
Law Society and Justice BLAW1003


Added on  2020-05-04

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Running head: LAW, SOCIETY AND JUSTICEReflective AnalysisName of the student:Name of the university:Author note
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1LAW, SOCIETY AND JUSTICETopic 5: Protection of Human RightsI have come across the definition and core principles of Human Rights in this chapter. We allknow that the problem regarding the human right is a universal matter and through thischapter, I came to know when the right can be recognises universally1. The main point I havemade out is that human dignity is base of the human rights. To establish the facts of thehuman dignity, certain things are necessary such as justice, equality, freedom and respect. Inmy view, equality is the main point to engrave the idea of human rights in the society. Manyscholars that if there is no equality, presence of human rights are impossible have mentionedit. It helps to provide fair chances to all in the society2. In my opinion, it is very important to understand the purpose of international human rightsand the role of the same on the national legal system. There are certain institutions thatengaged to promotes the concept of human rights such as United Nation, regional non-governmental organisations. United Nations had taken several steps for the protection ofhuman rights and from my view, the related covenants are more important to enact necessaryrules in this behalf. It is a recognised fact that any kind of torture will harm the human dignityand the concept of human rights are affected by that3. It is the right of every person to expresstheir view promptly and without any restriction. It has been mentioned by Nelson Mandelathat respect and freedom of others will enhance the scope of human rights. I support theconcept of Nelson Mandela when he said that if the rights of a human being are denied, that1Shelton, Dinah, and Paolo G. Carozza.Regional protection of human rights. Vol. 1. Oxford University Press,2013.2Heupel, Monika, Gisela Hirschmann, and Michael Zürn. "International organizations and the protection ofhuman rights."POLITISCHE VIERTELJAHRESSCHRIFT(2014): 423-+.3Donnelly, Jack.Universal human rights in theory and practice. Cornell University Press, 2013.
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2LAW, SOCIETY AND JUSTICEaffects the humanity of the society. Certain new things have attracted by vision such as thegeneration and categories of the human rights. Successful attempt has been made againstgenocide, discrimination, torture and rights of the child abuse. It is our duty to establish therights in the society. However, in the words of the Martin Luther King, a right delayed isright denied4. Topic 12: Immigration, Citizenship & Asylum seekers:The chapter of information, freedom of expression and Censorship are the main discussedtopic for this week. I have been observed that in Australia, the citizens have certainopportunities to look into the government documents with certain limitations. The rulesregarding the same have been engraved under the provisions of Freedom of Information Act1982 (Cth.). Documents accessible under the FOI Act include paper records, plans anddrawings, photographs, tape recordings, films, videotapes or information stored in acomputerised form. After reviewing the facts of the principles, the objective of the Act in myview is to promote Australia’s representative democracy by contributing to increasing publicparticipation in Government processes and thereby promoting better-informed decision-making, increasing scrutiny, discussion, comment and review of government activities. However, the system has been criticised a lot and it has been mentioned that theaccountability of the government is not ensured by the Act and the amendment of thepersonal information is misleading in nature. Releasing information from the governmentmeans weighing the public’s right to know against the need for national security andindividual privacy. It is important to make available timely and accurate information topublic.Communications should be open, honest, accurate, and based on sound science.4Forsythe, David P.Human rights in international relations. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
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3LAW, SOCIETY AND JUSTICEInformation not to be withheld to protect Government from criticism or embarrassment.Information will be released according to FOI Act. It must balance between the social needsof the community and the liberty of the individual.I have come to know about the application of the privacy Act and its effect to secure thepersonal information and the credit information. Topic 11: Terrorism & Security:In this week, I have learned the protocols of the war on terror. The advantage and thedisadvantages of the same have been discussed regarding the trial of the terrorism relatedcases in the civil court. The advantage is there are certain increment regarding the humanrights and the rights to get justice can be established5. On the other hand, the disadvantage isthat the human security can be hampered if the terrorists bring before the civil court. In myopinion, the disadvantage of the same is stronger and it should be tried in military court orother special courts. The case on Burqa banning is related to the emotion of religion and segregates the woman inpublic. It snatches their rights to communicate with the people freely. Therefore, from mypoint, to secure the right to equality, burqa should be banned. However, there are two types ofconcept present regarding the topic. As per the radicals, use of Burqa has been mentioned inQuran and therefore, it should not be banned. Australia has to face many problems regardingthe terrorism and become a threat for the humankind. However, I have observed that media isplaying an important role by publicizing the acts of the terrorists. The government has toadopt strict rule to combat these terror attacks and cancellation of citizenship can be proved5Allars, Margaret. "Freedom of Information Legislation in Australia: A Review."Revue Internationale desGouvernements Ouverts5 (2017): 1-12.
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