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Leadership and Change Management in the EE Takeover of BT


Added on  2019/12/03

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The assignment content discusses various aspects of leadership and change management, including the effects of transformational and change leadership on employees' commitment to a change, approaches to change and its leadership, and strategies for managing resistance to change. The content also includes articles on leadership styles, change management models, and ethical recommendations. Furthermore, it provides illustrations of Kotter's 8-step change model, McKinsey's 7S framework, and Lewin's model for change.

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Leadership And Change Management

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1. Leadership styles that Olaf Swantee should adopt..................................................................1
2. Change management models for the EE takeover of BT .......................................................3
3. Managing resistance to change during the takeover and ethical recommendations...............7
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Leadership is a leading a group of individuals and teams or ability to lead a group.
Further, Change management is a bringing change in management practices or development
within a business (Cameron and Green, 2015). This report is based on a case scenario of EE,
which is the merger of Orange and T-Mobile. This report will outline the Leadership styles that
the cited organization can adopt for successful takeover and the change management models
along with the discussion of how resistance to change can be managed effectively with
1. Leadership styles that Olaf Swantee should adopt
There are several types of leadership styles are there in business environment and all
these leadership styles have its advantages and disadvantages with it. The culture, Goals and
objectives determines that which leadership styles will be suitable for Olaf Swantee's
Organization (Anderson and Anderson, 2010). There are several leadership styles which Olaf
Swantee can adopt for upcoming takeover of BT. These leadership styles are as follows, Laissez-Fair: This leadership style is inadequate in providing direct supervision to
employees and fails in providing feedback to those individuals who are under their
supervision (Hayes, 2014). This leadership style is characterized by very little guidance
from leader to their team and gives complete freedom to the team members for decision
making. In Laisses fair leadership style team members have to solve their problems at
their own leaders does not help. Laisses fair leadership style can be effective in some
situations at Olaf Swantee's firm if their team members are highly motivated, skilled and
capable for working at their own. If group members are skilled and have efficient
knowledge to work independently than these team members are capable enough to
complete the task with little guidance. However, This leadership is style is not suitable in
situations where team members do not have sufficient knowledge and experience for
decision making and completing the task (Higgs and Rowland, 2005). Moreover, This
leadership style is mostly identified as unsolved and withdrawn which can be harmful for
the organizations. Thus, This leadership style is not suitable for Olaf Swantee for
upcoming takeover of BT.
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Autocratic Leadership: The autocratic leadership style is one of the most effective
leadership style and recognized as directive leadership. In this leadership style leader of a
group or a team have complete control over the team and task. This leadership style is
mostly implemented in small business enterprises because their operations and functions
are small and possesses limited employees in the firm. Autocratic leadership style is
considered as traditional style of leadership (Kavanagh and Ashkanasy, 2006). The
autocratic leadership style is most effective in working environments because of its
instant decision making. In this style leader is completely responsible for decision
making and these decisions are made without consulting with team members. Moreover,
in this leadership style leader typically supervise all the activities of their team members
and employees. Due to this supervision employee works effectively which result in
increased profitability and productivity. However, autocratic leadership style has some
disadvantages as well. Due to this leadership style team members are completely
dependent on the leaders for decision making and completing the task. This style is
effective in the presence of the leader only (Levasseur, 2004). Moreover, This leadership
style increase the burden on the leader because they have all the responsibilities of
decision and reviewing the team work.
Democratic Leadership: Here, This leadership style is also known as participative
leadership style. In this style of leadership leaders also takes the opinion and suggestions
from their team members and give value to them. However, the final responsibility of
decision making is still lives with the leader (Ngcobo and Tikly, 2010). This leadership
style boost employee's moral because it provides the opportunity to team members for
their effective contributions in decision making process. Democratic style of leadership
motivates team members. When the firm needs to make changes in management of
organizations, the democratic leadership helps them to accept the changes easily because
they were also involved in decision making process. When firm encourage employees to
give their opinions and suggestions for change in management or other management
practices , The firm can get several suggestions and ideas from their workforce which the
organization can adopt for achieving its goals and objectives. Democratic leadership
empowers the employees to be creative and innovative to develop more profitable and
productive work process that can make the organization more efficient and successful

