
Examination of the Process and Issues of Recruitment in the Front Office Department- A case study of Accor hotel - Mantra Hotels


Added on  2022-11-01

62 Pages15216 Words279 Views
Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityStatistics and Probability
Kartik Dixit 22878878
Executive Summary
This research examined and highlighted the issues in process and recruitment of
the Front Office Department. Mantra hotels had been chosen as the case study
for the current research. Accor Hotels is one of the French multinational
company belonging to the hospitality sector that franchises, manages and owns
resorts, vacation properties and hotels. It is one of the largest hotel group and
has its headquarters in Paris. The literature review analysed past studies and
showed the importance of human resource management in managing
sustainability in the market. The literature gap had been identified and the
research methods had been chosen based on it. The research had taken 50
employees as the respondents working in Accor Mantra hotel. The research has
used simple random sampling to collect data from the respondents and used a
survey questionnaire developed using 5 point Likert scale. The findings showed
that majority of the employees had not been satisfied with the human resource
policies and have not felt motivated. This is the reason that there has been
significant issues in recruitment, selection and employee retention. The
employees have negative impression of the work culture and organisational
policies. Moreover, they are not getting enough support and feedback from their
managers which is affecting their work. The regression model showed that there
is a meaningful relationship between employee satisfaction and the elements of
human resource management. It also shows that recruitment, selection and
retention strategies are essential for solving the issues faced by the front office.
There are significant employees that are relatively new within the hotel and
require support and encouragement to retain employees.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction.......................................................................................... 4
1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Background of the study..............................................................................4
1.2 Rationale...................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Research objective....................................................................................... 5
1.4 Research question........................................................................................ 6
1.6 Summary...................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2: Literature review..................................................................................7
2.0 Introduction.................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Human resource management.....................................................................7
2.1.1 Personal management in respect to specialist function............................8
2.1.2 Human resource policies...........................................................................8
2.1.3 Workforce.................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Recruitment................................................................................................. 9
2.2.1 Primary Labour Market.............................................................................. 9
2.2.2 Secondary Labour Market.........................................................................9
2.2.3 Discrimination......................................................................................... 10
2.2.4 Recruitment process...............................................................................10
2.3 Selection process....................................................................................... 11
2.4 Training...................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Literature gap............................................................................................ 11
2.6 Summary.................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3: Research methodology......................................................................13
3.0 Introduction................................................................................................ 13
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3.1 Research Philosophy.................................................................................. 13
3.2 Research Approach.................................................................................... 13
3.3 Research Design........................................................................................ 13
3.4 Data Collection and Analysis......................................................................14
3.5 Sampling technique................................................................................... 14
3.6 Reliability and Validity................................................................................ 15
3.7 Ethical consideration.................................................................................. 15
Chapter 4: Findings and Analysis.........................................................................16
4.0 Introduction................................................................................................ 16
4.1 Reliability and Validity................................................................................ 16
4.2 Quantitative Analysis.................................................................................20
4.2.1 Frequency Table...................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Correlation Analysis................................................................................36
4.2.3 Regression Analysis.................................................................................36
4.3 Qualitative Analysis....................................................................................38
4.4 Analysis...................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 5: Conclusion.......................................................................................... 41
5.0 Conclusion.................................................................................................. 41
5.1 Recommendation....................................................................................... 42
5.2 Limitation................................................................................................... 42
References........................................................................................................... 43
Appendices.......................................................................................................... 46
Appendix 1....................................................................................................... 46
Appendix 2....................................................................................................... 49
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Topic: Examination of the Process and Issues of Recruitment in the Front Office
Department- “A case study of Accor hotel - Mantra Hotels”
1.0 Introduction
This research examines and highlights the issues in process and recruitment
of the Front Office Department. Mantra hotels have been chosen as the case
study for the current research. Human resource policies and practice directly
influence the employee abilities, behaviour, attitude, skill and knowledge and
these elements are critical for firms to gain a competitive advantage in the
market. Issues of employee management and issues of recruitment have been
common in hotel organisations due to the complex nature of the work. Even
though past literature has addressed these issues and has studied them in
depth, managers in the current era still face difficulty in dealing with processes
and issues in recruiting new employees.
1.1 Background of the study
Employee turnover is one of the major concerns for the organisations in the
hotel industry. Australian industries have been experiencing high turnover in the
next year and companies are expecting almost 20% of their staffs to leave the
organisation for better opportunities (Pash 2018). Hotels have always faced
difficulties in developing adequate policies and processes to retain existing
employees and managing a diversified workforce. Front Office Department is one
of the key areas of success and service quality of the front office determines the
overall customer experience. Therefore, it is essential for hotels to hire
employees competent in various communication, language, interpersonal and
technical skills. Hotel organisations are dependent on their staffs to provide the
highest quality of service and most of the product offered by the hotel
organisation in intangible in nature. The facilities and rooms are quite similar for
competitors in the same target segment, but the market leaders differentiate
themselves based on the quality of service they offer to the employees (Gannon,
Roper and Doherty 2015). This shows that managing employees and dealing with
staffing issues is one of the key areas of managing sustainability in the industry.
