud network? 5
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Name: Shilpa VangapalliStudent ID:2015011388 Scope of studyThe research study will look at cloud computing network and the energy consumption onsuch network. It will further analyze the pressure on cloud computing and finally anoptimization solution will be provided. Literature Review Here in this section first of all the two terms will be described in an elaborated mannerbefore establishing relationship. The cloud computing conceptThe cloud consists of either one or multiple data centers, which is a large number of storageunits, servers and communication infrastructure. Basically it is provided by the cloud vendorsas per pay per use scheme. According IEEE 10th International Conference on Highperformance computing and communication, the term cloud computing is defined from theperspective of end user. A cloud is a market oriented distributed communication systemwhich consists of inter connected and visualized computers that are exclusively presented inone or more unified computing resources based on SLA between the service provider and theconsumer. Adding to the definition, NIST expressed cloud computing as a model ofconvenience and on -demand network access which takes a shape of pool of configurablecomputing resources like network, server, storage, application and services that can bemanaged with minimal management effort and less interaction of service provider. It consistsof cloud model, which promotes availability and carries 5 essential characteristics, threeservice models and four deployment models. [Mell, P et.al 2011]The major benefits for which cloud computing is facilitating to organizations are-No need buy any software for storing, retrieving and using data as everything can bedone in cloud network.It just involves a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the service provider anduser thus no need of maintenance.Cloud networking is a pool network thus it is more reliable to keep information overa secured network.It carries the facility of automatic updating thus the obsolescence chances areminimized.As a user, he or she gets flexibility regarding picking up several service providers.6
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Name: Shilpa VangapalliStudent ID:2015011388It is an elastic and on-demand basis infrastructure, which is virtual so no set up offacility is required. Reduce the cost of deployment of services. [Armbrust, M et.al 2010]Cloud models- Public cloud- This is the widest cloud space that a user gets and most of the energyconsumption takes place in this network due to increase in host machines to store data. Thistype of cloud network serves multiple customers and at a lower financial cost.Private cloud- A cloud network of specific organization or user exclusive who can haveaccess and control, security and quality of service of data.Community cloud- When two or more organization joins hand to share common function orservice over a cloud network, it becomes a community cloud.Hybrid cloud- It is a combination of two more or more previously defined cloud which isnow integrated.Now, in these various clouds we have various services available for which the cloud networkis used, these are-Infrastructure as a services (IaaS)It is considered to be the first layer of cloud computing. The provider offers hardware andsoftware for the users to develop their work on cloud infrastructure and the user gets theservices and ability to configure the setting and implementation of the software andprogramming environment. (Rackspace)Platform as a service (PaaS) It is the layer that where the user build services and applications needed from the sourcessupplied from the Internet. The user doesn’t have complete control over the services. Hereactually the gap stays as software layer says with user but hardware with provider. Iteliminates the fact that user has to be an expert to deal with such services. (Google cloud)Software as a service (SaaS)It is considered to be the final layer of cloud services, which allows the user to access theapplication hosted by the provider from a variety of devices through Internet without use ofany installation, loss of data or storage space. (Google Docs)7
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Name: Shilpa VangapalliStudent ID:2015011388 Energy and Power consumption in Cloud NetworkThe data centers today are operating under various cloud computing model. These cloudnetwork is providing space, services and application to the users which can be a few secondrunning like request for website for e-commerce or social networking to a longer runningtime process like controlling the activities of space shuttle or missile. Due to such heavytraffic, the cloud network consumes a heavy amount of energy. It is quite evident that theincrease in energy consumption and energy cost is increasing the cost of IT. The softwaretoday are getting more and more sophisticated and advanced thus to run those applicationsand software, powerful cloud network is needed. Even the user numbers are getting more sothe requirement of advanced cloud is increasing, thus overall the power consumption is alsoincreasing.How to determine energy consumption?To manage energy consumption, at first knowing how much energy is consumed is importantto know. Thus to determine the energy consumption by the data centers, two metrics aremostly used which is given Green Grid (An established international Consortium). These arePower Usage Effectiveness and Data Centre Infrastructure Efficiency. To determine 1st one the formula is – Total Facility Power/IT equipment powerTo determine the 2nd the formula is – (It equipment power/total facility power)*100 Here the IT equipment power is the power delivered to all computing hardware resources. Onthe other hand total facility include energies that helps in loading the IT system. The overall energy consumption can be identified as E cloud = E node+ E switch+ E storage+ E othersWhere E node is a multicore server along with its parallel processing units, network topology,power supply unit and storage capacity.If we want to evaluate consumption of energy in cloud environment having n number ofnodes and m number of switching elements, then it can be expressed as E cloud = n (E CPU+ E Memory+ E disk+ E mainboard+ ENIC)+ m(E Chassis + E line card+ E Ports) + (E NASServer +E StorageController + E DiskArray) + E Others 8
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