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(Todnem By, 2005). However, This leadership style requires some favorable conditions
that employee and team members must be knowledgeable, skilled and capable enough to
give effective suggestions. Sometimes, this leadership style delays in decision making
and implementation because there are more than one person are involved in leadership
style. Further, this leadership style is decentralized. Thereby, less qualified executives
cannot utilize this leadership style.
Further Part is in Appendix
However, it is recommended for Olaf Swantee to adopt democratic leadership style.
Democratic leadership style will be helpful in a successful takeover of BT. Since, democratic
leadership style involves the participation of all employees and team members, it will help in
motivating employees and increasing their morale (Long-Crowell, 2015). Democratic leadership
style ask for inputs from workforce in decision making process of organization. The workforce
can provide sufficient information with respect to firm's issues and conflicts and accordingly
employees can provide the suggestions to the leaders. Through these suggestions and opinions
the leaders of Olaf Swantee can create better action plan for upcoming take over of BT. Here, in
democratic leadership style the leaders involve their employees in decision making process.
Thereby, the workforce can easily accept the policies and decisions which is ranged by general
agreement (Müller and Turner, 2010). This leadership style in Olaf Swantee will motivate the
employees and lower down the resistance of new policies, rules and regulations which will
increase the process of implementing the ideas. Through democratic leadership style the Olaf
Swantee can increase its employees morale because of their suggestions and participation in
decision making process the employees will feel that they are liable for the success of
organization. Moreover, democratic leadership provides the opport\unity to utilize the
capabilities and knowledge of their workforce. However, it is recommended that Olaf Swantee
should adopt democratic leadership style for a successful takeover of BT (Eisenbeiss, van
Knippenberg and Boerner, 2008).
2. Change management models for the EE takeover of BT
There are several models for change management such as Kotter's 8 step change model
and Mckinsey 7S framework for reviewing organizations capabilities from different prospects.
These are as follows,
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Kotter's 8-Step Change model: The changes are constant in the organizations. Thereby the
workforce should be capable enough to be competent to these changes. The changed
management can be easily adopted in EE for takeover of BT with help of Kotter's 8 step change
model. These 8 steps of change are as follows.
1. Establish a sense of urgency: In the first step according to Kotter's change model Olaf
Swantee, chief executive of EE should develop a sense of urgency in employee's mind
that change is necessary for achieving the goals and objectives. Through this cited firm
can motivate its workforce for change.
2. Form a strong coalition: In second step, cited firm have to convince its employee that
change is necessary and the employee's should develop a powerful collaboration (Kotter,
2008). In establishing powerful coalition in employees EE would require strong
leadership and has to provide visible support to its team members. When the management
of EE will be successful in building powerful team. The employees will promote team
work around the need of urgency.
3. Create a vision for change: Further, when employees in EE start thinking about the
changes they can provide many ideas for managing takeover of BT. The management
should link these concepts to overall vision for which the change is happening (Dionne,
Illustration 1: Kotter's 8-step change model
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Yammarino, Atwater and Spangler, 2004). The clear vision will help the employees to
understand the need of change in organization.
4. Communicate the vision: After creating a vision the management should communicate
this vision in all team members. The vision should be communicated effectively between
employees of EE and they should have strong desire to work on this vision.
5. Remove obstacles: In continuation to following these steps, the firm can reach at the
effective place of the change process. The firm should put in place the structure for
change and continuously examine if there are any obstacles are coming in between
(Beerel, 2009). Removing these barriers can empower the employees of EE to execute
the vision.
6. Create short term win: Furthermore, The cited firm should create short term targets also
along with long term goals and objectives. When the employees achieve these short term
targets it will motivate them for achieve the long term objective of EE and it will also
help in managing takeover of BT.
7. Build on the change: The 7th step describes that employees should continuously develop
the change management. Each success in change management will provide the
opportunity to build what is correct and what can be improved (Herold, Fedor, Caldwell
and Liu, 2008). The firm can set the goals to continue the building on the strength EE
have achieved.
8. Incorporate the changes in corporate culture: At last, in this stage the firm should make
the changes stick to the organization (Rosete and Ciarrochi, 2005). This will help in
establishing powerful change management of BT takeover. For incorporating these
changes EE can discuss the progress with employees whenever they get the opportunities.
For instance, cited firm can tell its employees the success stories of the change process
and tell other success stories related with this. Moreover, the firm can also involve the
change idea and values at the time of recruiting and selecting new workforce (.
Mackinsey 7S framework:

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The Mckinsey's 7S model can be used for managing EE's takeover of BT. Through this
framework EE can improve the performance of its employees and identifies the positive effects
of changes within an organization (Long-Crowell, 2015). The Mckinsey's 7S model involves 7
Mutually beneficial factors for firm and employees. Which is as follows,
1. Strategies: The strategies defined as the plan which is formed to maintain and develop
competitive advantage of managing the change with BT takeover.
2. Structure: The structure defines the authorities and who reports to whom.
3. Systems: Further, this element describes the routine operations and functions of business
4. Shared Values: Shared values are also known as secondary goals of the firm. These are
the core values that EE evidence in the corporate culture and general work.
5. Style: The style depicts with the leadership style it has adopted to manage changes of BT
6. Staff: The staff is the workforce of organization. This also depicts that the remuneration
and how they can be attracted and retained in the firm with what capabilities (Todnem
By, 2005).
7. Skills: Skills are concerned with the competencies of the employees for working in the
organization and managing the change of BT takeover.
Illustration 2: Mckinsey 7S framework
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Further Part is in Appendix
However, the EE takeover of BT can be managed by applying these models in practices
of cited firm's operations. With the help of Kotter's 8 step of change management the firm is
making its workforce to improve their performances which will help the organization in takeover
of BT (Ngcobo and Tikly, 2010). Moreover, With support of these models the workforce of EE
has improved its performance and capable enough to achieve all short term and long term
objectives of the firm.
3. Managing resistance to change during the takeover and ethical recommendations
Resistance for change is the action taken by employees in the organization when they
realize that a change is occurring in the organization as a threat for them. The resistance to
change can be managed during the takeover of BT. It is recommended to EE that increase the
participation and involvement of all employees in decision making process. When workforce
will be involved in the change effort they will more capable to adopt the changes with regards to
BT takeover rather than resist the changes (Rosete and Ciarrochi, 2005). This participation and
involvement can be increased by effective leadership within the workforce. However, EE is
recommended to adopt democratic leadership style which encourage employees by involving
their opinions. Thus, by applying this strategy the firm can easily manage resistance to change
during the BT takeover. Furthermore, cited firm can also manage the resistance by providing
training and by establishing effective communication with the workforce. This is one of the best
recommended way to overcome resistance to change during the takeover of BT (Dionne,
Yammarino, Atwater and Spangler, 2004). The firm can provide the training to its workforce
about the change and communicating its advantages to the organization and individual
employee's career. Moreover, during the takeover of BT the firm should generate expected
factors of resistance and special plan of action to manage these resistances (Higgs and Rowland,
2005). This action plan of managing change should focus on all individual of team through their
own change process and by addressing the obstacles for successful change.
The indications of resistance are noticeable when some employee make complaints or not
attends the meetings, not provides the suitable information related to their work and if he does
not apply change in the behavior (Ensley, Hmieleski and Pearce, 2006). However, it is
recommended ethically that Olaf Swantee, chief executive of EE and other key people of EE
make their own efforts for more effectiveness in managing resistance to change during the
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takeover of BT by organizing meetings with employees and operating group. In these meetings
the firm can make discussions about the changes (Dionne, Yammarino, Atwater and Spangler,
2004). This can be initiated by shifting their attention from the reality of program, technical
details, work agreements etc. In these discussions the cited organization can inform their
workforce about the benefits of this takeover and how it will increase the profitability of the
organizations. Moreover, The firm can also make them aware that change management will help
the organization to achieve its short term and long term objectives and organizations growth will
be helpful in their career growth as well.
Further Part is in Appendix
Leadership plays significant role organizations for managing changes. The effectively
adopted leadership style in organization can also help in achieving organizations short term and
long term objective. Moreover, the proper leadership in organization will help the organizations
to motivate its workforce. Hence, it has been concluded in this report that through the effective
leadership the firms can manage the changes effectively. Further, this report helped in
understanding the change management models and how changes can be managed in
organizations. Also, the training and communication is very important in organization to manage
the resistance for change.

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Books and Journals
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1. Leadership styles that Olaf Swantee should adopt:
Transformational Leadership: In this style of leadership leader collaborate with team
members to identify the required change. By creating a vision to assist the change
through inspiration. This concept of leadership style is developed by McGregor.
According to him, transformational leadership is a process in which leader and team
members encourage each other for motivating and increasing the morale. Charismatic Leadership: furthermore, in this style of leadership leader gathers
followers through the personality and charm, instead of power and authority.
Situational leadership: Situational leadership is a style in which leader of the
organization adjust and his style for developing the level of followers whom the leader is
trying to influence. In this style of leadership leader may change the decisions as per the
situations but team members does not.
2.Change management models for the EE takeover of BT
Lewin model of change:
The Lewin's model of change includes three steps, these are as follows,
Illustration 3: Lewin's Model for change
Source:Planning and Executing Change Effectively, 2015.

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Unfreeze: In this step leaders and management of the organization ensures that
employees are ready for the changes by conducting surveys in the organization. Also, it
analyses the support from upper management through stakeholder analysis.
Change: In second step, change is executed by describing its benefits in front of
employees and by giving them explanation that how change is going to affect them. Refreeze: Furthermore, the changes made in the management are anchor in the
organization by identifying the support for change and barriers for sustaining the change.
3. Managing resistance to change during the takeover and ethical recommendations:
Further, The management of firm can collect feedback and opinions from employees that
why they are resisting change. Also, it will help in understanding employee adoption and
cooperation with new work operations. By evaluation of employee's feedback will help to
understand the gaps and manage the resistance that is incurring. Managing resistance to change
during the takeover of BT is ineffective when EE only focuses on the indication.
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