Accor Hotels is one of the French multinational company belonging to the
hospitality sector that franchises, manages and owns resorts, vacation properties
and hotels. It is one of the largest hotel group and has its headquarters in Paris.
The company has expanded its business to more than 100 countries all over the
world with more than 4,000 hotels and 250,000 employees working for the
organisation (Accorhotels.com 2019). The company has 26 different brands to
cater to the needs of the diverse consumer segments in the global market.
Mantra is one of the upscale brands of the company and offers premium
accommodation to their clients in holiday destinations and bustling cities. This
includes hotel, resorts and apartments in best locations which aim to make the
consumer feel at home. These self-contained apartments, resorts and hotels are
available within the city and on the coast. The brand has 77 hotels and 15,241
rooms in three countries, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia
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(Group.accor.com 2019). The mantra in Australia deals with a variety of events,
meetings, villas and home services. The occupancy rate of these properties is
quite high and the hotel has to manage a large number of consumers.
1.2 Rationale
The research has chosen this topic as the industry partner, Mantra has been
struggling to find skilled and well-equipped professional having considerable
experience in the front office department. The company has been looking for
employees good at dealing with clients and have problem-solving skills. It is
necessary to choose the right personnel for the appropriate job and Mantra has
been able to do so. This could prove to be detrimental for the organisation which
may hamper their growth and directly impact their profitability and quality of
service. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the managers within the
organisation to gain a significant understanding of the major problem with
recruitment processes and retention of employees working in the front office
department. This research highlights the key issues in recruitment and
processes in human resources that are affecting the selection and retention of
skilled and talented employees. The results will bring about awareness among
the managers so that they can make changes to human resource policies within
the organisation.
1.3 Research objective
The objective of the current industry report are as follows:
To comprehend the meaning and concept of process and issues of human
To evaluate the process and issues of recruitment in the front office
department in the context of the Accor Hotel.
To recommended different strategies for improving the issues of recruitment
in the front office department in the context of the Accor Hotel
1.4 Research question
What are the process and issues of recruitment in the front office department in
the context of the Accor Hotel?
1.6 Summary
This chapter has provided a brief introduction of the research topic and the
purpose of performing the research. The outline of the overall research has been
drawn to highlight the key research problem, objective and research question. It
has also provided a brief overview of the industry partner. The next chapter has
evaluated the past literature to identify the key theories and concept.
Literature review
2.0 Introduction
The hotel industry is service intensive and mainly dependent on human
resource for sustainability. Therefore, it has become critical for companies to
manage their human resources effectively. There have been significant changes
in modern society which affects the hospitality organisations. There has been a
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significant increase in disposable income, increase in population and leisure time
which has improved the quality of lifestyle (Úbeda-García et al. 2016). Moreover,
some aspect of the hotel industry is attractive compared to the other sectors.
There are unavoidable challenges which are intrinsic to the job profile (Gannon,
Roper and Doherty 2015). Even though these issues cannot be avoided, there
are other problems which can be minimised such split-shift working, ignorance in
the salary calculation, employee engagement and management staff practices
and attitudes. The hospitality has been going through major changes especially
in the demand side due to the changes in demographics and behaviour of the
consumers (Nieves and Quintana 2018). Globalisation has enhanced the diversity
in the travellers and hotels are faced with the challenge of handling diverse
consumers having a different sociocultural background. Therefore, it has been
necessary for the organisation to manage and maintain a diverse workforce to
cater to the needs of these consumers.
2.1 Human resource management
Nieves and Quintana (2018) defined human resource management as the
effective management of workforce to keep them motivated and satisfied to
provide high-quality product and services. Human resource management is the
process of managing the workforce with a human approach. This approach
enables the managers to consider workforce as a valuable resource for achieving
success. Human resource is one of the most significant costs for hospitality
organisations. Domínguez-Falcón, Martín-Santana and De Saá-Pérez (2016)
stated that payroll is one of the largest cost items for hotels and ineffective
recruitment processes doubles the payroll costs as the organisations has to bear
with the cost of both the departing employee and the new hired employee.
Moreover, human resource can be considered as the first point of contact
between the consumers and the organisations. Therefore, it is essential to
manage workforce for the sustainability and success of the organisations. Úbeda-
García et al. (2016) opined that in case of small businesses, human resources
are managed by the line managers and they are owners of these enterprises. In
the case of larger organisations, the line managers derive support from the
human resource or personal function for effective management of the workforce.
The policies of human resource management are part of the overall policy and
practices within the organisation. The majority of the decisions within the
organisation is made based on the policy framework of the company, be it
implicit or explicit. Prayag and Hosany (2015) state that policies within business
entities signify the purposes, principles and aims and also provides specific
guidelines for making effective management decisions. The importance of these
sub-policies with respect to the overall organisational policies determine the way
human resource and assets are being valued by the firms. Úbeda-García et al.
(2016) opined that the workforce is affected directly and indirectly by every
management decision be it small or large.
