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Key-based Control of Environmental Effects and Basic Scene Enrichment


Added on  2019/09/27

AI Summary
The assignment content involves the creation of a scene enrichment application using C++/OSG. The application should allow for key-based control of environmental effects, such as switching on/off additional disco lights. It also requires the provision of dynamic lighting effects to add visual interest to the scene and the ability to block out dynamically added artefacts. Additionally, the application should have a critical evaluation component that reviews approaches taken for C/OpenGL and C++/OSG, comparing their strengths and weaknesses.

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Key Skills to be Assessed
C/C++ programming
Application of a structured OO framework for graphics applications
Critical Evaluation of tools used
The Assessment Task
For your resit assignment you should review your previous feedback for this assignment and address the issues raised in it.
Your task is produce a OSG based viewer application that allows you to load and explore a structured scene file and enact, within
this environment, object creation and manipulation, scene graph manipulation and user interaction.
Your basic viewer application should use the OSG framework to deliver a programme that will load a scene file (in a standard
format) as a command line instruction to the programme. Once loaded the visual rendition of this data should be explorable and
navigable using the standard navigation tools supported by the scene graph library. As the scene description can be modified
during the operation of the application, the viewer should be capable of saving a scene description file (in response to a key press,
without overwriting the source file).
The functionality of this basic viewer should also be extended to allow the following features.
1. Scene Graph Manipulation and Interaction. You are provided with a scene description file (raaRobot.osg, available on
blackboard) which has the scene description for a multi jointed robotic arm. This should be used as the source file for running the
The robot arm within the file is created in a structured manner, with the spatial relationships between parts defined as part of the
data structure. In this each matrix transformation node that controls the orientation of a part is named (*_Rotator or *_Locator). You
should create an extended node visitor that will traverse the scene graph and present the name (where available), and type, for
each node visited to the console.
Your application should match the basic layout of the sample application provided, with 4 to 8 robots arranged in a ring layout. The
basic control mechanisms should enable the robots rotate around the ring, and perform synchronised actions in response to key
presses. This will require basic scene composition to re-use the single instance of the loaded model.
Interaction with the robot, to create animation, through the use of the identified transformation nodes will require production of
classes and structures that extend the OSG framework for detecting user input and directing it to the appropriate arm and body
section for manipulation. This can be achieved in several ways, with the ideal being a generic reusable approach that decorates the
SG with updater nodes (based on osg::NodeCallback). An ideal solution will enable the individual arm parts to: Move in response to a specific key press (translation of the body and rotation of the arms).

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Highlight the arm part (and only the specific part) under control.
Constrain the motion within defined limits.
Highlight when the arm is constrained by the motion limits.
Advanced control of the robot. In this part of the assignment you should extend the application to enable recording and playback of
the actions undertaken by the robotic troop. This should enable simple record of the control path in response to a key press to stop
and start recording. Playback should be started and stopped with a key press and should loop repeatedly until stopped. The actions
should be recorded in a time context and playback should maintain both the order of events and the relative timing of actions.
Enhanced/improved environment. The initial scene is a little sparse for dancing robots. You should add content into this to both
create static structure and add dynamic content (disco lights, procedurally generated shapes created at the control robot's hand
position, floor plane, etc). Advanced scene enhancement should include provision of functionality for displaying a historical trail of
the hand movement for each robot’s hand.
Additional features that could also be considered would be the inclusion of the ability to save and re-load recorded animation paths,
the use of mouse for selection and/or control of the robot’s parts, and enhanced navigation modes.
In addition, to the technical aspects of this assignment, you are also required to produce a report (Guideline 2 pages (1000 words))
that compares and critically evaluates the use of C/OpenGL against C++/OSG in the production of this application. This may refer
to the similar implementation undertaken for the 1st assignment.
Recommended Reading
The OSG website ( will be invaluable in helping you to complete this assignment. Key areas within this
site are the reference documentation and the example programmes
Equipment and Facilities to be Used
The university laboratory computers are installed with MS Visual Studio 20XX. OSG is a freely available open source toolkit, that
can be downloaded for use on personal systems. A basic template, with OSG installed is provided as a starting example for the
assignment. During tutorials in Sem2, an outline for home installation of OSG has been given
Marking scheme
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The work will be assessed using a marking grid comprising 5 equally weighted components (provided below). 4 of these
(Programming structure and design, Viewer Implementation, Object Creation and Manipulation, and Scene Graph Manipulation and
Interaction relate to the programming element of the assignment, while the last, Critical Evaluation, relates to the written element.
Assessment criteria
0-19% 20-39% 40-59% 60-79% 80-100%
Level 6
Extremely Poor
Very poor
Very Good
structure and
Little or no generic code
reuse, with the majority of
functionality bespoke to
the task.
Poor use of formatting
(white space etc)
Inconsistency in naming
styles and conventions
Hard coded static
structures used
Some use of accepted C++
file structure for classes
and functions
Inconsistent formatting of
Elements of generic
functionality, allowing
some reuse, but
inconsistently applied
Use of bespoke classes and
structures to handle and
manage scene and
Well defined and
decomposed code
structure with all classes
adhering to C++ file
structure and file based
decomposition of
Constant and clear
formatting of all code
Generic code used in all
cases, where possible.
Some use of toolkit classes
in a specialised form to
achieve functional goals
Evidence of planned and
optimised class based
structure that encapsulates
multi-functional, generic ,
reusable structures in all
Decomposition of
programme features to
generic control pipelines
for each feature set.
Refined class structure,
based on toolkit
specialisation, for all
functional goals
Use of own file I/O
functionality to save and
restore animation paths
Use of appropriate data
structures for recording
each motion step
Use of advanced language
features (eg templates, stl,
etc) for the creation of
refined data structures and
Refined and effective use of
data structures and
algorithms throughout
Use of own file I/O
functionality to save and
restore state of application
Use of own file I/O
functionality to save and
restore animation paths
Use of appropriate data
structures for recording
motion control events
Use of refined data
structure for capturing
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Use of appropriate data
structures for capturing all
hand motion events for
trail lines
refined (reduced) set of
hand motion points in
efficient data structure
Scene Graph
and Interaction
Creation and use of own
approaches for
investigation and review of
the scene structure
Import and placing of a
single robot in the scene
Creation and use of
specialised standard tools
(api classes)for
investigation and review of
the scene structure
Creation and use of
specialised standard tools
(api classes) to search for
and select scene nodes of a
specific type
Import multiple robot
model instances to create
Instantiation and
presentation of troop of
dancing robots within the
scene (without animation)
Formation of a single
control entity for
manipulation of the robotic
Control of robot motion
using key presses to enact
synchronised motion for
one instance
Decoration of scene with
standard objects for basic
used interaction control on
a distributed, per node
Implementation of
separate call-back nodes
for scene decoration for
both translation and
Disconnection of user input
cycle from control update
cycle to enable smooth
motion control of parts
Modification of scene
graph structure to enable
visual identification of
node(s) under user
Import and reuse of a single
robot instance to form
scene composition.
Control of robot motion
using key presses to enact
synchronised motion for all
Use of standard api
features to record and
playback animation of
robot motion
Extended call-back
decorator classes to report
motion events to animation
control system
Refined hierarchic class
structure to unify control
callback nodes within a
single generic interface
Recording of a single
animation path
Playback of recorded
Modification of scene
graph structure to enable
visual identification of
node(s) under user
interaction with difference
visual highlight when
motion limit is applied
Provision of scene
structures and mechanisms
to enable runtime addition
of artefacts to the scene
Creation and use of
specialised standard tools
(api classes) to search for
and select scene nodes of
any type with type being a
factor in the identification
Synchronised playback (on
user command) of dance
actions by troop of dancing
Ability to save and load a
animation sequence for the
dancing robots
Integrated (with the S)
rendering solution for
display of the trail lines
using appropriate OGL

