
Law for Business Managers: Contract, Tort, and Company Law


Added on  2023-01-16

13 Pages3958 Words40 Views
Law for Business Managers: Contract, Tort, and Company Law_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
PART 1 ...........................................................................................................................................3
Part 2................................................................................................................................................5
Part 3................................................................................................................................................7
Law for Business Managers: Contract, Tort, and Company Law_2

Business law defined as all laws that dictate that how to form and run a business. It is
inclusive of all laws that mainly govern by how to start, buy, manage and close any type of
business (Goshen and Squire, 2017). In addition to this, business law mainly establish the rules
that bushinesses must follow.
The present report is based on case laws from the UK and it is based on United Kingdom
system law. Henceforth, case will be analysed with the use of IARC method with refers to
relevant case law. This report has three sections as contract law, tort law and company law.
Case- Contract law
A contract can be defined as legally enforceable agreement between the two or more
parties who assumes a legal obligatioon that needs to be completed. Henceforth, legal issues
inclusive at the time when contract arises between the parties that fails to perform legal
obligation (Belinfanti and Stout, 2017). Henceforth, the three case as per the contract law and
these are defined in the following manner as are-:
To give his son Alexander £5,000 if he abandoned his career as a chef and qualified as a
Issue- The common issue is that the law is formed without any legal consideration.
Rule- As per the contract law, this can be stated that the law that has been made without
any legal consideration can be stated as void unless its a promise to compensate wholly
or in part. There is need to be somethinh in which the promisor was legally compellable.
Applicability- In this situation the application of law will be as unilateral contracts in
which one person to make a promise or agreement. It is legal agrrenent but only from one
party to the contract who has promised to take the specific action (Png, 2017).
Conclusion- Henceforth, this can be concluded that in this one party who has made a
promise can be considerd as legal contract. Thus, unilateral contract is a one-sided
agreement in which only one party makes promise to perform the contract.
Law for Business Managers: Contract, Tort, and Company Law_3

Merritt v Merritt (1970) is common case law in which Mr Merritt as well as his wife
owned the house. Mr Merritt left his wife to live with other women. They signed an agreement in
which Mr Merritt would pay his wife £40 as monthly sum and would transfer house to her if his
wife kept monthly mortgage payments. When mortgage was then paid, Mr Merritt refused for
tranferring house. This is the breach of contract.
To pay his secretary Liam £500 for having been willing to give up his lunch hour when
necessary during the previous three months.
Issue- The issue under this is that the law is formed without any legal consideration but if
this written in the employment contarct than it has to be considered as valid contract.
Henceforth, the issue is as "Was there a conteract between the owner and secretary"?
Rule- As per the contract law, this contract can be stated as void as the contract has the
independent legal identity from the set expectation (Smith, 2018).
Applicability- In this law, the applicability of the law as void contract. If this is made on
this condition and from one set of expectation then it cannot be enforced by the law.
Conclusion- Thus, it can be concluded that this contract is void if this formed on the
basis of one set of expectation. It can only treated as legal contract if there is any contract
that has made at the time of employment between the scretary and owner.
Simpkins v Pays is the another widely known case on the intention for creating legal
relation within contract law. This case mainly involved the agreement between grandmother,
lodger and grand-daughter. These three ladies on regular basis enters the fashion competition.
These three for few weeks contributed theione forecast. The coupon was later on filled by lodger
but it was not made in the name of grandmother. Grandmother refused for paying the prize
money after they won the prize to lodger and claimed that agreement for sharing winning was
not fulfilled.
To pay Natasha, who has a contract with a local newsagent to deliver newspaper in the
area, £10 if she delivers it by 8am every day
for one month and if she manages to put the newspaper through the letterbox without
Issue- Is contract is enforceable or Natasha is bound to deliver the newspaper by 8 am everyday?
Law for Business Managers: Contract, Tort, and Company Law_4

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