
Personality Traits and Social Exclusion


Added on  2020-02-19

21 Pages4484 Words40 Views
Running head: JOURNAL MANUSCRIPTJournal Manuscript: Relationship between people’s experiences with social inclusion (vs.exclusion) and their self-esteemName of the Student:Name of the University:Author Note:
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1JOURNAL MANUSCRIPTAbstractPsychological studies have paid attention to the situations as applicable in case of ostracism and neuroticism. With the technological advancement, the mental health concerns that are associated with humans who are the end users of these services have garnered much interest. The emotionalvolatility related to neuroticism has been attributed to a general level of anxiety. Moderating effect of personality with respect to self-esteem or belongingness is also vital for measurement and understanding situation. Therefore, this study will essentially focus on these aspects to provide an insight on the chosen topic of investigation by virtue of referring to relevant studies conducted in similar contexts.Aim of the Study: The general aim of the study is to examine the relationship between people’s experiences with social inclusion (vs. exclusion) and their self-esteem.Sample Size: final sizes of the sample were 319Results:With high inclusion, there is no significant difference in self esteemed, be it low or highneuroticism. On the other hand low level of social inclusion, the self esteem varies depending onthe neuroticism.General conclusion: There lie a significant relation between inclusion, self-esteem andneuroticism.
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2JOURNAL MANUSCRIPTTable of ContentsAbstract............................................................................................................................................1Introduction......................................................................................................................................3Aim of the Study..........................................................................................................................5Hypotheses for the study.............................................................................................................6Methodology....................................................................................................................................7Participants of the Study..............................................................................................................7The Design of the Study..............................................................................................................7Materials needed for the Study....................................................................................................8Procedure.....................................................................................................................................8Results and Analysis......................................................................................................................10Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................14Discussion......................................................................................................................................15Limitations.................................................................................................................................16Future Implication.....................................................................................................................16References......................................................................................................................................18
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4JOURNAL MANUSCRIPTIntroductionPsychological studies have paid attention to the situations as applicable in case ofostracism and neuroticism. With the technological advancement, the mental health concerns thatare associated with humans who are the end users of these services have garnered much interest.Pertinent study carried out in this respect has revealed that ostracism by a computer is capable ofdiminishing the self-reported levels of belonging, self-esteem, control and ultimately meaningfulexistence (Zadro, Williams & Richardson, 2004). The emotional volatility related to neuroticismhas been attributed to a general level of anxiety. Hence, it is crucial to gauge the relative impactof inclusion or exclusion as well as neuroticism in affecting the self-esteem component of aperson’s psychology both as separate entities or in combination. Moderating effect of personalitywith respect to self-esteem or belongingness is also vital for measurement and understandingsituation. Therefore, this study will essentially focus on these aspects to provide an insight on thechosen topic of investigation by virtue of referring to relevant studies conducted in similarcontexts. Appropriate methodologies will be utilized to make the research credible and generateoptimal outcomes suitable for logical interpretation and analysis.Mental illness and its affect on personality have a complex interrelationship. Neuroticismand self-esteem are two most commonly used personality constructs, which are associated withdepressive illness. Neuroticism, the most pervasive attribute across the personality measures isdefined as a tendency to go through negative emotions and emotional instability. It can also beregarded as a parameter that is used to measure a person’s emotional instability and vulnerabilityof getting affected with stress. A person who is suffering from neuroticism has highestpredisposition of generating mental illness. Individuals scoring high on the parameter of
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5JOURNAL MANUSCRIPTneuroticism generally experience negative mood swings like anxiety, fear, depression andirritability. Low self-esteemed is frequently regarded as a concomitant of anxiety and depression.It is a personality construct which is more related to neuroticism. However, the relationshipbetween neuroticism and self-esteem experience great attenuation when the parameter or thedegree of neuroticism is controlled. However, the inherent relationship between the neuroticismand mental depression stays robust in the presence of low self esteemed (Hansell et al., 2012). There are significant impacts of cyberostracism. The power and robustness of ostracismas a potential tactic was tested across experimental design where participants took part on onlineexperiment over the internet. Subjects were instructed to make use of mental visualization incourse of playing a virtual tossing game along with two others that constituted computergenerated and regulated entities. The study findings showed that although the participants wereexposed to a minimal sort of experience, yet more the subjects were ostracized, the reported oflosing self-control, sense of belonging and felt bad. Further, it was mentioned that ostracizedparticipants showed increased likelihood of conforming to subsequent tasks as opposed to theirinclusive counterparts. Thus, it has been argued that long-term cyberostracism might culminatein feelings of loneliness, helplessness, alienation, depression and worthlessness (Williams,Cheung & Choi, 2000).Personality traits comprising of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,neuroticism and openness all have been found to result in specific outcomes that may beinterrelated among them. Among these traits, neuroticism has been found to be related withnegative implications at all levels concerning individual, interpersonal and social or institutionaloutcomes (Ozer & Benet-Martinez, 2006). Thus, influence exerted by personality traits isdirectly related to the diverse nature of outcomes.
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