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Provision on basic
rendering mechanism for
trail lines
User Interaction
and Control
Basic navigation of scene
(explore mode) through
use of mouse and keyboard
using api standard tools.
Ability to reset view to
starting position
Switchable navigation
modes to enable both
explore and fly within
Implementation of
standard api approaches to
capture key presses and
directly control robot
motion within the key press
Implementation of
advanced control
mechanism to disconnect
key press cycle from update
cycle for motion control of
Smooth motion control of
motion with fixed velocity
for all parts
Provision of information
(within console window) of
current mode of operation
Reset functionality to jump
robot configuration back to
start conditions
Smooth control of motion
with ability to define
different velocities for all
Definition and enaction of
specific limits to motion of
all parts
Provision of information
(within visualisation
window) of current mode
of operation
Provision of key based
control to change
animation state (record,
pause/stop, playback)
Key based control of
environmental effects (eg
switch on/off additional
disco lights)
Provision of simple
mechanism to save and
load animation paths
Extended key based input
to add additional artefacts
to the scene (eg box,
sphere, etc)
Refined reset functionality
to animate robot’s return
to start configuration.
Basic scene loaded with no
additional artefacts
Addition of a static
structure to scene to frame
the environment (eg floor,
walls, etc)
Use of texture on static
scene objects
Provision of multiple static
light sources within the
Use of multiple static
objects within the scene to
create a surrounding
environment to the robotic
Provision of dynamic
lighting effects to add visual
effect to robots in scene
Ability to dynamically add a
basic artefact to the scene
at the control robot hand
Provision of a textured
floor plane and additional
structural elements to
Ability to block remove
dynamically added
Ability to dynamically add a
basic artefact (of multiple
types) to the scene at the
control robot hand position
Basic continual animation
of static scene objects
Use of advanced effects (eg
particle system to add
interest in scene)
Extended presentation of
user information to the
visualisation window (eg
HUD) with ability to
show/hide this feature
User menu, within the
graphical display
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Provision of a basic floor
frame the scene Provision of advanced
functionality (eg
transparency, floor
reflection) within the
Scene enrichment with
artefacts (eg lights, colour
changing objects, etc), that
respond to the motion of
the robots during control
and animation.
Evaluation &
response to
Basic narrative of the
creation of the assignment
2 application without
reference to C/OpenGL
implementation of a similar
Discussion of
implementation of system
in C++/OSG compared to
C/OpenGL approach.
Without direct comparison
and evaluation of the
differences between the
Evidence of some
comparative elements
between C++/OSG and
C/OpenGL implementations
within a basic framework
alluding to level of
functionality and
complexity of programming
Some review of both
Basic commentary on
previous feedback, with
little evidence to support
Review of approaches
taken for C/OpenGL and C+
+/OSG implementations
demonstrating differences
and similarities between
the two languages and
Review of both assignment
implementations with
some suggestions of how
approaches could be
bettered in future cases
Extended commentary on
previous feedback, with
specific evidence to
support claims
Critical evaluation of the
language and toolkits used
with an analysis of key
differences and
of both.
Detailed review of both
implementations with
suggestions of how
approaches could be
bettered in future cases
Extended commentary on
previous feedback, with
specific evidence to
support claims and overall
reflection on the outcomes
of responding to the
previous feedback
Submission Details
A working application and MS visual studio solution should be provided in a zipped file (without the OSG library included).
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