
Kerikeri Stream Project Proposal 2022


Added on  2022-09-22

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Kerikeri stream Project Proposal
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Kerikeri Stream Project Proposal 2022_1

Background and Rationale 3
Background 3
Rationale 3
Aims and Objectives 4
Aims 4
Objectives 4
Methods 4
Data Collection 5
Data Analysis 5
Equipment and Costs, Risk Management 6
Equipment and Costs 6
Risk Management 7
Logistics and Timelines 8
References 10
1. Background and Rationale
1.1. Background
The freshwater composition of the earth water cover is about 0.01% and only covers
about 0.8% of the Earth’s surface (Singh et al., 2017). The freshwaters covers are among the
Kerikeri Stream Project Proposal 2022_2

most critical and threatened ecosystems in the entire world hence having a clear understanding of
their health and integrity is of paramount importance. Understanding the integrity and the health
status of the water streams is important to factor to consider when planning and implementing
any water conservations and management strategies before the health is completely affected
(Salmaso et al., 2018).
Globally, the key threat to the freshness of the water ecosystem has been the rapid growth
and changes in land use. A state that has been increasing and intensifying over the past decade.
The most recent land use has been for crop growth and production which in turn has affected the
proximal ecosystems due to the critical changes in the crop use areas (Hendryx et al., 2013). The
advancement in the use of fertilizers and the pesticides in agricultural practices has a negative
impact on the health and integrity of freshwaters. This chemical gets drained into the freshwater
and together with sedimentation and eutrophication, affects the health status of water.
Deforestation has also contributed to this sorry state of affairs as the extensive land usages
normally result into increase in temperature and general quantity of the light in the streams. This
when coupled with the negative impacts of eutrophication, causes a decrease in the quantity and
quality of the freshwaters (Wu et al., 2017)
The stream score for macroinvertebrate sample is normally calculated by averaging the
general pollution sensitivity grade number of the key families present in the stream. This normal
range from 10(most sensitive) to 1(which is most tolerant). The stream score using associated
bands of signal scores is used to indicate the level of quality of the water in the stream. This is
categorised in clean, possible mild pollution, probable moderate pollution and probable severe
1.2. Rationale
Evaluation of stream health has been one of the critical and hottest research topics in the
recent decade among the developed countries such as the USA, France, Canada, Germany and
England (Kido, 2013). The environment of the environment by the human resulted in serious
threats to the environment and ecological impacts on the lotic ecosystems. Due to this trend,
several simple chemical and biodiversity studies have been conducted to evaluate the health of
the ecology among different habitat. Most of this study has not been conducted in the stream and
rivers as it involves a lot of analysis and consideration to ensure the correct result is drawn from
the study. The stream health analysis involves not only the analysis of water chemistry but also
the structural analysis of the physical composition of the habitat. In addition, the hydrological
conditions of the stream are equally important and are always but into consideration not to
mention the biotic compositions which are involved in the various functions of the ecology
(Kellner & Hubbart, 2017).
Stream health diagnosis thus is complicated and requires a well-established framework to
ensure all the components of the stream health are studies to ensure non-biased reporting on the
health status of the stream. This project proposal proposes Kerikeri stream, a framework that
uses bioindicator of macroinvertebrate to measure the integrity of the stream water as it provides
Kerikeri Stream Project Proposal 2022_3

a more comprehensive, easier to implement and provides easier sampling technique to
implement (Einheuser et al., 2013)
2. Aims and Objectives
2.1. Aims
The aims of this research are to conduct the stream health status and integrity of the
kerikeri River in southern New Zealand. To achieve this aim, the research proposes the following
key objective
2.2. Objectives
The objectives of this research proposal are
Analysing the structural, physical and natural composition of the kerikeri river ecosystem
Identify the factors that affect the stream health and integrity of kerikeri river
Analyse the impact of human activities on the stream health and integrity of kerikeri river
To design a framework that uses bioindicators to measure stream health of River kerikeri
Provide recommendation to the New Zealand government strategic management on better
stream health conservation strategies
3. Methods
The study area for this research is along River kerikeri located along South New Zealand
and the climate region is generally warm temperate although with some dry summers and
temperature in the medium range. The altitude of the area of study ranges between 1000m to
1200m above the sea level
Due to the regions geography, climate and orography, the area of study have a very large
number of running waters which are mainly from large rivers and some from streams. The river
kerikeri area landscape consists of land with woodlands made of pine, eucalyptus reforestation
and some broadleaf forest. The river kerikeri region was critical for the study due to its readily
available streams and rivers banks along it which would be key to conducting the health and
integrity of the streams using the bioindicators method (Dalu et al., 2018)
In order to conduct multivariate classification test, sensitivity score will be used based on
the environment variable of pH, electrical conductivity,altitude and number of solid wastes in the
stream. The multivariate analysis will be done in SPSS to gauge the true positive rates within the
stream under study
3.1. Data Collection
The regions of the river will be sampled at four different sites located in the upper,
middle and its low stretches to ensure non-bias research. The key criteria used in the sampling is
Kerikeri Stream Project Proposal 2022_4

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