2.1.1 Personal management with respect to specialist function
Management of personnel is a relatively new concept dealing with the distinct
specialisation of management and it focuses mainly on social sciences. Personal
managers have been considered as the cost centres in the majority of the
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organisations. However, that should not be the scenario and personal manager’s
deal with two major functions achieving group goals and other is the
maintenance of the group. This means that the goal of the personal manager is
not only to achieve an increase in profits and sales but also to manage the
workforce ineffective way of achieving those goals. Jaiswal and Dhar (2017) state
that the role of personal managers to develop favourable conditions of
employees that retain, motivates, commits and attracts employees to achieve
the organisational goals.
2.1.2 Human resource policies
Pham, Tučková and Jabbour (2019) state that human resource policies define
the values of an organisation which is expressed in the ways they manage the
organisations. Baum (2018) argued that human resource policies within
organisations need to be dynamic in nature which changes and bring about
changes within the behaviour and attitude of the workforce. The role of personal
function and managers depends on the current position or importance they hold
within the business organisations. Personal management function department is
highly involved in risk-mitigating function which depicts the role and importance
of personal function in managing the sustainability of the companies.
2.1.3 Workforce
Social sciences deal with the workforce and their relationship within groups
and with other individuals and the environment. The knowledge gained from the
evaluation of relationship facilitates in predicting and understanding the changes
which focus on processes and content. Yusoff et al. (2018) state that the major
conclusion that could be drawn from the works of the fundamental scientists
such as Maslow highlights that human being tends to seek satisfaction and are
primarily motivated by their primary and biological needs. This is the reason that
managers in the hotel need to be conscious of the fact that fulfilling the basic
needs of the employees are the main criteria in developing a sustainable
workforce. Moreover, additional needs emerge in human beings when their
basic needs are fulfilled which are basically societal needs. These needs are
manifested within the employees in pursuit of security, power, success and
status. However, there are a majority of the people that are not aware of the
needs that drive them to perform to their fullest potential. Santhanam et al.
(2018) state that it is essential for the management within hotel organisation to
examined and identify the factors that drive productivity and satisfaction within
the employees so that they can ensure that these factors can be used for the
advantage of the firm.
2.2 Recruitment
Gibbs, MacDonald and MacKay (2015) state that the hospitality industry has
always faced problems with recruitment due to the poor image of the industry.
Various authors and researchers have highlighted this fact and recommended
initiatives that need to be taken to keep a motivated and skilled workforce.
2.2.1 Primary Labour Market
Dekker and van der Veen (2017) states that primary labour market consists of
individuals that have gained experience through training, experience and
education by being committed to an industry or to a sector within an industry. In
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respect to the hospitality industry, this consist of chefs, hotel receptionists,
managers, cocktail and bar staffs, and hall porters. These people tend to develop
their career in a specific field and industry and look for both domestic and
international opportunities. This is the reason that most of these employees are
mobile organisationally and geographically.
2.2.2 Secondary Labour Market
As stated by Dekker and van der Veen (2017), the secondary labour market
comprises of personnel having skills of use to the organisation but are not
committed to pursuing a career in the industry. These employee segments are
more focused on the geographical area than the career. This consists of
students, unskilled workers and housewives that choose to work in a sector to
earn their livelihood. These workforce does not have a strong commitment to the
industry and these people possess skills that are common to various industries
such as maintenance, bookkeeping and accounting.
2.2.3 Discrimination
According to Jones et al. (2017), irrespective of the reason of recruitment,
employees’ legislation should be planned effectively as it addresses issues such
as employment of women, children, sex, racial discrimination along with the
employment of especially abled people. Brouwers et al. (2016) state that it is a
statutory obligation for companies that they do not discriminate in respect to
race, gender and disability. However, companies have also included factors like
the age of the employee as a component and there are other factors that have
been included. The workforce in the modern organisation has become highly
diverse but inequality in pay and growth opportunities are still common factors
experienced by employees from diverse backgrounds. Jones et al. (2017), states
that managing a diverse and inclusive workforce and culture is a key to
developing an effective work culture that defines the values and beliefs of the
business entity. Therefore, it has become imperative to manage a diverse
workforce to effectively cater to the needs of diverse consumers.
2.2.4 Recruitment process
Shamim et al. (2016) defined recruitment as the process of attracting suitable
applicants so that the most appropriate candidate can be selected for the
position. The process of recruitment by defining the overall job role and key
responsibilities for the candidates. To achieve success in the recruitment
process, managers need to be aware of the situations in the current labour pool
which facilitates in developing the specifications for the job role.
The personal specification describes the type of person that is expected to carry
out the job. This depends on the degree of sophistication of the opening within
the organisation. Gibbs, MacDonald and MacKay (2015) state that internal
recruitment is the first option for the managers where they aim to transfer
existing employees to a different job role by filling in the position. Employment of
new personnel over existing staffs results in the development of dissatisfaction
and disturbance within the existing workforce. Nieves and Quintana (2018) state
that various employees may want to play a different role within the organisation,
so this leads to frustration, turnover and other unsatisfactory behaviours. The
long-term impact of this factor is much more appalling than the present impact.
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