
JPM Directors' Responsibilities: Health & Safety, Equal Opportunities, and GDPR


Added on  2024-06-10

10 Pages2670 Words425 Views
Business law
JPM Directors' Responsibilities: Health & Safety, Equal Opportunities, and GDPR_1

Table of Contents
Section 1..........................................................................................................................................3
Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................7
Reference list.................................................................................................................................10
JPM Directors' Responsibilities: Health & Safety, Equal Opportunities, and GDPR_2

Section 1
Task 1
‘Parliament is sovereign’.
a) Discuss the meaning of this statement and the various sources of UK Laws
Law is a system of rules that the state enforces on individual or organizations to regulate ethical
behavior. The collective of single legislature generally makes the state enforced laws. UK legal
system parliament is supreme in the law making and creates law and the executives and the
judicial system of the country do execution.
The UK law has 3 different legal system which applies on different geographical areas. English
law is applied in the region of England and Wales, north Ireland law and Scots law applies in the
north Ireland and Scotland respectively. The supreme court of United Kingdom is the highest
court for all the civil and criminal cases and the judicial committee of Privy Council is the
highest of the court appeal that can be done in United Kingdom (Bell, 2018)
One of the chief principal of UK constitution is parliament sovereignty. Parliament sovereignty
is described as the extent to which the parliament has power on the UK law making. It is said
that the parliament holds the absolute power in the UK constitution. However, the UK
constitution is unwritten but majority of the constitutional law has written document. The
statement “parliament is sovereign” explains UK parliament can make new law as required and
end a law, which is irrelevant for modern times. Parliament plays the supreme legal system in the
UK. Court is not allowed to overrule any legislation and even parliament is not allowed to make
legislation that future parliament cannot rectify. The statement implies that legislative body of
UK government has complete sovereignty and supremacy in the government institution. The
judicial and executive body is also falls under the legislative body. Parliament sovereignty and
national sovereignty are interchangeable terms (Davies, 2015).
Sources of law
The chief sources of the UK law are:
JPM Directors' Responsibilities: Health & Safety, Equal Opportunities, and GDPR_3

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