7.Invoice AttributeData TypeKeyCompulsory invoiceNumberINTPRIMARY KEYYes deliveryChargeDOUBLEYes totalAmountDOUBLEYes orderNumberINTPRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY references Order (orderNumber) Yes 8.Payment AttributeData TypeKeyCompulsory paymentIDINTPRIMARY KEYYes customerNumberINTFOREIGN KEY references Customer (customerNumber) Yes invoiceNumberINTFOREIGN KEY references Invoice (invoiceNumber) Yes paymentDateDATETIMEYes amountDOUBLEYes Assumptions 1.A sales representative can take care of many orders. 2.There may be number of items in an order. 3.A customer can do payments in instalments for a specific invoice. 4.The customer’s credit limit will be increased while doing payments for their orders. 5.For each order the delivery method should be associated.
Reference Tutorialcup (2015), ER Data Model [online] Available from: https://www.tutorialcup.com/dbms/er-data-model.htm [Accessed: 4 June 2019] Ziff Davis (2017), Understanding Relationships in E-R Diagrams [online] Available from: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/enterprise-solutions/understanding-relationships-in-er-diagrams- 14310 [Accessed: 4 June 2019]