
ITECH 2201 Cloud Computing Storage Methods and Design


Added on  2023-06-11

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ITECH 2201 Cloud Computing
School of Science, Information Technology & Engineering
Workbook for Week 7 (Storage)
Please note: All the efforts were taken to ensure the given web links are accessible.
However, if they are broken – please use any appropriate video/article and refer
them in your answer
Part A (3 Marks)
Exercise 1: Storage Methods(1 mark)
From your lecture and also based on the below given video link:
Write a paragraph about memory virtualization.
____Virtualization is supported by processors, such as the x86 into
implementing a special running mode instructions. This is known as hardware-
assisted virtualization. It is easier to virtualize CPU architecture if it has the
ability to run the Virtualization Model’s unprivileged and privileged instructions in
the user mode of the CPU while the VMM possesses the ability to run in
supervisor mode.___
Watch the below mentioned YouTube link:
Based on the video answer the following questions:
What is RAID 0?
____RAID 0 is a type of basic set of redundant array of independent disksthat
splits up data in an even manner across two or more disks. This is done without
taking the account of parity information, fault tolerance or redundancy. ____
Describe Striping, Mirroring and Parity.
____Striping: It is a process by which a body of data is divided into blocks and
spread into multiple storage devices like the solid state drives or hard disks.
Mirroring: Disk mirroring or RAID 1 is a process of replication of data into two or
more disks.
Parity: Parity is used in RAID drive arrays for calculating the data for fault tolerance
with the utilization of it by calculating the data in two drives and storing the result
in a different drive other than the two drives used before for calculation._____
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Exercise 2: Storage Design(2 marks)
Summarize storage repository design based on the following video link:
___Oracle uses the concept of storage repositories for abstractions based on
files. It is a logical disk space available with the help of a file system in a physical
storage hardware.___
Below YouTube link describes the Intelligent Storage System
Based on the watched video answer the following questions:
What is ISS?
___Intelligent storage system or ISS are the RAID arrays rich in features that
facilitate highly optimizable Input/Output processing capabilities. It controls the
management, allocation, and utilization of storage resources.___
What are the 4 main components of the ISS?
___1. Front End
2. Front end command queuing
3. Cache
4. Back End____
How cache works in ISS?
____Cache enhances the I/O performances in the Intelligent Storage System. It
is a semiconductor memory with the temporary placement of data reducing the
time required for the services.____
Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) are widely
used concepts in data storage arena. The following YouTube video links gives
detailed description of these concepts:
Based on the watched videos answer the following questions:
Describe NAS and SAN briefly using diagrams?
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________NAS: It is a method for remote file serving used to access a file by
redirecting it to another device using a remote protocol such as CIFS or NFS.
SAN: This is storage, usually connected via switches allowing different services
to access the storage area.___
What are the advantages of SAN over NAS?
_______The advantage of SAN over NAS is that SAN provides a high
performance over NAS by making a user not be dependent on a device to
access a file, allowing it to run smoothly.___________
What are two common NAS file sharing protocols? How they are different from
each other?
______The two common NAS file sharing protocols are CIFS and NFS.
The difference between these protocols is that NFS is used for Unix or Linux
operating systems and CIFS is accessible by all the public or open variation of
operating systems.____
Part B (3 Marks)
Exercise 3: Storage Design (1 Mark)
Design Storage Solution for New Application
An organization is deploying a new business application in their environment.
The new application requires 1TB of storage space for business and application
data. During peak workload, application is expected to generate 4900 IOPS (I/O
per second) with typical I/O data block size of 4KB.
The vendor available disk drive option is 15,000 rpm drive with 100 GB capacity.
Other specifications of the drives are:
Average Seek time = 5 millisecond and data transfer rate = 40 MB/sec.
You are required to calculate the required number of disk drives that can meet
both capacity and performance requirements of an application.
Hint:In order to calculate the IOPS from average seek time, data transfer rate,
disk rpm and data block size refer slide 28 in week 6lecture slide. Once you
have IOPS, refer slide 29 in week 6 to calculate the required number of disks.
Exercise 4: Storage Evolution(2 Marks)
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