
Knowledge and Information Management: Documentation, System Design, Communication Plan, Privacy Policies, and Technology Utilization for True Home Dreams


Added on  2023-06-18

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Knowledge and
(Assessment 2)
Knowledge and Information Management: Documentation, System Design, Communication Plan, Privacy Policies, and Technology Utilization for True Home Dreams_1

It is important to collect, manage, preserve, store and deliver information. It is necessary
to have access to right information and use it to take effective decisions. Knowledge and
information together helps management team to take wise decision (Tooranloo, Ayatollah and
Alboghobish, 2018). It is seen that information is a powerful product that can be used by an
organisation to work effectively. It is seen that in this report there is discussion related to the
information that the company must record in their data base on regular basis. There is discussion
related to the system that will help the organisation to take effective decision. A communication
plan is formulated by the organisation that will help to spread the important information. There is
discussion related to privacy and confidentiality policies that must be followed by the
organisation. There is need of latest technology in order to complete the information
requirement. In the end of this report there is discussion related to maintenance of corporate
knowledge and keeping the information secure.
1. What type of information needs to be documented in the company’s database regularly?
It is necessary for an organisation to document the information. It is seen that a company
need to do the same in order to met the requirements of the organisation. As the need of all the
members of the organisation is different and to fulfil their requirements there is need to keep the
data safe and secure (Venkitachalam and Willmott, 2017). It is analysed that the company that is
facing any issue and case is filed against them must keep the documents handy. They must have
record of each and every thing in a detailed manner. It is seen that in case of True Home Dreams,
one of their former employees has faced injury and that is the reason the company is facing
issues. The data that must be kept on the company's database on regular basis is disused below:
Safety programs: The company must first of all try to keep information related to the
safety programmes. They must plan all the actions and administrative work that will help the
organisation to achieve the goals of safety. All the employees must be provided good and
effective working environment so that they are able to achieve the goals and objectives in an
confident manner by taking care about their safety.
Safe work duties: It is seen that the company will design the programmes. At the same
time there is requirement of updating them about their duties (Au and Fung, 2019). It is
Knowledge and Information Management: Documentation, System Design, Communication Plan, Privacy Policies, and Technology Utilization for True Home Dreams_2

necessary to note that the employees must be given good environment. Their duties must be told
about the duties that the higher authority has to work. This needs to be recorded so that there is
detail related to all the programmes.
Safety Training: The details related to training are mentioned and kept in details. It is
seen each and every employee is different but need to have safety training. The information
detailed related to the same must be kept in database of the company. After providing training to
employees the database must be updated.
Assessment framework: It is seen that the framework related to the assessment of the
employees must be kept safe (Arshad, Noordin and Othman, 2017). It is important to show them
the details of their performance and the results based on the same.
Strategies for revising hazardous unfortunate condition: True Home Dreams has
formulated strategies that helps the organisation to deal with the unfortunate condition. This is
necessary to keep in record and use the strategy as well there is requirement for the same. This
will make their data base strong. The strategies must be told to all the employees so that suitable
actions can be taken at the time of problems.
Security and well being preparing and direction: The company works to safeguard the
employees and makes actions for their well being. There is need to record all these points so that
if there is some problem in future then it must be solved.
Reported cases and medical examination reports: The reports of all the employees that
is done on regular basis must be kept in the data base. It will help the organisation to have
detailed information if the reports and use them at the time of requirement.
These are the documents that are important for True Home Dreams and must be part of
the database formulated by the company. It is necessary to keep all these things updated and use
them in an effective manner.
2. Explain how you will design and test systems to meet information requirements of decision
Management Information System (MIS) must be designed in such a manner that all the
details and information is communicated to the people on timely basis. It is seen that the
complexities are increasing day by day so the business organisation must test the system so that
the information is being provided to the decision makers (Barão and et.al., 2017). In regard to
True Home Dreams the company focuses on flexibility as well as goals of the system.
Knowledge and Information Management: Documentation, System Design, Communication Plan, Privacy Policies, and Technology Utilization for True Home Dreams_3

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