
Job Nature as an impact of technological changes


Added on  2023-06-04

16 Pages5742 Words340 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentMarketingData Science and Big DataArtificial Intelligence
Job Nature as an impact of technological changes
Dissertation Chapter - Introduction
Job Nature as an impact of technological changes_1

Table of Contents
Title: Job Nature as an impact of technological changes.................................................................3
Research Aim...................................................................................................................................4
Research Objectives.........................................................................................................................4
Research Question...........................................................................................................................4
Dissertation Outline ........................................................................................................................5
Chapter 1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 Literature review ...................................................................................................5
Chapter 3 Methodology .............................................................................................................5
Chapter 4 Data analysis and findings ........................................................................................5
Chapter 5 Discussion, Conclusion & Recommendations...........................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................6
The impact of artificial intelligence on work and jobs...............................................................6
The different career paths in this digital era................................................................................7
What are the opportunities and threats in this digital era?........................................................10
Conclusion of literature review.................................................................................................10
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Title: Job Nature as an impact of technological changes
The transformation of the business into the digital era is not about technology at all, it’s about
people. Conducting business in the digital era is not much simple as people think. Only some
clicks and the product arrive; casually this is what it looks like. An online business makes it quite
easy for individuals to place an order and settle the transaction. However, the success of the
online business in the future needs more than moving the outdated shop to an online platform;
although Lazada or Amazon did that (ITHB, 2018). Some other online corporations which
disrupt the traditional practices of business are Air BnB, Grab, and eBay. They have done more
than only opening an online store. For instance, eBay formed the online auction system and
Gram make it quite easy to share the capacity for cars and motorcycles and by doing this they
have become a danger to conventional taxi services. In addition, Air BnB introduced the model
of room sharing which threats business of hotel chains,
It is important for all businesses to consider digitalisation in their operation to become
successful. The foremost key to success in digital era is the capability to make new ideas which
might better meet the needs of the customer and answer new requirements. A second key is the
capability to transform ideas into services or products which meet the expectations of the
customer. In order to do this the combination of operational management skills and IT; for
instance, customer relations management and supply chain are crucial (Ansong and Boateng,
2019). The third key is the ability to make maximum shareholder value from the business. The
time when business people valued firms only grounded on actual revenue is long gone.
Nowadays, investors might provide quite high valuations for online firms which are losing cash,
as long as ventures partake in promising future profits through a unique model of business and
also a large number of users.
There is a concept that digitalisation is leading to the emission of some job roles but it is true. As
the introduction of digital technology is leading to the introduction of new job roles as well; thus,
the career path is advancing (Kimball, 2022). New job types are emerging due to which soft
(human) skills become more important. Some new career path in the digital era includes system
provider, business service provider, moderniser, digital evangelist and productiser. On the other
hand, technology is also accessible in policy discussion either as the main threat to the service;
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stimulating the notion of technological joblessness and as the key driver of the societal change.
This mix of excitement and fear might be elucidated by the trouble of catch-up with the moving
target; Maryanti, Rohana and Kristiawan (2020) quotes that technological change also feeds the
method of creative obliteration that changes the economic structure from the inside out,
destroying the old one and creating a new one incessantly.
There is need to embrace digital technology to provide career development is not new and was
highlighted as an area that required to be reinforced as long ago as 2010 (Domini et al., 2021).
There is a need to identify the necessity to develop the competency of career development in the
use of digital technology to provide career development. There is limited research to determine
the level of career development in this digital era and most people are unaware of different roles.
Another reason behind choosing this research is that businesses had to adapt to a new way of
developing themselves and adopting new practices to reach customers because people today are
actively using the internet and developing their activities in the virtual space. A new career path
is opened by this adaptation process. Experts in IT practices are now sought after by businesses
looking to expand into the virtual space and acquire new clients. All of the new job roles will be
examined in this thesis that was available because of digitalization and the ways in which these
positions support the growth of the company.
Research Aim
This research aims to discuss the different career paths which are emerging currently in this
digital era. Based on this aim following are three main research objectives:
Research Objectives
To analyse the impact of artificial intelligence on work and jobs.
To discuss different career paths in this digital era.
To assess the opportunities and threats in the digital era.
Research Question
How artificial intelligence will impact employment?
Nowadays in what digital careers people and new graduates are interested?
What are the opportunities and threats in this digital era?
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